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All our features are completely free for channel partners without limitations.
Elioplus is a leading provider of partner recruitment and management solutions that assist IT software companies to expand their partner network.
Find in the list below the best Managed Service Providers (MSPs), IT companies and agencies that are currently on our platform to help you with new product implementation, monitoring, support services and training for your software & hardware applications in Bucuresti
JLG Consulting is a Bucharest-based software company specializing in Air Traffic Control automation and software development, offering expertise in airspace design, ATM systems, and aviation safety analysis.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Aviation Management International
ProcessIT, a customer-focused business, delivers tailored IT services with skill, seriousness, and innovation. Embracing challenges, the team ensures no request is dismissed, maintaining a close, friendly relationship with clients. Rooted in IT expertise and a passion for excellence, they strive for alternative solutions, fostering trust and lasting connections. Your trusted partner for innovative software solutions where challenges become opportunities.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Matteale Consulting
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of DOTRO
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Mikon Systems
Omniconvert Explore is a tool that combines A/B testing, on-site surveys, personalized interactions, and reporting to help improve conversion rates and online sales. It also provides an advanced segmentation engine with over 40 parameters and segmentation criteria, including geolocation, conversions, behavior, UTM parameters, and traffic source. This allows users to create actionable insights about their customers.
LocalDisti este o companie specializata in distribu?ia de solu?ii IT fiabile ?i de înaltacalitate pentru clien?i de toate dimensiunile, de la IMM-uri la clien?i corporate. Scopul nostru este de a oferi partenerilor no?tri tehnologii de ultimagenera?ie care saîi ajute pe clien?i saî?i sporeascaeficien?a muncii ?i saîmbunata?eascaproductivitatea afacerii.Oferim o gama larga de software de la furnizori de înalta reputa?ie, exper?ii no?tri fiind gata sa va ajute sa alege?i cea mai potrivita solu?ie pentru clien?iidumneavoastra!
Xsure LTD is a company rooted in the UK, having an accelerated evolution in the outsourcing industry starting in 2006.With tried-and-tested expertise that spans over a decade, XSURE is a software development company that focuses on delivering enterprise tailored solutions with the aid of innovative technologies.Our mission is to solve business challenges with innovative technology solutions, by enabling access of talented developers to worldwide industries.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Teaha Management Consulting
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Soft Galaxy
Supraveghere si videointerfoane - oferta importator, preturi de distribuitor - de la alarme la camere de supraveghere, de la dvr-uri la monitoare CCTV
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Prodigy Software
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Helinick SRL
AVITECH este unul dintre cei mai importanti contractori de curenti slabi si integratori de sisteme in domeniile Securitate, Siguranta, BMS.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Romservice Telecomunicatii
Sisteme complexe de securitate. Transformam nevoile si cerintele clientilor nostri in sisteme inedite si performante. Indrazneste sa ne provoci!
Echipa Verasys este specializata in furnizarea de solutii IT&C si servicii de consultanta pentru clientii din sectorul privat si public
Htss offers you a series of software solutions for your medical and healthcare business (pharmacies, pharma distribution, medical clinics and hospitals, family doctors or specialists). We offer the best IT&C solutions with the help of our partners.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Channel Advisors
Furnizam pe pia?a Europei Centrale ?i de Est solu?ii tehnice inovatoare în domeniul sistemelor electronice de securitate, siguran?a ?i automatizari, fiind o echipa cu viziunea succesului.
Liderul pie?ei de distribu?ie electro-IT din România. Din 2002, ne dezvoltam ?i ne reinventam pentru a fi prima op?iune a partenerilor no?tri de business
Suntem o companie dinamica ?i inovativa, care beneficiaza de o experien?a îndelungata a unor speciali?ti în domeniul sistemelor de securitate.
FINE ACCOUNTING este o companie specializata în servicii de contabilitate, raportare ?i audit financiar, salarizare ?i resurse umane.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Expertissa Timisoara
Integrator sisteme & solutii IT complexe în nordul României; echipa cu speciali?ti autoriza?i direct de producatorii: Dell, Lenovo, Fortinet, IBM, Cisco, HP, Veeam, Fujitsu, Microsoft; consultan?a specializata, securitate IT, proiectare ?i implementare...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of IXODRON
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Avangardis
Sisteme de supraveghere. Camere Supraveghere, Sisteme de alarma, Interfonie, Kit-uri Securitate, DVR Digital Video Recorder la preturi excelente. Livrare gratuita!
Secpral | Produse de securitate, antifractie, antiincendiu, cctv, interfoane, retelistica, dispecerate, turnicheti, automatizari, gps auto
Sisteme de supraveghere video, control acces, detectie incendiu, sonorizare
Felix Telecom - integrator sisteme IT&C, servicii avansate de proiectare, instalare si mentenanta a comunicatiilor de voce si date
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Advanced
We are a Business Management Consulting group, headquartered in Bucharest, with a dynamic and professional team of consultants
ADA is the Product Lifecycle Management software solutions leading company in Romania, Siemens Industry Software Partner. The main addressed industries are: automotive, aircraft, industrial equipment and machinery, research and development, energy and ...
Pe altex.ro gasesti cel mai mic pret din Romania la produse electronice si electrocasnice mici si mari, telefoane si laptopuri, echipamente TV si audio-video, gadget-uri si articole auto. Beneficiezi de rate si livrare rapida peste tot in tara!
Apple Premium Reseller. #iSTYLEro Magazinele noastre sunt locurile ideale unde pute?i face un test-drive cu orice Mac, iPad sau iPod.
Ai libertatea sa alegi din milioane de produse IT, electronice si electrocasnice, gadgeturi, jucarii, imbracaminte si incaltaminte cu plata in rate. Livrare rapida la easybox, Instant Money Back la retur, garantia produselor.
Flanco este cel mai eficient retailer autohton de produse IT&C, electronice ?i electrocasnice. Cu un numar de peste 1200 de angaja?i, compania opereaza o re?ea de 110 magazine, aflate în cele mai importante zone comerciale din ?ara. Oferta Flanco inclu...
Cea mai variata gama de produse electronice si electrocasnice. Pe mediagalaxy.ro gasesti cele mai noi informatii in materie de tehnologie, poti plati in rate si beneficiezi de livrare gratuita pentru sute de produse! Intra pe site sa vezi noutatile acum!
Full Service Digital Marketing Agency specialised in growth marketing strategy, SEO, content marketing, PPC, social media, emailing, and marketing automation.
Experts in: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Web Design, Instagram Ads, Linkedin Ads, Pinterest Ads.
We're helping B2B tech and software companies grow and sell online with conversion-driven websites and inbound strategies.
Dupa cum bine stii, ne place tehnologia. Dar mai ales ne place sa o utilizam in scopuri practice. Analizam din mai multe unghiuri tendintele din piata.
Inbound Marketing Solution The marketing your customers will love Find out more Outstanding service provider Our knowledge is out strength. Our team is our power. Our clients are our reason Request more info Your KPI’s are our goals Building the strate...
Web Design Bucuresti! Ai nevoie de un website de prezentare, magazin online, promovare ?i optimizare SEO sau mentenan?a web? Te salvam noi!
Afla mai multe Contacteaza-ne! Antreprenor Digital este un proiect dedicat antreprenorilor din România ?i a carui misiune este de a-i ajuta pe ace?tia sa î?i…
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Suspedeal Creative Hub
Pionieri in inbound marketing in Romania, ajutam business-urile sa-si atinga obiectivele propuse. Oferim un program complet bazat pe metodologia HubSpot.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Brunomag Concept
Agentie SEO Dedicata ? Servicii SEO oferite de Specialisti SEO Certificati International de Hubspot si DMI ? Monitorizare Zilnica cu Acces Full pentru Clienti ?
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Digital Sonar
We are a Digital Communication & Transformation company with 18+ years of experience in Digital Transformation, Digital Marketing, Digital Advertising & Software Solutions. Native "Digital Language" speakers who have provided Digital applications and marketing solutions for several major players in the international market. Our main activities are: Custom Software Development using no/low code tools Business Process Automation & Digitalization CRM ERP Digital Strategy & Digital Communication Strategy
The fastest way to grow your business with the leader in Technology Marketing. Check out our digital marketing services!
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of GBC
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of FORMWERK
Online Marketing, pe Bune Ne place ceea ce facem. Ne place faptul ca online-ul este mult mai masurabil fata de offline. Ne place faptul ca lucram cu clienti din diferite domenii, din diferite verticale, de diferite dimemnsiuni. Ne place ca fiecare proi...
We’ve been breaking down communication barriers for the past 12 years. We are one of the first companies in the world focused on cloud computing. Everything is designed to scale massively in the cloud and uses the latest technologies available. We a...
Paid Traffic, Conversational Content & Persuasive UX Conversion Funnels Cât de mult ?i-ai dori sa creasca business-ul tau? Fie ca e?ti abia la început, fie ca te afli deja într-o afacere puternica ?i sustenabila, ob?inerea de rezultate avantajoase din ...
Cu ajutorul Moloso iti vei duce afacerea la urmatorul nivel prin strategii dovedite de PPC, SEO si Marketing Online. Trafic. Conversii. Profit. Limitless.
SmartID, este specialistul în solu?ii de mobilitate care integreaza cele mai noi tehnologii în domeniul RFID, achizi?ii de date, coduri de bare cu aplica?ii software de business innovatoare. Portofoliul de solu?ii SmartID este destinat în principal ...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Aqua Publis
2Performant is an affiliate marketing network that connects online marketing specialists with online stores and brands based on a cost per sale model. Our platform gives you multiple tools to help you collaborate in a more profitable way.
Elinktron Technology is your link to technology, Located in the EU, Your best option for PCB design outsource
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of RPD
WE WELCOME AND EMBRACE the digital age with every step that we take, for the past 5 years. We are proponents of the new wave of doing online business and we are strong believers in constant innovation in order to constantly be ahead of the curve. We be...
CustomSoft este o companie care dezvolta solutii software customizate. Customsoft este specializat in crearea de software custom pentru orice domeniu.
De peste 25 de ani contribuim la performanta companiilor prin tehnologie & servicii complete de instruire, asistenta&consultanta tehnica specializata??Adsk Gold Partner
Solutii software inovatoare (ERP, CRM, WMS, MES, e-commerce)
Portofoliul nostru contine o varietate de programe pentru invatarea limbii engleze, pentru orice nivel si varsta. Cursurile noastre de engleza generala si cursurile de engleza conversationala sunt cele mai populare si apreciate programe pentru adulti. ...
Centru de limbi straine
Partenerul dvs. pt. licen?e ?i servicii Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, Microsoft Office 365, Azure ?i servicii conexe: migrare date, dedublare informa?ii etc.
Logicad Solutions - if you CAD imagine it, you CAM build it!
Business Take Off Solutions on Wing Leading Edge…
Temperfield - Mastery Driving into Your Digital Journey. We strive to permanently develop it, in hundreds of projects & use-cases.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Smart Control
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Quality Business Solutions
OMEGA Trust este o companie ce ofera servicii e audit si consultanta in domeniul tehnologiei informatiei.Omega Trust. Omega Trust este o companie ce ofera servicii de audit si consultanta in domeniul tehnologiei informatiei.
End to end technology solutions that support technology driven change in organisations.
ECKO is a global information technology company that specializes in providing advanced quality IT solutions and services.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Convex Network
Premium IT&C Provider
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ArcticStream
Certificatele AlfaSign® pot fi utilizate pentru autentificare, criptare, autentificare servere Web, semnare de cod, pentru gateway-uri VPN, toate împreuna sau separat (în functie de serviciul ales de beneficiar) ca dovada a identitatii în orice tip de ...
Our company is an experienced business solutions provider having in depth knowledge of customer processes and business best practices. Years of experience gave us a unique perspective in addressing robust business process decisions for our customers, s...
Cybertech SRL, based in Bucharest, Romania, is specialized in developing online applications and we have over 15 years of experience, over 200 web projects
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Multi Data Soft
De la selectie la implementarea de sisteme complexe HR, de la evaluarea performantei la restructurare, noi stim ce este de facut. Din 1996 si pana astazi compania noastra a crescut an de an astfel incat Dima Consulting Group a devenit liderul region...
Firma TENSOR a fost înfiintata de Prof.univ.dr. Constantin BRATIANU, în 1996, cu viziunea promovarii în mediul tehnologic si design românesc a noilor metode ...
Man and Machine organizeaza cursuri, ofera consultanta si suport pentru BIM, CAD, CAM, CAE, AEC, GIS, vinde licente Autodesk si solutii personalizate.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Radient
Dendrio - Secured Hybrid Multi-Cloud Integrator - Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service si Software as a Services
Cloud consulting , online and mobile solutions for your business. Email, Calendars, Documents, CRM, SFA, Project management and invoicing.
ABOUT We are a team of IT Professionals and Developers who specialise in technologies ranging from Office 365 to Azure or Information Security. We deliver end-to-end solutions, as well as integration of solutions, administration and migration assis...
Eficientizeaza activitatea companiei prin implementarea unui ERP complet. SAP Business One este dedicat companiilor mici ?i mijlocii.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of SkyConsult
EXTENSION MOBILITY Through your iOS / Android App, you can be connected to your PBX from everywhere in the world – you need just data conectivity for your mobile / desktop app SLASH TELCO COSTS By using voxmobility, your ongoing telco cost savings will...
Audit & Advisory Consultanta -- Audit Sisteme Informatice (Audit IT) -- Audit Financiar, Statutar, IFRS -- Audit Intern -- Investigatii Frauda -- Forensics -- Securitate -- Audit Certificare (atestare) Sisteme Informatice (MCSI, BNR, CNVM, CSA...) emai...
Pagina oficiala a companiei Logic Computer
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ISEC ASSOCIATES
Grow your indirect sales channel and connect with channel partners and IT vendors worldwide.
Browse programs by vendors and partner with Resellers, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and System Integrators (SIs).
Explore channel companies that sell your products or services and belong to your indirect sales force while acting independent.
Search for partnerships offered by vendors who promote their product with current applications that their businesses use.