Company Type:

Channel Partners

Country: Libya

City: Tarabulus


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 Jraba street beside the Bushra Hospital, Tripoli

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Menshen Lda., founded in 2002, is an esteemed Angolan IT firm recognized for quality and innovation. It boasts Angola's longest-standing Microsoft Certified Partnership and has forged strong alliances with major tech players like Microsoft, Adobe, Kaspersky, and Veeam. Partnering with the First Technology Group, which employs over 500 Microsoft Certified Technicians, Menshen Lda. leverages a global network extending from South Africa to the U.S., England, and Kenya. This enables the company to integrate local insights with international advancements, enhancing service delivery. Menshen serves a broad client base, offering licensing and technical services and continually raising the bar in Angola’s IT industry.

We are a Microsoft Certified Gold Partner & VMware Enterprise Partner. We strive to provide a service of the highest quality in the Angolan Market.