Inoteska sro

Company Type:

Channel Partners

Country: Slovakia

City: Poprad


Telecom manufacturer providing communication solutions to meet specific customer requirements! VoIP Media ISDN PRI BRI E1 BRI FXS FXO E&M GSM Trunking Gateways PBX, multiplexers, converters,etc.



Market Specialization:

Consumers (B2C)Enterprise (B2B)
Small office - home office: SOHO (B2B)
Small & mid-sized businesses (B2B)

Partner Program available for:

White LabelDistributorManaged Service Provider
ResellerAPI Program (Developers)
Value Added Reseller (VAR)System Integrator

Contact Details:

Podturen-Roven 221, 033 01 Liptovsky Hradok

+ 421 -

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