Biznes Innovation

Company Type:

Channel Partners

Country: Poland

City: Warszawa


Biznes Innovation is a consultancy company focused on cloud IP communications, providing enterprises with required solutions and associated consultancy, implementation and support services.

We deliver virtual enterprise voice VoIP solutions with operator services anywhere in EU.

We deliver cloud omni-channel contact center solutions.

We deliver operator connectivity, telephone numbers and portability anywhere in EU and also worldwide.

We deliver direct routing connectivity and associated solutions and services for telephony with Microsoft Teams

We are a partner and local distributor for Cloudya communications services from NFON A.G. operating in Poland.


Products in city: Warszawa

Products in city: Warszawa (Translated pages)

Products in country: Poland (Translated pages)


High Tech & Communications

Market Specialization:

Small office - home office: SOHO (B2B)
Small & mid-sized businesses (B2B)
Enterprise (B2B)

Partner Program available for:

Value Added Reseller (VAR)

Contact Details:

Geodetów 13, 05-270 Marki

+ 48 - +48(22)2464000

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