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CORPORACION MURIGUTI S.A. is a company dedicated to providing solutions to its institutional and business clients. Founded in 2001, the company has developed expertise in various fields, including the sale of specialized equipment, software licensing, ...

Computech Solutions SA is a technology distributor registered with the Ministry of Finance. We are authorized distributors of the SP (Silicon Power) product line. We provide a wide range of technology products and services.

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Navegalo, cloud, internet, ciberseguridad, data centers, ixp, infraestructura digital, colocacion, redes, transformacion digital, edge digital

Imagineer Customer Experience is a management consulting and professional services firm focus on customer experience and customer relationship management. Imagineer is an American firm headquartered in Miami, Florida with offices in the U.S., Mexico and Costa Rica. The firm provides customer experience approach to create strategies, processes, digital experiences, and digital transformation. Consulting services Imagineer provides customer experience consulting services. The firm's view is that it is not possible to improve a customer's experience without understanding the business processes that affect that experience, so consultants apply customer experience design and customer experience architecture design. based on diagnosis, processes, automation, methodologies and a map of experiences.A typical Imagineer contract can last from three to twenty-four months and involves three to six Imagineer consultants. An engagement is typically managed by a generalist who covers the ...

Grupo CMA es una empresa que ofrece servicios en el área tecnologías de la información, además de ser distribuidor de productos empresariales Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Aruba, Zebra, Apple y Veeam.

En Grupo Eximo estamos comprometidos con apoyar a todos nuestros clientes a remover las complejidades y las barreras que normalmente enfrentan como usuarios y proveedores de Tecnología.

Página oficial del Grupo ICE, corporación de los costarricenses conformada por: RACSA, ICE y CNFL

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EPIC es una empresa asesora, que da conocimiento, estrategia, tecnología de forma integrada al funcionamiento de su empresa. En CRM y sistemas contables.

Vea las soluciones, los servicios y la cartera de productos de Grupo Inco

Agencia web en Costa Rica con más de 20 años de experiencia especializada en diseño de páginas web, programación web, apps, redes sociales y mercadeo digital.

Videoconferencia es la empresa en Costa Rica en sistemas de videoconferencia Logitech, cuentas de Zoom y sistemas audiovisuales profesionales.