Company Type:

Channel Partners

Country: Turkey

City: Ankara


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Contact Details:

Ankara, Ankara, TR, Ankara, Ankara

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Business Profile of TOTAL Bilisim Ltd. Sti. An kara Turkey Company History Beyond over 30 years, we are providing solutions to our clients in the area of information technologies. Educational sector institutions are at the forefront of our customer base. Despite of closely monitoring the science and technology of the academic world has been challenging, it was exciting and instructive for us at the same time. Our journey starting with hardware in the field of education technologies has turned into a total solution with the rise of the software. Our contacts and work with the secondary education institutions and the Ministry of National Education have enabled us to have a wide perspective in the field of Educational Technologies. With our experience, we know how to provide the foreign companies demonstrate flexibility according to specific market dynamics in Turkey. In other words, we can ensure that the global approaches act in concert with local nuances. We are we ...

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We're developing custom softwares for our customers. It inclues desktop, web and mobile apps. We started as a r&d company but now, we're providing a lot of services to our customers. We would like to open our e-commerce web site as soon as possible. Trying softwares and collecting them to sell.

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30 yila varan tecrübesiyle, DorukNet'in güçlü altyapisi ve kapsamli çözümlerine uygun maliyetlerle sahip olun.

We provide specialized applications to businesses all over the world. We work with entrepreneurs, executives, and business users to create innovative technology solutions that solve today's business problems. On the Zoho Platform, we assist you in achieving your business objectives (Zoho One, Zoho CRM, Zoho Creator, Zoho Books). ---- Tüm dünyadaki isletmelere özel uygulamalar sunuyoruz. Günümüzün is sorunlarini çözen yenilikçi teknoloji çözümleri olusturmak için girisimciler, yöneticiler ve is kullanicilari ile birlikte çalisiyoruz. Zoho Platformunda, is gereksinimlerinizi karsilamaniza yardimci oluyoruz (Zoho One, Zoho CRM, Zoho Creator, Zoho Books).

120 Teknik uzman ekibi ile her türlü sektöre hizmet veren, basta sistem yönetimi ve internet güvenligi olmak üzere, isletmenin her türlü IT hizmet, donanim ve lisans ihtiyacini karsilayan bir firmayiz. We are a company that serves all kinds of sectors with a team of 120 technical experts and meets all kinds of IT services, hardware and license needs of the enterprise, especially system management and Internet security.

Türkiye'nin En Iyi SAP Business One Is Ortagi. SAP Business One ERP Çözümü ile Küçük ve Orta Boy Isletmenizi Dünya Standartlarina Tasiyin. Detayli Bilgi Almak Için Web Sitemizi Ziyaret Edin.

17 Yillik Tecrübe ile Kurumsal Sirketinize 2019 Yilinda Zirveyi Garantileyin; Ilk Sayfa