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Jestesmy uznanym, autoryzowanym partnerem najwiekszych korporacji informatycznych na swiecie. Nasze zadanie to nie tylko wdrozenia nowoczesnych rozwiazan informatycznych. Proponujemy znacznie wiecej. Potrzebujesz porady? Jestesmy do Twojej dyspozycji.

Ciril, l'éditeur de solutions, systèmes d'information et portails web dédiés aux acteurs publics français | Finances publiques - Ressources Humaines - Services techniques - Services à la population

Éditeur de logiciels multisectoriel et international. Multi-sector international software publisher.

Hai ricevuto la lettera invito con il codice personale ? Attivalo subito su http://lafinedixp.eventbrite.it ed ottieni la tua verifica tecnica gratuita !

GSNET è un’azienda capace di supportare i clienti con progettazione, creatività ed esperienza, attraverso l’utilizzo delle Emerging Technologies, per la realizzazione delle migliori soluzioni ICT, trasformando innovazione ed eccell...

Gruppo Euris fornisce soluzioni e servizi ad alto valore aggiunto che aiutano il Cliente ad accrescere il proprio valore ottimizzando e migliorando i propri processi di business.

Operiamo dal 1993 per prenderci cura dell’infrastruttura informatica. Oggi GCI si presenta con un’offerta a 360 gradi per l’infrastruttura informatica.

Soluzioni IT Enterprise e Digital Transformation per aumentare l'efficienza, abbassare i costi di gestione, migliorare tutti i processi di business della tua Azienda.

Ermancomputer si pone l?obbiettivo di studiare e concretizzare l?avvio completo di uffici, enti pubblici, negozi, scuole, apparati privati ed aziendali, scuole di formazione informatica, ecc. al fine di dare loro la possibilità di lavorare in completa ...

The right partner to securely enable Digital Transformation with a holistic vision of IT Security, OT Security and Asset Management. With more than 300 specialists and for over 10 years we have been managing End-to-End Cybersecurity projects in more th...

Nulla facilisi. Nullam suscipit, risus et ullamcorper posuere, eros tellus blandit mauris, id efficitur ligula tellus sit amet ex. Sed suscipit rutrum faucibus. Proin ultricies sodales lacinia. Duis vestibulum porta orci, in pulvinar odio laoreet at. D...

Brennercom offre alle imprese servizi ICT e di Telecomunicazioni. Scopri i suoi servizi in Cloud, per la sicurezza e per le comunicazioni aziendali.

Il team di esperti certificati messo a disposizione da Partech, unisce competenza, esperienza e forte attitudine al problem solving, garantendo rapida soluzione alle problematiche che necessitano di assistenza sistemistica qualificata. Realizziam...

Cuelebre is a technology consulting and services company. We help organizations build innovative products and solutions using big data and analytics on the cloud and on-premis.We provide the best-in-class solutions and services that leverage big data and continually exceed client expectations. Our deep vertical knowledge combined with expertise on multiple, enterprise-grade big data platforms helps support purpose-built solutions to meet our client’s business needs.Our team consists of experienced professionals, with backgrounds in design, software engineering, analytics, and data science. Each member of our team is highly energetic and committed to helping our clients achieve Business needs.

Your trusted source in IT Support and pioneered IT services, consistently delivering business value with the latest technology.

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We build, service and secure IT infrastructures based on best practise solutions in Denmark, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and Sweden. Discover more here.

Managed IT Security Services. We deliver robust managed security services and telecommunications solutions to our clients throughout Ireland. We offer multiple services and solutions amoung which are IT security Services, Data Protection, IT and commun...

A PANOR INFORMATIKA ZRT. profilja a hálózati és IT security megoldások kidolgozása üzleti ügyfelek, kis- és nagyvállalatok, állami szereplok számára.

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of kancellar

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Cégünk azzal a céllal alakult, hogy biztosítsa Ügyfelei számára a biztonságos kommunikációs csatornákat, és megfelelo védelmet nyújtson a modern kori fenyegetettségek ellen. Az értéket, melyet információink hordoznak, prioritásuknak megfeleloen kell óv...

Die TRADING.POINT GmbH ist ein innovatives und expandierendes IT-Systemhaus mit Firmensitz in Bielefeld. Wir entwickeln tragfähige und zukunftsorientierte IT-Konzepte und setzen sie gemeinsam mit Ihnen um - individuell, kompetent und kostenorientier...

Routerwerk bietet jederzeit und von überall sicheren Zugriff auf die eigenen Daten und Steuerungen - für Privat- und Gewerbezwecke.

Die noris network AG übernimmt für Kunden einzelne IT-Services (Outtasking) oder den Betrieb der kompletten IT (Outsourcing). Technologische Basis ist eine leistungsfähige IT-Infrastruktur mit noris network-eigenen Rechenzentren.

Wir entwerfen eine Gesamtstrategie, um dann die Lösungen zu empfehlen, die Ihr Unternehmen am besten unterstützen und es auch für zukünftige Entwicklungen technisch fit machen. Unser Team profitiert bei der Umsetzung seiner Lösungen von langjährigen Er...

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Als Spezialist für IT-Sicherheit haben wir unsere Leidenschaft für Technik, Innovationen und elektronische Systeme zu unserer Berufung gemacht. Professionelle IT-Sicherheit von Sophos im UTMshop Über unseren UTM-Shop beraten, verkaufen, betreuen und ko...

Die ip&more GmbH ist ein Internet-Full-Service-Dienstleister und Consultant und bietet eine maßgeschneiderte Gestaltung von Internetdiensten im B2B-Segment. Unter anderem bieten wir Standleitungen, Server-Housing und -Betreuung, Security, Telekommunika...

Grey Monarch are a specialist SAP consultancy company with expert knowledge of SAP Security, Licence Management and Business Process Automation.

Web development company Bangkok, software development, AWS & Hubspot partner located in Thailand ready to solve your IT challenges.

DNG Technology is a leading website design, software development and IT consulting business based in Adelaide, Australia.

Distribución de Sofware: AVG, Retrospect, Sketchup, Vray para todo Latinoamérica.

Fully managed cloud service offering enterprise-level protection to small and medium-sized companies.

Polska chmura dla firm oraz uslugi z zakresu outsourcingu IT. Projekty cloudowe, kolokacje IT, wlasne osrodki data center w Polsce. Sprawdz, co wyróznia Polcom!

EXATEL to cyberbezpieczenstwo i telekomunikacja dla biznesu. Od ponad 20 lat dostarczamy stabilne i bezpieczne uslugi dla operatorów, biznesu i sektora publicznego.

Sentia.com: for mission-critical IT outsourcing. Private and public cloud solutions and technical application management for the most demanding organizations.

Expleo is a trusted partner for end-to-end, integrated engineering, quality services and management consulting for digital transformation.

Optimize your energy. We provide energy management solutions to large companies & utility intensive industries.

M.G.M Solutions est une société de services et d'ingénierie en informatique qui a fait de la relation client son principal leitmotiv. Créée en 2013 par 3

Solutions hébergées, cloud computing, sauvegarde externalisée, infogérance et supervision, Seven I.T. est une société de services basée à Lyon (69) permettant à ses clients de lui déléguer tout ou partie de la gestion de leurs infrastructures informati...

Ava6, votre société informatique à Paris et Lyon, des services et stratégies IT pour toutes les entreprises : protection de données, cloud, logiciel.

LAYER est basé à Auxerre (Yonne). Nos 30 collaborateurs proposent des offres en informatique adaptées aux PME, collectivités et grands groupes

Des services qui marquent la différence Nous couvrons l’intégralité de vos besoins professionnels dans les domaines de la gestion de vos systèmes informatiques et des télécommunications. Service informatique externalisé Confiez-nous ...

Le Groupe ASTEN est le partenaire informatique Cloud et ERP privilégié des entreprises en Bretagne, Pays de la Loire et Normandie

GESTISOFT : Votre logiciel avocat sur-mesure. Découvrez nos solutions pour cabinets d'avocats partout en France. Personnalisable, évolutif, intuitif, ...

Avec ses différentes entités – Artemys, Artemys Normandie, Arcatem et Amontech -, le groupe Artemys vous accompagne dans la gestion et l’évolution de vos Systèmes d’Information. Partenaire, pour certains historiques, de clients Grands Comptes, le group...

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