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????????µ??e? ??se?? ??a ep??e???se?? µe apa?t?se??. ERP, CRM, ??s??d?s?a, BI Intelligence, Retail Systems

Editeur de logiciels à Lille, Lyon et Nantes avec 3 activités : Edition de progiciel ERP, Services de maintenance Informatique et Systèmes IOT de suivi de température avec sondes connectées

We're a digital creative studio based in Toronto. We conceive, design, and develop integrated experiences for web, mobile, and emerging platforms.

Netribe Group integra strategia, innovazione tecnologica e consulenza di processo, con l'obiettivo di gestire progetti multidisciplinari nel settore dell'ICT, sviluppando soluzioni costruite su misura per il cliente da specialisti di ogni settore di me...

TCS SERVICE srl a Grosseto si occupa di fornire soluzioni informatiche di qualità ad aziende, uffici ed esercizi commerciali. Scopri tutti i nostri servizi

Mystones offre consulenza, assistenza tecnica all'infrastruttura ICT e servizi informatici a tutte le aziende di piccole e medie dimensioni..

Analisi, programmazione e sviluppo di soluzioni informatiche in cloud che danno valore alla tua azienda e al tuo lavoro. Contattaci!

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Società di consulenza direzionale che progetta modelli di analisi delle dinamiche relazionali in atto tra una Azienda e la propria clientela e propone azioni di intervento finalizzate alla crescita del business ed allo sviluppo del fattore umano.Scopri...

Scegli Virtual Juice: siamo esperti in consulenza informatica, supporto ICT e noleggio computer, stampanti e software.

Azienda informatica Verona, Software Gestionali per piccole e medie Imprese, CRM, ERP, SEO, Sviluppo siti web, Reti e Sicurezza informatica

Da oltre 30 anni Delta System è il punto di riferimento per software gestionale Vicenza, fornendo una vasta gamma di soluzioni per aziende e commercialisti nel territorio di Vicenza.

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Expertos en Salesforce Industry Solution. Acumulamos experiencias de éxito en la implementación de soluciones digitales. Contáctanos!

Abdeckung aller geschäftskritischen Prozesse für den Einzelhandel und das Clubgeschäft.

L'Etica: - Dare il giusto valore al sapere, alle conoscenze e alle competenze delle persone. - Tutelare la sicurezza sul lavoro. - Rifiutare pratiche illegali negli affari. - Fare attenzione al profilo etico dei Partner. La Visione: Operare aff...

United States

Spend 50% less time following up with leads, decrease sales close lead time by a third, and 2x marketing and sales activity capacity per employee.

Executive Advising For Entrepreneurs | Accelerate your revenue and scale your business

Software gestionale - partner Zucchetti - forniamo soluzioni per Gestionali, CRM e MES per tutte le tipologie di impresa.

CP S.p.A. dal 1996 Soluzioni Gestionali & Software ERP, MES, CRM. Creazione Siti e-commerce & Soluzioni Web. Sicurezza Informatica, Sviluppo Software.

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Per gestire in maniera ottimale i processi aziendali KPRO propone il CRM vtenext con l'integrazione di plugin. Contattaci per saperne di più!

Forniamo servizi e servizi IT ad aziende e studi da oltre 10 anni. Mettiamo a disposizione la nostra esperienza e il nostro know-how per aiutare il cliente nella crescita e nell'ottimizzazione del proprio business grazie alla tecnologia.

Scapta is een toonaangevend ICT bedrijf dat uw bedrijfsbeheer vergemakkelijkt aan de hand van Microsoft technologie.

Retrouvez toute l'actualité de SB Consulting sur nos différentes expertises comme Microsoft Business Central, Microsoft Dynamics 365 et SB Lawyer.

Puzzlepart - Vi hjelper kunder med å ta i bruk ny teknologi gjennom tjenester som strekker seg fra forretningskartlegging, utrulling og brukeradopsjon til tekniske løsningsleveranser og levende forvaltning. Vi leverer alltid i tverrfaglige team med tun...

Pragmatiq is a Microsoft Gold Partner, specialising in Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform.

Pixelzebra helpt je het maximale uit de oplossingen van Microsoft Dynamics 365 te halen. Wij zijn jouw Microsoft-partner. Neem contact op.

Bij Pantheon krijg je betrouwbare en slimme bedrijfssoftware om jouw organisatie te ondersteunen. En profiteer je van 24/7 beschikbaarheid door onze stabiele hostingomgeving. Stroomlijn alle vitale bedrijfsprocessen en ervaar efficiëntie en kostenbespa...

Trasformiamo i dati in conoscenza! Usiamo i migliori software tool di Business Intelligence per creare Cruscotti e Dashboard interattivi e Report dinamici per consentire agli Executive Data Driven di prendere decisioni guidate dai dati.

SugarCRM Advanced Partner in Finland - Customer Management and IT Consultancy. info@oosis.fi

neXrm Solutions, LLC is a Microsoft Partner providing IT consulting solutions ranging from cloud based networking, Office 365 support, Dynamics CRM, to web development and more.

We're an international agency in Singapore. Specialized in helping businesses to achieve success through Web Design, eCommerce, Software Development, SEO, Paid Ads, Branding & Digital Marketing!

SOLUCIONS, S.A. somos una compañía de consultoría tecnológica integral enfocada a la mediana empresa. Después de unos 20 años dentro del mundo de las tecnologías, tenemos una excelente cartera activa de clientes y dos centros, uno en Andorra y otro en ...

Partner dei più importanti marchi internazionali, ITCore Group è una holding multinazionale che offre soluzioni ad alta tecnologia per aziende di ogni dimensione e settore

SVILUPPO Software House specializzata nello Sviluppo di Software Personalizzato/Su misura ASSISTENZA Un team di professionisti per garantirti assistenza. HOSTING Per la tua crescita scegli il nostro servizio di Hosting VENDITA Le vostre richieste in ma...

Kies voor een partner die slimme technologieën combineert met een dosis nuchter menselijk verstand in de wereld van CRM en ERP.

? Professional Services Als kunden- und serviceorientiertes, modernes Dienstleistungsunternehmen sind wir ständig bemüht Ihren hohen Anforderungen zu genügen. Neben Verkauf und Wartung können Sie bei uns zahlreiche Dienstleistungen beziehen. ? Soft...

We are Microsoft Power Platform & Dynamics 365 partner Genbil is a leading gold and managed partner in Microsoft Business Applications ecosystem where building Human Resources and custom CRM solutions on top of Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics...

Transform your business, customers and team operations with customer relationship management (CRM) solutions. Click to discover Empellor CRM.

eLogic remains at the forefront of applied technologies that are reshaping the manufacturing industry for the future. eLogic is distinguished as a full-service business solutions provider with a 100% focus on Manufacturers and Equipment Service Providers.

Retelit è leader italiano nella costruzione di progetti tailor made, realizzati su piattaforme interamente gestite dal Gruppo, per la trasformazione digitale.

E-ssist Business Solutions is a certified Sage Patel and Sage Evolution Business Partner which specialises in the sales, implementation, training and support of all Sage Software products.

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Absolute Gravitas

The complexities of the marketing industry have shaped Lund Solutions into the company it is today. How have we become successful in such a saturated and highly competitive market? In short, our process is simple, effective and backed by experience....

eCommerce digital marketing agency specializes in driving revenue for gourmet & specialty foods brands through Amazon, Walmart, and e-commerce website

Imperium is a leading IT & telecom company provides customize telecommunications software solutions that helps to deliver enhance experience to customer and employees at every touch point.

United Arab Emirates

Tailored Solutions TOPAZ offers advantages not found anywhere else in the industry: the broadest portfolio of solutions, a nationwide footprint, and deep technical resources. Unified Communication Voice & Video Solutions Messagin...

Gescad offre soluzioni informatiche hardware e software per lo sviluppo tecnologico di Aziende, Professionisti ed Associazioni, dal 1989 a Ferrara e provincia.

DIREZIONE22 | More Technology, More Solutions | Sedi a Reggio Emilia, Mirandola, Nogara e Rovereto | Scrivi a info@direzione22.it per ulteriori informazioni

Affidati alla nostra realtà, siamo pronti a diventare il tuo partnet IT. Naviga e scopri i principali settori in cui operiamo.

Azienda, PMI o libero professionista? Scopri l'offerta di Computer Team di software gestionali, ERP e Cloud server personalizzabili.

La nostra sfida quotidiana è favorire l'innovazione del tuo business. Facciamo evolvere la tua infrastruttura in soluzioni cloud sicure e scalabili liberiamo il potenziale dei tuoi dati per supportare le tue decisioni. Sviluppiamo applicazioni a...

For over 20 years, Lantek Computers have been providing IT and Networking support to the business sector. With our head office based in Ballito, and having a national footprint, the company built its success on strong ethical values and the highest le...

Petricor Digital Technologies Limited (RC1690546) is a leading innovator and provider of comprehensive digital solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the digital era. Established in 2020, our mission is to drive digital transformation through cutting-edge technologies, tailored strategies, and unparalleled expertise. At Petricor Digital Technologies, we specialize in a comprehensive range of ICT services, including IT Infrastructure Solutions (Networking-LAN/WLAN/WAN, Server/Storage, Virtualization, Data Center, Unified Communication and Collaboration, Physical Security-CCTV Surveillance and Biometric Access Control) Design, Deployment and Support, Software Development, Cybersecurity Solutions, Cloud Computing Services, Managed Services, and IT Consultancy. Our commitment to excellence and passion for innovation have established us as a trusted partner for businesses across various industries, from small startups to large enterprises.We utilize a hybrid project management ...

"A long history with proven results, Hudson River Computing Inc is a professional financial system consulting firm located in Upstate NY. Our expertise is implementing ERP Business Software that improves our clients' businesses and daily operations. We are a Silver Certified Partner of Acumatica Cloud ERP."

Dal 1980 Gruppo ASCO Consulenza Fornitura Assistenza Soluzioni IT Hardware Software Sicurezza Cloud Consulenza, Fornitura, Implementazione di Hardware e Software per PMI Soluzioni Cloud e Sicurezza Informatica  Scopri le nostre soluzioni » Hardware Sof...

Vores udgangspunkt er dig som kunde. Vi kan styrke dine kunderelationer med en fremtidssikret løsning baseret på Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

fundraising database, spendenverwaltung, CRM, Dynamics 365, gemeinnützige Software, donor journey, zuwendungsbestätigung, dankschreiben, spenderverwaltung

Centredge is a Microsoft Partner and provide consulting, implementation and support services for MS Dynamics F&O, CRM and Business Central. We also provide 360 PMO Services & Bid Proposal Mangement Services. Contact us now!

Genius4U ist spezialisiert auf CRM und Marketing Automation und dazu gehörende Themen wie Prozessberatung, Anpassungen, Integrationsthemen und Support.

Læs om Bredana Axcite her. Vi er et ERP-hus, som hjælper produktions- og handelsvirksomheder vha. Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Axazure is a Microsoft partner and experts in optimizing Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementations to adapt business processes to ERP and CRM.

IT Support Services: We are an award winning IT Support Services & Sage Support company in Limerick, Dublin, Ireland with 20 years experience.

TechnoBuilders offers ERP solutions for automating business processes powered by ERPNext for Small and Medium Size enterprizes contributing to aimed digital transformation for better performance and productivity of our customers' business. TechnoBuilders complements its ERP service solutions with the necessary IT infrastructure in terms of hardware, networks, and security solutions to protect customers' platforms and its hosted valuable data. We care more for quality of service and customer satisfaction.

Koho Collective is a HubSpot Gold Partner specialised in building websites for a successful marketing machine. Websites that allow content creators and marketeers to create, adjust and test website pages fast, efficient and easy. Keep your website always on the same page with your marketing & sales strategy. We develop your marketing strategy, create a website system and we help you to maximize marketing and sales results.

Liftphase is a digital marketing agency focused on growth for businesses of all sizes. Do you have a business that is ready to take the leap? Let's chat!

Maximize the use of your HubSpot portal with best in class technical consulting. Integrate data sources, automate processes, and create great reports.

Avento heeft een mobiel CRM-systeem dat gebouwd is op Microsoft Dynamics 365 en Resco Mobile CRM. FMCG365, Textile365 of Industry365 zijn de oplossingen.

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SugarCRM von Sugar Elite Partner ISC aus Nürnberg. CRM Kundenmanagementsysteme + EDI Elektronischer Geschäftsdatenaustausch. Bundesweit!

Experts Microsoft Dynamics 365 et Partenaire Microsoft Gold, IXEMELIS accompagne les TPE, les ETI et grands comptes depuis plus de 10 ans.

Insaat Sektörüne Proje Yönetim Çözümleri Sunan Yazilim Firmasi

Itacom è una società partner del gruppo Zucchetti specializzata in sviluppo applicazioni e soluzioni software a Sant'Angelo Lodigiano.

Entrivis Tech Pvt. Ltd. started with the vision of catering the companies with world-class enterprise solutions leveraging the best and cutting edge technologies. After spending years in the software industry, we understand the business problems of the customers. We always focus on delivering simple yet effective solutions for our customers.We have hands-on experience on Odoo implementation, customization, migration, training, integration using APIs, consulting, support. With excellent problem-solving techniques, we offer unique services like troubleshooting, system audit, process re-engineering.Our experienced team assures significant value addition to your product development, we have extensive experience of being a strategic partner for product companies. We promise the best and efficient use of technology by reducing redundant efforts. Our development cycle is short which promises rapid product visualization.We are committed to giving the best customer experience by pr ...

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PerfectView CRM Online is hét Nederlandse Online CRM Systeem. Start direct 14 dagen gratis. Ruim 18.000 tevreden gebruikers. v Alles-in-1 Pakket.

A successful digital transformation is more than digitalisation. We go beyond technology, allowing you to reach new heights. Tomorrow starts today.

Sviluppiamo programmi, software e sistemi gestionali per le aziende, pensando al futuro 4.0. Fai come migliaia di utenti: scegli Delta System per la tua impresa!

Mandiri Solution Sdn Bhd (MSSB) is a 100% Bumiputra owned company focusing the niche technology sphere referred to generally as interaction Contact Centre and CRM (Customer relationship management). As a Business Partner of Avaya’s contact center so...

Ferrilli higher ed consultants create IT solutions for institutions and transform technology into opportunity. Learn more about higher ed IT consulting.

Web Design Vancouver - Nirvana Canada is a Vancouver web design company offering unique and affordable web design, development and eCommerce website design solutions in Vancouver.

We are an ERP & IT Solutions Company since 1987 (35 + Years). We cater to the Small & Medium Business EnterprisesWe have a strong presence in all the Domains of the Textiles Industry. We prefer to engage with Premium clients who are looking for End to End Customised SolutionsWe have solutions for all kinds of ERP requirements such as : 1. SAP Business One 2. ERPNext (Open source International level ERP with no License cost) 3. BizMan (Customised ERP Solution) 4. TexMan (Customised Solution for Textile Based Organizations)

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