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Elioplus is a leading provider of partner recruitment and management solutions that assist IT software companies to expand their partner network.
Find in the list below the best Microsoft resellers or channel partners that are currently on our platform to help you with implementation, training or consulting services in Serbia. You can locate the Microsoft partners based on their city and use additional filters like industries supported.
Konel - IT podrska na profesionalnom nivou. Pružamo usluge Azure cloud rešenja, Office365 i Microsoft 365, Veeam proizvode, Sophos,...
Partner za sve vaše IT potrebe! Zakažite besplatne konsultacije Naše usluge Da li verujete svom bekapu? Odlažete ovu temu a znate da ne bi trebalo? Kao i mnoge korisnike do sada, možemo i vas lišiti ove brige. Uradicemo analizu potreba i reše...
Singi cuva koristeci alate iz oblasti antivirusne zaštite, zaštite od gubitka podataka i zaštite od neovlašcenog pristupa podacima.
Proscom je u potpunosti domaca kompanija, sa sedištem u Beogradu. Bavi se integracijom, projektovanjem i realizacijom telefonskih i racunarskih sistema.
Saga je jedna od vodecih IT kompanija u Srbiji i u regionu. Saga nudi široki spektar IT usluga iz svog portfolija i razvila je ekspertizu u razvoju informacioniih sistema.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Digit
Kompanija je osnovana 1991. godine sa ciljem da kreira, razvija, implementira, prodaje i pruža usluge podrške IT sistema.
Solving IT Solution and Services is a privately-owned company established in 2014 as provider of professional services in ICT.
M&I Systems, Co. Group Kompanija M&I Systems, Co. Group, osnovana 1991. godine u Novom Sadu i sve do danas beleĹľi stalni rast i poslovni uspeh. M&I Systems je jedna od vodecih grupacija u Srbiji i regionu u oblasti razvoja softverskih proizvoda, impl...
Extreme je firma koja se bavi prodajom licencnog softvera, implementacijom i pruĹľanjem usluga vezanih za primenu softvera i besplatnim savetovanjem vezanim za licenciranje.
Working with corporations and medium-sized companies has allowed us to quickly detect and implement the most optimal solutions for specific challenges.
Cent?r z? upr?vlj?nje projektim? - CPM je region?lni lider u obl?sti upr?vlj?nj? projektim?, upr?vlj?nj? preduzecem i upr?vlj?nj? r?zvojem poslov?nj?. Mesto n? kome možete dobiti s?vet, strucnu pomoc i obuku z? sebe i V?še z?poslene. Od osniv?nj? 19...
IBIS INSTRUMENTS is a privately owned company founded in 1996, and since then it has constant growth and success. For almost 20 years of business, Ibis aimed to fulfill the increasing demand for cost effective products and systems suitable for the effi...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of COM-4T
We are a group of IT businesses with an innovation mandate: to develop and apply tomorrow’s technology today.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Cycle
Grow your indirect sales channel and connect with channel partners and IT vendors worldwide.
Browse programs by vendors and partner with Resellers, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and System Integrators (SIs).
Explore channel companies that sell your products or services and belong to your indirect sales force while acting independent.
Search for partnerships offered by vendors who promote their product with current applications that their businesses use.