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Data Communication Systems | Integrated Entersoft ERP | CRM | e-Commerce Solutions & Digital Marketing Innovative Technologies for enterprises

Cosmos Business Systems is one of the main Systems Integrator in Information Technology and Telecommunications in Greek and Cypriot market. Cosmos collaborates directly with IBM, HPE, HP Inc., Dell Technologies, Lenovo, Cisco, Avaya, Huawei, Microsoft, Oracle & VMware, Snow and Think Cell. The company’s objective is to offer integrated Turn-Key Solutions in IT Infrastructure, Telecommunications, Services, Software and Consulting to Industrial and Commercial Markets and to Business Professionals – focusing mainly on the middle and large corporations of the Private Sector, Public Sector, Banking and Telecoms.Cosmos Business Systems has 220 employees and in 2021 reached 45€ mil revenue.The group consists of the mother company Cosmos Business Systems S.A., and two (100% owned) subsidiaries, Cosmos Consulting S.A. and CBS IT (Cyprus) LTD.Cosmos is located in Athens, Thessaloniki and in Nicosia (Cyprus).Cosmos Business Systems S.A distributes all activities in five Strat ...

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας SKOUTA GROUP

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Oraqom

???ef????? ???t?a, ???t?a, asf??e?a (Firewall) Cloud & on Premise. ? ?p?st????? µet? t?? p???s? e??a? ? ????? p?? e??s??e? t?? a???p?st?a µa?.

?p?ta???ete t?? a??pt??? t?? ep??e???s?? sa? ?a? e??s??ste t?? ap?te?esµat???t?ta ap? t?? p??t? µ??a se s??e??as?a µe t?? Arebas

? infoLib e??a? µ?a s??????? eta???a p????f?????? µe µa??? p???p??es?a st? ????. ??µ?????????e p???e?µ???? ?a ste??se? ep??e???µat??? t?? ????? p??sp??e?a µ?a? ?µpe???? ?a? ?s????? ?µ?da? s?µß?????, a?a??t??, e?pa?de?t??, µ??a????? a??pt???? ????sµ???? ?a

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Account Systems

? SMARTCOM ????? ???????? ?????F?????S, ??????????? S??? ??????? ??G?S????? ??? ?????? ?????S?O? G?? ????????S??S. ??G?S???? G?? ????????S??S ?? ??????????? ?????????? ???????G??S S? ??? ?? ???????? ??S. ERP, CRM, Retail, Mobile, E-Commerce & B.I...

smartTREE. ?ta??e?a S?µß????? ?????f??????. ?a?????µe ???p?e? ??se?? st??? t?µe?? t?? µ??a?????f?s??, t?? ep??e???µat???? st?at?????? ?a? t?? online ep??e???µat???t?ta?

? M Support – ?paµp? ?a?????a ?d?????e t? 1993 ?a? pa???e? ????????µ??e? ??se?? µ??a?????f?s?? µ????µesa??? ep??e???se?? µe s???pe?a ?a? a???p?st?a.

? ?ta??e?a Multifunction d?ast????p??e?ta? st?? ???? t?? p????f??????, pa?????ta? ????????µ??e? ??se??, s?ed?asµ??e? ß?se? t?? e?at?µ??e?µ???? a?a???? t?? pe??t? p?? s??d?????? a???p?sta p?????ta ?a? e?e?d??e?µ??e? ?p??es?e?.

? MICROQUEST ?d?????e t?? Feß??????? t?? 1992 µe s??p? t?? a??pt??? ????????µ???? ?a? e?e?d??e?µ???? ??se?? ?a? t?? p??sf??? p???t???? ?p??es??? ?a? p?????t?? p????f??????. ??a???? st???? t?? ?ta???a? ap?te?e? ? p????? a?t????? ?a? ?ata???s? µe eµp????...

????? ????S?? ? IT Pro Services, ste?e???eta? ap? ????? a????p???, epa??e?µat?e? µe p???et? eµpe???a st? t?µ?a t?? p????f??????, p?st?p???µ????? st? a?t??e?µe?? t???, ?? ?p???? ????? ???p???se? ep?t???µ??a de??de? ???a p????f??????. ?e??ss?te?a ...

? ???????? ??S ? eta??e?a µa? d?ast????p??e?ta? st? ???? t?? µ??a?????f?s?? ?a? t?? p????f??????, a?a?aµß????ta? t?? p???? ?p?st????? eta??e??? a?e???t?ta ap? t? µ??e??? t???. St???? µa? e??a? ?a a?apt?ss??µe s??se?? eµp?st?s???? µe t??? pe??te?...

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Docusys AE

? Dream Solutions p??sf??e? µ??a?????f?s? ep??e???se?? µe efa?µ???? Soft1 (?µp?????, ????st???, ??s??d?s?a, ??a????, CRM, ERP, Cloud)

Εταιρεία παροχής ολοκληρωμένων λύσεων στον τομέα της πληροφορικής, εμπορίας εξοπλισμού πληροφορικής και τηλεπικοινωνιών, παροχής υπηρεσιών εγκατάστασης, συντήρησης και εκπαίδευσης, συμβουλευτικών και μελετητικών υπηρεσιών.

?e?µ????µ??? te????????? ?a??d???s? ??a t? ße?t??s? t?? pa?a??????t?ta? t?? eta??e?a? sa? ?a? t?? ep?te??? t?? ep??e???s?a??? sa? st????.

?ta???a ?????f?????? ?????? te???????a? µe e?e?d??e?s? st?? ?p?st????? Microsoft ?e????????? (Servers, Cloud, Emails) UNISOFT ATLANTIS ERP ???µ??e?a ?a? ?p?st????? HEWLETT PACKARD SERVERS ?a? HARDWARE (notebooks printers PCs) . HP ?a? Hpe PREFFERE...

? AdCon e??a? ep? se??? et?? ? µe?a??te?? eta??e?a ???p???s?? ?????f???a??? S?st?µ?t?? ERP st?? ????da. ?? pe?at?????? µa? a???µe? ????e? & p???? e??atast?se?? ?p??e???s?a??? ????sµ???? µe p?????ta t?? ?µ???? Softone (???????e?a ??????t?? Softone & Atl...

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Day-One

Omnis Infrastructure Management services confront the shortage of IT professionals, reduce IT costs and increase IT security of difital infrastructures

? 1? & µe?a??te?? st?? ????t?s? ?ed?µ???? ap? s??????? d?s????, USB, ????t?, servers µe >95% ep?t???a - ap? t? 1995 µa?? sa?.

We are a technology company located in Athens, founded in 2000. We have a wide pool of technical skills and a flexible approach to each project.

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας DCS Information Technology Consultants

MTI Systems global company for systems integration in the Storage and Data management field of IT. Storing, protecting, archiving and backing up your data is going to become an even more important, complicated and challenging task for companies, small ...

Our company's structure is based on a modern and flexible model ensuring adaptation in running developments but also in continuous requirements and needs of our clients. Our experienced, specialized and certified staff, insure our reliability and corro...

S?µe?a ? ep????? µ?a? ep??e???s?? ?a epe?d?se? se ??a ????????µ??? p????f???a?? s?st?µa a???p???s?? ep??e???s?a??? p???? E.R.P ap?te?e? ??µß??? s?µe?? st?? pe?a?t??? p??e?a ?a? e?????? t?? . ?e ß?s? a?t? d?µ??????saµe ??a pa?a?????? p????aµµa ERP ?a...

? Uni Systems, ?d???e?sa t? 1964 ?a? s?µe?a µ???? t?? ?µ???? Quest, s???ata???eta? st?? p???? a???p?ste? eta??e?e? pa????? ????????µ???? ??se?? ?a? ?p??es??? ??? t?? e???te??? ?? ?a? ?e?t????? ????p??, ap?te???ta? st?at????? eta??? ??ape????? ?a? ???µa...

??e???? ?a? ep?s?e??? Hardware ?a? Software, Antivirus, ??t???afa ?sfa?e?a?, a???t?s? ded?µ????, s?µß???e?t???, web ?p??es?e? ?a? Digital Marketing.

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Cyber Noesis

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Empedus

We provide the best VoIP Telephony, network security and business continuity solutions with deep technical knowledge and products with the best prices, highest quality & technical support.

? IP Partners e??a? µ?a eta???a p????f?????? µe ?d?a t?? Tessa?????? p?? e??p??ete? ep??e???se?? t?? ?d??t???? t?µ?a ?a??? ?a? ???a??sµ??? t?? d?µ?s???.

? Digital S??? ?d?????e t? 1988 µe a?t??e?µe?? t?? d?as??des? ap?µa???sµ???? d??t??? µ?s? Modem ?a? ????p?e?t??. S?µe?a ep??e?t???eta? st? d?a??µ? p?????t?? ?a? ??se?? ??a ep??e???se??. ? p???s? ???eta? µ?s? e???s??d?t?µ???? s??e??at?? ?a? pe???aµß??...

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας ACCUTECH

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας DTI Solutions

SYSCOM S.A. is a Greek company, with headquarters in Athens-Greece and subsidiaries in Cyprus, Romania & UAE, which successfully incorporates new technological trends, providing a complete spectrum of advanced products, integrated solutions and sophist...

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας IntelliSolutions

??ast????p????µaste ap? t? 1982 a?a?aµß????ta? ???a p????f??????. ?? ??se?? µa? s?ed?????ta? ???s?µ?p????ta? te?e?ta?e? te???????e? ap? t??? ???te? t?? a?????.

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Dienekis Information Systems

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας ADAPTIT

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας QWise

A Value Added Distributor covering the markets of Greece, Cyprus & Malta. Offering high-end solution products for e-business.

?ta??e?a ??e?t??????? ?p?????st?? & t??ep????????a??? s?st?µ?t?? st?? ?a?????a.

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Algosystems

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας DATAPLEX

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας SPIRIT Hellas

The most trusted provider of Compliance Services, Managed Security Services, Trainings & Security Awareness Seminars, to enterprise customers in Greece & Cyprus

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Eyeonix

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Aspida is a unique risk management organisation that provides fast and efficient solutions to complex situations and high risk environments. -Maritime & Energy Security -Cyber Security -Land Operations -Underwater Services -Refugee SAR and Assis...

Pronet is an independent network security partner. We provide you with technical advice, service and support when to Centralize, Virtualize, or Protect systems and data in your organization

???t?a ??e?t??????? ?p?????st??, server virtualization, network security, VPN, WiFi Networks, DLP, ?e????? ?p?st????? ???t???, Service ?p?????st?? & pe??fe?????, S?µß?se?? te?????? ?p?st??????, ?p?µa???sµ??? ?p?st?????, pc service, Remote assista...

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Pylones

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Netbull

Established in 1998, ADACOM is a leading Cyber Security Integrator and Enterprise Software Vendor in the area of Customer Communications Management and provides solutions mainly to large corporations in EMEA such as Financial Institutions, Telecom comp...

Space Hellas is a leading system integrator and value-added solution and service provider in the areas of ICT and Security for the enterprise, government and defense sectors

? ep?s?µ? se??da t?? InTTrust st? Twitter.???ete p??t?? ??a t?? ??e? ?p??es?e?, e?d???se??, s??e??as?e?, ta ??a µa? ?a? t?? e?e???e?? st?? ???? t?? ?e???????a?.

Printec is leading the automated transactions eco-system in Central and Southeastern Europe, offering products & services as end-to-end solutions

Welcome to ONEX S.A Technology Solutions Group's website: Ask for our support in the wide range of our Team's expertise fields inside.

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Smart NS

Δες τις υπηρεσίες, προϊόντα και συνεργάτες της εταιρείας Analytical View

Nimaworks: Proud Atlassian Solution Partner - Sophos Silver Partner - Web Dev. & Network Solution. Contact us!

We are a premier Independent Software Vendor, offering an exceptional level of service and insightful enterprise-level software solutions.

T&K Computer Organizer Ltd. is a software security solutions oriented team of IT professionals providing security products, services, and expertise.

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