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Sherpas är ett nytt namn i it-branschen, men vi som är Sherpas, vi som jobbar här, är definitivt inte nya i branschen. Alla våra projektledare, utvecklare, arkitekter och konsulter har lång erfarenhet och stor kompetens inom sina respektive områden.Med...

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of proditum

Vi ger er bättre affärer med specialiserade affärskonsulter som med unika kundlösningar hjälper er inom Corporate finance, Affärsutveckling & Affärssystem.

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TI Américas, como proveedor de soluciones y Bussines Partner de NetSuite y Acumatica ofrece las soluciones de ERP, CRM e E-Commerce, bajo el concepto SaaS (Software as a Service). Nuestro enfoque es proporcionar a las PyMEs una solución con igualdad ...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of GR Consultoria

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Orbit ME

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ISO Certification Body (ISB) K2A Management is first ISO Body established in Cambodia based in the capital city of Phnom Penh serving Cambodian Industries by certifying their management system

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Vi är en heltäckande IT-leverantör i Uddevalla och erbjuder konsulttjänster och utbildning inom bl.a. Affärssystem, Webbproduktion, Office 365 och GDPR.

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Good Solutions

The leading provider of construction software solutions for project management, financials and collaboration. Visit our website to book a FREE demo!

United Arab Emirates

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Axolon ERP Software Dubai, UAE caters VAT Accounting ERP dubai, Trading ERP, Project Management, Inventory & HRMS. GET DEMO - Call Toll Free 800296566

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Systek ERP and IT Services

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URC Infotec specialized in custom ERP development in Construction, Healthcare, Entertainment, SMB and Pharmaceutical Industries.

Vi säkerställer att ni lyckas med er IT och kan fokusera på er kärnverksamhet. Detta genom att ta vara på er verksamhets förutsättningar och krav. Vi hoppas att få ert förtroende genom att ge god och lyhörd service, bred kompetens och effektiva lösningar.

Behöver du en säker och tillgänglig IT-miljö? Eller kanske bara få ordning på din filhantering? Få en IT-lösning som passar ditt företag. Vi säljer också skrivare för arbetsgrupper i olika storlekar samt utskriftstjänster så som follow-me-print.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Icordia

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Vi på BrightCom vill att ni ska fokusera på er egen affärsverksamhet och lägga så lite tid som möjligt på er IT-miljö.

Vi på NAB har valt att fokusera på Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Det innebär att vi brinner för produkten. Vi tror nämligen att om man ska bli riktigt bra på något, måste man fokusera. Vi har runt 100 kunder som har Microsoft Dynamics NAV. För oss är Mic...

Relatech Engineering Group. Professional software solutions and consultancy services.

Ditec es una empresa dedicada a dar soluciones integrales en Informática. La empresa fue fundada en el año 2007, por profesionales formados en las Carreras de Licenciatura de Ciencias De la Computación y Analista en Computación de la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Ditec tiene una amplia experiencia en el desarrollo de software y diseño Web, posee clientes en diecisiete provincias (de veinte tres) del territorio argentino. La preocupación por el sector informático y la constante actualización de conocimientos ha llevado a que Ditec sea parte de los socios fundadores del Cluster Informático de Río Cuarto ( y miembro de CAISAL (Cámara de Industrias de la Salud de Córdoba). Ditec y la salud. Desde sus inicios Ditec se oriento a dar soluciones informáticas de gestión al área de salud, como símbolo de la calidad y orden en sus proyectos, algunas de las herramientas de gestión de salud desarrolladas por Ditec fueron seleccionadas para la adqu ...

Metaphorix provides specialised Dynamics NAV construction software for the industry. We are a Microsoft Gold Partner for ERP and Cloud.

ACGIL - One of the top ERP software development companies, ERP vendors in India & ERP solution provider company offers customized cloud ERP systems, online ERP solutions across the globe.

As an IT company, our aim is to ensure that IT simply works for our clients, assisting them to achieve business objectives through the use of intelligent technology solutions. We offer an extensive range of technology services and IT solutions which ha...

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Smarter Construction - Computer Guidance Corporation Construction Management Software, Construction Software Services, and Platform Information.

Saudi Arabia

CTC is a leading Saudi Company specialized in Telecommunication Systems, serving the business community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by offering Telecom Technology services, products, and integrated solutions through our branches and sister compani...

ITL provides IT solutions for efficient citizen service delivery and smart governance, through smart infrastructure.

The HR Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (HRSS) is one of the oldest established in 2008, largest and most respected business empires in India and overseas. The group's business has witnessed expansion in various domains. The Company foundation are based on strong and most favorable methodologies, Latest technology with software engineering skills to impart knowledge in creation information, expertise based solutions of clients in the particular field. HRSS proud to be affiliated National Small Industries Corporation Limited (NSIC), Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), ISO 9001:2008 and 27001:2013 (QMS) Certified Software Development Company that serves distinguished business needs. We are expert in HR Payroll, Educational, Healthcare, Security and many more.

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of GBA Tecnologías

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Infotools es un Sistema ERP especializado para desarrolladores de vivienda. Consta de módulos para: 1. Control de Obra, 2. CRM (ventas y administración de ventas), 3. Finanzas. Totalmente basado en Internet y tecnología móvil. Genera mapas y reporte...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Calculus

Sanmarco Informatica: progettazione e realizzazione di soluzioni applicative IT ERP a supporto della riorganizzazione di vari processi aziendali.

Una empresa de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico con personal altamente capacitado en ambas áreas, que genera tecnologías en boga para la creciente necesidad de optimización de las industrias a nivel global.

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Líder desarrolla soluciones tecnológicas interdisciplinarias en Control, Automatización de Procesos e Información, Robótica, Termodinámica y Ahorro de Energía.

i2s is a leading provider of end-to-end high quality, reliable and cost-effective IT services and solutions for companies across the APAC and MEA region.

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OTSUKA CORPORATION is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the system integration business. The Company operates in three business segments. The System Integration segment is engaged in the consulting business, the sale of hardware and software, the...

Unwired Logic is a boutique IT and technology consulting firm based in Tokyo Japan that supplies solutions with outstanding value to our customers.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Coriq

Making Media Sales Streamlined and More Profitable! Today's solution towards the online media industry is based upon a our long experience of working with media companies in general and online media in particular. As of today we have around a hundre...

Functional website development, Application development, Mobile app development company, Agile software development, Python and Django developer, NodeJS developer, AngularJS developer

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Kletzel y Asociados

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Soltein SA de CV página corporativa

PointStar Singapore is a leading IT consultant in Asia Pacific. Our team ready to deliver the best professional advice and technical expertise to you.

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of BSN INET

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Nippon Office Systems

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Update Affaerssystem

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HEBTECH IT AB | Specialister på Pyramid Business Studio

web design, web development, seo company, website creators, seo expert, web hosting, register domain, professional website design, web designer, web promotion, jamnagar, gujarat, india

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of moxsys

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SISSA Monitoring Integral S.A. de C.V., empresa mexicana dedicada al desarrollo de soluciones de varios ámbitos. Estamos comprometidos con la calidad total de cada uno de nuestros proyectos contando con soporte en toda la República Mexicana.

Dialog is Australia's leading privately owned information technology services organisation

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of NISSEICOM

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Osaki Computer Engineering

IT-operations Our collected knowledged within IT is huge – in both hardware and software System management Today’s complex environment with both opportunities and threats requires experience and knowledge to navigate. We have that. Internet & Cloud Com...

At J B Soft System we believe in going beyond excellence in all our endeavours. Conceptualized in June 2001 under the fine entrepreneurship of our most enterprising Mr. J Sampath, we steadily grew from a two employee show to an array of qualified profe...

Ads India is a leading Best Digital Marketing Company/Agency in Noida/Ahmedabad/Pune/India. that managed, create your responsive website. We create more organic leads by letting our Experts to Enhance your search result through relevant keywords.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Xmartb

Te presentamos Odoo, el mejor ERP de código libre

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of E2E Solutions


“Resolvemos problemas complejos de una forma inteligente e innovadora” Somos especialistas en maximizar las capacidades organizacionales a través de procesos de innovación y agilidad. Nos dedicamos a conducir el crecimiento planificado y exitoso de ...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of GRUPO CRECE

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of IT-Teknikernas Hus

IT-Syd, din lokala IT-partner. Försäljning, installation, drift och service. Internettjänster och systemutveckling.

Optimice los recursos de su empresa con nuestras soluciones de Software de Gestión y Administración empresarial de clase mundial - ERP , EAM , SCE , WMS, Prometheus y mucho más. Administración de empresas ¡Conózcalos!

Brindamos servicios de Consultoría y Soluciones a grandes empresas de toda Latinoamérica. Somos soluciones.

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Hyper

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Mitsui E and S Systems Research


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Somos una compañía peruana fundada el 2015, con el propósito de impulsar la transformación digital de nuestros clientes a través de Facturación Electrónica.

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Inti TEC es una empresa de prestación de soluciones de negocio y tecnológicas, especializada en aportar innovación a todos los sectores empresariales a través d

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Especialista en Odoo para México, Perú, Canadá y Venezuela. Implementamos, mejoramos y automatizamos tus procesos de negocio desde la A a la Z, CFDI

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A dynamic and outcomes based consulting services company aligning people process information and technology.

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Think180 provides Business Integrated Solutions in areas of SAP, Estimation & IT Consulting.

Soltius is New Zealand's leading and most trusted SAP provider, as well as a certified Amazon Web Services (AWS) Advanced Consulting Partner.

We've been delivering specialist ICT and recruitment services to the Australian Federal Government for almost 25 years. We are the largest local SAP Services Partner and are the only partner dedicated to helping our Government clients derive the most ...

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Information about SAP Human Capital Management.

Sage Gold Partners. We provide an array of Accounting, HR, BI and ERP systems to help our clients in running their business and building business insights

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An ERP and business software company where our biggest asset is the right people to understand and grow your business into a unique partnership for life.

United Arab Emirates

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of idaA

Technical Accounting, SEC Reporting, IPO readiness, IT Services and Security, Internal Audit, Equity Administration, Contract Risk, SOX and Internal Audit

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OBIC Co., Ltd. is an information technology (IT) company. The Company has four business segments. The System Integration segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of total information systems for customers. The System Support segment is engaged in...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of EXA Corporation

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Nippon Dentsu

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Nissho Electronics

Vi bygger även webbsidor, levererar och installerar skrivare, samt har molnbaserade backuplösningar och ger er möjlighet till support när det är riktigt bråttom

Consultoría Yaroslab, es una compañía especializada en la implementación de soluciones empresariales ( ERP ); principalmente Odoo.

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Servicios de asesoría, consultoría en procesos y tecnología, soluciones de verificaciones , digitalización, bancarización y tercerización de procesos (BPO)

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Redback Consulting are a IT Company specialising in the provision of SAP, Success Factors and Ariba solutions on premise and in the cloud

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Phoenix is a specialist ICT, management consulting and SAP services partner

Adita Technologies is a specialist Customer Experience and Commerce (CEC) technology provider across a number of B2B, B2C, government and public sector organisations. Our expertise covers Commerce, Sales, Marketing and Customer Services as well as CRM....

A gold-level Microsoft Dynamics provider, Admiral Consulting Group helps enterprises implement business management and process improvement software.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of PYA Solutions

Simply Dynamics supplies, modifies and supports Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Dynamics 365 ERP business software. We also provide exclusive Microsoft Dynamics NAV Addon CfMD Solutions.

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Accelerate your Digital Transformation with a SAP powered intelligent ERP solution from Dyflex. We offer a fixed priced solution with a guaranteed outcome using local experts. Call us today and learn how we can make you more efficient and help you tran...

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