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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Instalacija, održavanje i servisiranje informatickih sistema te prodaja i veleprodaja informaticke opreme su primarne djelatnosti. Kontaktirajte nas za više informacija ili nas posjetite na adresi Mustafe Kamerica 7, Sarajevo. Dell asortiman je naš pri...

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Servis i prodaja racunara i racunarske opreme ,TV I satelitske opreme , fiskalni sistemi , sve na jednom mjestu

Bosnia and Herzegovina

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Masta Agency

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sistem integrator i predvodnik u stvaranju i implementaciji inovativnih enterprise rješenja. Povezujemo poslove, tehnologije i ljude u digitalno društvo.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of DISTI doo

Bosnia and Herzegovina

BS Telecom Solutions d.o.o je firma osnovana 2002. godine i na tržištu je prisutna kao proizvodac, isporucilac i integrator kompletnih telekomunikacijskih i informacijskih sistema, koji se zasnivaju na modernim tehnologijama i vlastitim tehnološkim ist...

Bosnia and Herzegovina

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of B-ONE Solutions

Bosnia and Herzegovina

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of EngineX

Working with clients from multiple industries, we pride ourselves on our customer care and technical knowledge. We are here to make your life easier! Founded in 2016, we’re a group of expert digital marketers who became disillusioned with the lack ...

Kreativna agencija sa kompletnom uslugom. Nasi radovi predstavljaju licnost, pricu iza brenda i podstice korisnike na akciju. Graficki dizajn, WEB dizajn, marketing...

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo Dizajn (Sarajevo Design), multimedijalna agencija za web i graficki dizajn, SEO, kreacije promotivnih materijala, programiranje, hosting i domene.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Orbicode is a software development studio making software, websites and apps

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mi smo digitalna agencija specijalizirana za izradu web stranica, web shopova i rast brendova. Kreiramo jedinstavene i unikatne web stranice.

ALEM Sistem is a renowned Bosnian-Herzegovinian software engineering company. Our core business tasks include the information system implementation, business solutions that ensure the preservation of business profitability and systems for environmental...

Award-winning IT Company for Cloud, Software Development, and System Integrations in Southeastern Europe. Digitally mature company with an entrepreneur mindset. QSS provides innovative products that empower companies to accelerate their digital transf...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Results Consulting

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of SoftMatic Consulting

Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Dobrodošli u NextVision, Vaša vizija, naša misija

Bosnia and Herzegovina

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of COMP-2000

Bosnia and Herzegovina

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of CORE

Bosnia and Herzegovina

ASBIS je ovlašteni distributer najznacajnijih svjetskih proizvodaca kao što su Lenovo, Dell/Dell EMC, Philips, Apple, IBM, TP-Link, Logitech. Više

Bosnia and Herzegovina

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of BHSinformatika

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Logosoft d.o.o. je Internet servis provajder, telekomunikacijski provajder, VMNO i sistem integrator sa sjedištem u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina. Nudimo triple-play usluge za krajnje korisnike (xDSL, HD IPTV i VoIP), usluge mobilne telefonije i integr...

Bosnia and Herzegovina

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Online Akademija

Bosnia and Herzegovina

SYS Company d.o.o. je autorizirani distributer: Cisco Systems, Microsoft, DellEMC, Dahua Technology, Rittal, Honeywell, Infosec. Sarajevo, BiH

Bosnia and Herzegovina

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of BBS

Usluge koje nudimo su: Projektovanje racunarskih, telekomunikacionih i sigurnosnih sistema Razvoj i prilagodba poslovnih aplikacija Profesionalne usluge Tehnicka podrška i održavanje Savjetovanje (konsalting) Vodenje i koordinacija projekata E...

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Primjenjujuci vlastita bazicna i iskustvena znanja u oblasti informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija (IKT),te insistirajuci na kvalitetu u svim segmentima svog djelovanja, PING je zauzeo poziciju jednog od vodecih preduzeca u IKT industriji u Bosni ...

Bosnia and Herzegovina

All-in-one digital command center designed specifically to manage ISO 27001:2013 and ISO 9001:2015, sections 4-10 auditable requirements and all applicable GRC compliance requirements (legal / regulatory and contractual). Its fast, flexible and affordable for any size organization.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

We are a team of creative professionals and designers who are dedicated to eLearning design, graphics, websites and educational solutions. We have the will, skills and commitment to help our customers to stand out from the crowd of other organizations ...

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