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Saudi Arabia

A leading business and learning technology solution provider ISB has a proven history of successfully serving customers across the Middle East and boasts an impressive repertoire of successful project implementations in numerous industries including th...

Pexlify is a Gold Salesforce Consulting Partner and leading provider of Salesforce.com solutions across the UK and Ireland. We offer a full professional service engagement model that allows you to share the risk of delivery with a mature and experi...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Inertia Software Solutions

Crest Business Solutions provides Alfresco Consultants, Documentum Consulting Services, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Support, Business Intelligence Consulting.

MAPSYS Inc. offers years of IBM expertise to deliver the best-fit technology solutions for your business needs. Find out more about MAPSYS.

We help organisations of all shapes and sizes achieve success through the intelligent use of Free and Open Source Software.

Experienced ECM consultants to work with your team to provide implementation, support, consultation and integration services to improve business processes.

Full-service private cloud for Legal, Medical and Financial professional service firms.

Software Consultants for the Legal Profession

Managed IT for Australian Law Firms. Save time and money with a fixed monthly fee for hardware, software and services, secure and fast internet and email

Valora Technologies, Inc. (“Valora") is the leading technology-based provider of automated document data mining and predictive analytics for the Legal, Records Management & Information Governance markets. We offer data mining, analytics, document intak...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Business Network Solutions

Our team of specialists support law firms around Australia with a comprehensive IT solution. You get to focus on clients and law, we make sure IT does the job.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Lateral Minds

Our team of highly qualified, experienced professionals are dedicated to helping clients improve their records management and enterprise content management (ECM) systems, to maximise efficiency and return on investment. 

Your HPE Records Manager and TRIM Specialists in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.

IMEX is a supplier and technical specialist in HP Records Manager and HP TRIM software.

Information First - A information management solutions company

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Copyrite Business Solutions

Epona levert met #DMSforLegal en #ContactManager procesoptimalisatie voor de juridische professional | Partner van @LexxynGroep | Sponsor van @PLEIT_EVENT

Protonbits is a leading mobile application & Website development company providing expert services of mobile app, android app development, magento development, wordpress development, joomla development, cakephp development, php development, yii development & codeigniter development.We first think business value and then execute the development. As a professional and experienced company, we have an expert team, defined processes and robust infrastructure to deliver exceptional software solutions. Effective project management and a pool of talented developers, makes Protonbits a one-stop destination for top-notch software development services for mobile app, web and cloud. Small to medium size enterprises rely on us for complex projects in backend development, API development and more. We also have dedicated teams which expertise in every aspect of ecommerce development.We are based in the US, India, Poland & Dubai and have served 100+ clients globally. Our team of exper ...

STP - Führender Lösungsanbieter für Kanzleisoftware & Insolvenzsoftware. Wir unterstützen Sie bei erfolgreichem Wachstum und effizienter Verwaltung.

We bring together best-of-breed solutions to help you streamline your work product - that means emails, documents, all the content that comprises your work.

Trinogy provides software, services and support to enable organisations to better manage their information assets.

We are one of the fastest growing company in India and deliver services and solutions through four operating groups: • Custom e-learning and training development and ready to use training ILTs, CBTs and WBTs • Client specific Software Development and off the shelf Competency Building IT Solutions • 2D & 3D Graphic Designing Services • Video - Pre and Post Production

Es müssen nicht nur Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit stimmen, auch das Eingehen auf die Kundenwünsche ist maßgeblich. Zuhören, verstehen, umsetzen sind die Fähigkeiten, die in Zukunft immer mehr von ganz entscheidender Bedeutung für ein erfolgreiches H...

Büro Uriot ist eines der führenden Handelsunternehmen der Bürowirtschaft am südlichen Oberrhein. Seit über 60 Jahren stehen wir für einfache und praktische Lösungskonzepte rund ums Büro. Unser Leistungsspektrum umfasst heute Produkte und Dienstleis...

Die tutum GmbH ist Komplettanbieter für Dokumentenmanagement-, Workflow- und CRM-Systeme. Das Nürnberger unterstützt bundesweit Unternehmen Firmen bei der Bedarfsanalyse und Konzeption bis hin zu Einführung, Schulung und Support. Das tutum-Team verfügt...

Ihr Partner für Software- & Hardware-Lösungen in Saarbrücken / Saarland. Jetzt Kontakt aufnehmen & beraten lassen unter ? ? 0681-883110

Smartwave provide organisations with ICT consulting and engineering services to envision, design, construct and support product based software solutions that enable business growth, innovation and operational excellence.

Wege bereiten in der digitalen Transformation rosenberger | data Mit unseren Lösungen zur Digitalisierung bereiten wir Ihnen Wege in der digitalen Transformation, z. B. mit digitalem Dokumentenmanagement, Scanservices, Workflows und Prozessautomation...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of simplify services

Wir sind IT Dienstleister mit Fokus auf digitale Prozesse und elektronische Archivierung von Dokumenten. Informieren Sie sich auf unseren Seiten über effektive Lösungen für Ihren Nutzen. Profitieren Sie von unserer langjährigen Erfahrung und Kompetenz ...

The Leader in Quality and Compliance Management Software Solutions for Life Sciences

As the No. 1 Sage & Swiftpage business partner in the Midlands, we deliver integrated business management software solutions that help drive business growth

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of bmd

Im Zentrum unserer Arbeit stehen, damals wie heute, das Dokument und der Mensch, der täglich damit arbeitet. Wir zeigen unseren Kunden, wie sie mit einem sinnvollen Dokumentenmanagement ihre Unternehmenseffizienz langfristig steigern können.

applabs GmbH bietet Ihnen integrierte Lösungen für ERP- und DMS-Software auf Basis Microsoft Dynamics NAV bzw. Business Central und DocuWare.

Alpha Com ist ein großes deutsches Service-Unternehmen für Dokumenten-Management. Es gibt 9 Niederlassungen, die u.a. Papier in Massen digitalisieren.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of MicroImagenes

Kal�os offre soluzioni informatiche integrate ad aziende e professionisti: software gestionali, assistenza e vendita hardware.

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Bizedocs

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Delivery Ticino

DPI Comunicación es una agencia creativa en funcionamiento 1995 con amplia experiencia en el sector publicitario, editorial y web.

Consultores en Tecnología Documental Sistemas para el Control, Monitoreo y Administración de Documentos. Estudio y análisis para Reducción de Gastos de Impresión Consultoría e Implementacion de Plataforma para la Digitalización y Flujo de Documento...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Canonbaja

Transformación, manejo y gestión de documentos en activo, de archivo y electrónicos utilizando como herramienta principal la digitalización de mas de 500 millones de documentos y 100 clientes satisfechos

Ford Business Machines - Business technology company offering small to large print, copy, scan, & IT systems enabling customers to improve document workflow and increase efficiency. Family & veteran owned since 1991. We're the "Real People...Real Solut...

Soluciones para la productividad, mediante equipos y tecnologías de vanguardia, en el área de microfilmación de documentos

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of DRG

CEPE BI: Digitalización y gestión de documentos. Optimización de procesos. Venta, renta y mantenimiento de scanners de documentos.

Business Solutions / Met KNNS blijf je bij de kern van je zaak / ICT, netwerk, laptop, tablet, mobiel, printen, scannen, documenten, 3d, business intelligence

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Digitalización de documentos, optimización de procesos, protección de redes y de datos, impresoras fiscales e interfaces fiscales. Optimizamos su negocio

Algunos de los servicios que ofrecemos: Hacking ético, redes corporativas, firewalls, Linux, cableado estructurado, y proyectos especiales.

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Omicron Panama Corporation

Impresoras Ricoh, multinacionales, gestión documental, gran formato, duplicadoras, soiftware y comunicación audiovisual. Amplio catálogo de productos.

Reprografia, material oficina, informatica, Tpv, impressió, Hp, Konica Minolta, Samsung

Distribuidor nº1 de copiadoras Ricoh en Bizkaia. Soluciones globales de impresión e informática. Servicio técnico en menos de 2 horas.

EMESA se constituye en 1982 como continuación de la empresa GISPERT, dando servicio a toda la comunidad de La Rioja desde 1967. En un principio la actividad principal se centraba en la distribución de maquinaria y equipos de oficina y en la prestación ...

ISYC ofrece soluciones tecnológicas de consultoría y desarrollo, CRM, externalización de servicios (BPO), servicios de e-learning e integraciones con Moodle.

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Consultoría y servicios informáticos, software de gestión adaptado a las necesidades de la empresa. Infórmate.

Tarifa Plana 39,90€. Todo Incluido. El servicio técnico más rápido. Fotocopiadoras, Impresoras y Gestión Documental. En toda la provincia de LUGO.

Corporate Partner de #Ricoh. Des de 1995 apostem per l'eficiència en el servei post-venda. Especialistes en #renting d'#impressores i #pantalles #digitals.

Control Group | Soluciones tecnológicas para empresas. Somos especialistas en la implementación de software de gestión, soluciones de impresión y sistemas.

Control Group | Soluciones tecnológicas para empresas. Somos especialistas en la implementación de software de gestión, soluciones de impresión y sistemas.

United Kingdom

DOCOsoft is an innovative developer of Claims Management, Document Management and Workflow Software Solutions for the global Insurance and Financial Services markets.

United States

Maximus Inc., trademarked as MAXIMUS, is an American, for-profit, privatizing company that provides business process services to government health and human services agencies in the United States, Australia, Canada, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom.

Reprografia Industrial de Catalunya, servicios de ofimática, documentales e informáticos como copiadoras e impresoras para empresas y centros educativos.

Consultoria Tecnologica que impulsa la transformación digital de las empresas proporcionando servicios de impresión, soluciones IT y gestión documental

35 % De nuestro tiempo se pierde en el archivado y búsqueda de documentos. Regálate ese tiempo. Tenemos la solución. Te hacemos la vida más fácil.

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Smartdoc

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of KS Solutions

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Palo Alto rende agile la tua impresa con soluzioni per l'ufficio performanti: stampanti multifunzione gestione documentale archiviazione scanner 3D lavagne interattive

Aharnish InfoTech Pvt. Ltd. was established in 2014 as an IT startup, provides a Quality Reliable services at an affordable price. Aharnish InfoTech is a fastest growing IT solution provider company in India. Built from the ground up using the latest web technology. We take pride in both our business competence and strong technical skills. This means that our technical experts not only excel within their field of expertise, but also are good at translating technology into valuable business websites and applications. What makes Aharnish InfoTech unique is our ability to help clients meet both challenges. We help them enhance productivity by ensuring that vital business functions work faster, cheaper and better. And, our ability to conceptualize, architect and implement new and expanded capabilities allows clients to transform legacy models to take their business to the next level.

As NetSuite and Microsoft Dynamics GP experts, we deliver intelligent business software solutions that will revolutionise your processes.

We are a group of highly specialized and experienced professionals with extensive knowledge and exposure in Project Management. We have a team of specialized professionals having decades of experience in Corporate Trainings, Advisory Services and Technology Solutions. Our services includes the following: Professional Training Programs: • PMP Certification Preparation • PMI-RMP (Risk Management) • PMI-SP Quick-Pace (Schedule Management) • Six Sigma (Green/Yellow/Black Belt) • Lean Six Sigma • Data Scientist Training Program • ITIL (Foundation/Intermediate/Advanced) • Microsoft Project 2013/2016 • Microsoft Office Productivity Tools (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Outlook) • Oracle Primavera P6 • Fundamentals of Project Management • Fundamentals of Agile/Scrum • Prince2 Practitioner Soft Skills Trainings: • Communication Skills, ...

Ihr Digitalisierungspartner für die Belegerfassung, Klassifizierung, automatisierte Workflows, Dokumentenmanagement & gesetzeskonforme Archivierung.

Archival services: archival document storage, document scanning, document destruction, document workflow design - OSG Records Management

TBSL provides IT Support, Photocopier sales and service, Digital Dictation Equipment and Document Management in and around Lincoln

United Kingdom

M2 - independent Managed Print Services, highly ranked for best practice and leadership in MPS by industry analysts. We put you back in control by intelligently managing your print with full service transparency. Find out how.

Wave Consulting is a leading software implementation and advisory business based in London. Since 2002 our carefully selected team of qualified consultants have enabled mid-sized organisations to increase efficiency, improve productivity and positi...

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Infinity Document Solutions

We're the business technology experts, discover how our solutions can help you - Telephone Systems, Connectivity, IT Solutions, Wi-Fi, infrastructure & more

United Kingdom

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Margolis are one of the UK's leading Electronic Document Management providers. Offering a range of business processing solutions.

Talento eLearning Company: corsi e-learning a catalogo e ad hoc, LMS, produzione video, gamification. #elearning, #gamification, #produzionevideo

Diskel is a leading IT based consultancy practice providing a range of operational and IT services. We offer the complete solution supplying hardware, software, network, consultancy and support.

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Pinpoint supply and support of bespoke document management systems for the small company or department and scaleable options for enterprise-wide organisations with between 5 and 5,000 users.

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