Wahdat BIT is a leading private electronics and information technology enterprise engaged in the supply and sale of high-quality electronics and information technology equipment and accessories throughout Afghanistan. Wahdat BiT was established in 2018 and registered with the Ministry of Information Technology of the Government of Afghanistan’s Afghanistan Telecommunications Regulations Authority (MoCIT - ATRA) and the Ministry of Commerce and Industries (MoCI) in response to the growing need in electronics and IT equipment and services. The company headquartered is in Kabul with representatives in most of the provinces focused on providing ICT equipment supply and technical support. Wahdat BIT has served clients to include national and international organizations and private companies across the country. The company’s major clients have been the government sector, NGO, and private sector. It has successfully conducted business to include the sale of ICT equipment and ICT technical services to above sectors.
Wahdat BIT believes that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a growing sector as Afghanistan is taking steps to transition to a technology-based society. ICT not only enables its own growth but it also significantly enables and supports the growth of e-governance, private sector innovation, banking and financial transactions, e-markets, etc. ICT is the foundational infrastructure that will help the government of Afghanistan provide better services to its citizens, streamline inter-ministerial information sharing and tracking, and efficiently assess security and threats to its citizens and critical infrastructures among others.