BMM Consulting

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Country: Croatia

City: Zagreb


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Test Triangle is a Gold ITSM solutions partner of ATLASSIAN and also provides FRESHWORKS solutions , adding up to the portfolio AWS partner and Software Testing. Test Triangle is an emerging IT service provider specializing in application testing, DevOps, RPA, Custom software development, mobile app development, Atlassian consultancy, niche IT staff augmentation and training in advanced technologies. Possessing strong experience in different industry verticals such as Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Retail, IT & Education, Test Triangle has developed a unique approach to provide better value to the clients.

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HCC - Consulting - ALBANIA (Shqipëria) Business- / Process- / SAP® & ERP Consulting Our Branches: Energy / Retail / Banking / Logistics / TELCOWe integrate and optimize your Business and make the Integration into your ERP Landscape! / Ne integrojmë dhe optimizojmë Biznesin tuaj dhe e bëjmë Integrimin në Peisazhin tuaj ERP!HCC®/SM-Consulting-ALBANIA (FIZIK) Business- / Process-/ Strategy Consulting CEO M. Hugenbruch NUIS M22219003F City 1001 Tiranë Tel.: +355-5683565051 Mobil:+49163-4017380 E-Mail: WEB:

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