
Company Type:


Country: Greece


Comidor is an online business collaboration platform based on cloud technology offering a vast amount of tools to facilitate not only collaboration but also project management, CRM, Finance and Business Intelligence.

For more information visit where you can try also our demo version.

Partner Program Description:

Comidor offers applications that boost communication (internal, but also with partners, clients and vendors), improving the design and project management (from small projects to more complex and long-term) and developing customer relationships. Furthermore, it offers business intelligence, finance and document management tools.

Comidor applications are:

- Collaboration

E-mail, Calendar, Organizational Chart, Chat, Video Calls, Activity Wall, Wiki-pages, Personal

Profile, Contacts, Accounts

- Document Management System

Sharing, Lock, Versioning, Reviews, Embedded Document view, Dropbox connection

-Task Assignment

Tasks, Events, Topics, Issues, Workflows

- Project Management

Gannt Charts, Scheduling, Resources, Resources Cost, Deliverables, Comidor “ECHO” Model

- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Opportunities, Products Catalog, Campaigns, Funnel Charts

- Financials

Income, Expenses, Budgeting, Cash Flows, Reviews

- Business Intelligence

Reviews, Advanced Filters, Query Designer, Graphs (Line, Pie, Geo)

- Full integration with :

MS Office, Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Maps, PDF, EDIs,

Web Services

All the above applications create a powerful tool for every business (small, small-medium, big) who wants to organize and improve its procedures. Comidor has been fully implemented in construction and energy companies, retail companies, communication and technology, financial and consulting companies, public sector, academic institutions, businesses that belong to the health factor etc.

Comidor is available online in very competitive prices, it is extensible and easily customizable according to your company needs (e.g. it can be locally implemented OnPremise).

Contact Details:

Laskaratou 11A

+ 30 - 2310402522