Company Type:

Channel Partners

Country: Romania

City: Craiova


Specialized Microsoft 365 Solutions

Our team of experts thrives on the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. What sets us apart is our ability to turn these tools into your competitive advantage. Whether it’s automating processes, streamlining workflows, or enhancing collaboration, we’re here to elevate your business.

At WIZSP, we’re dedicated to empowering businesses to harness the true power of Microsoft 365. Our range of specialized services is designed to enhance your digital transformation journey and ensure that Microsoft 365 becomes a seamless and valuable asset for your organization.



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Products in city: Craiova


E-CommerceEnergyProfessional Services
EnterpriseHospitalityTravel & Transportation

Market Specialization:

Consumers (B2C)
Small & mid-sized businesses (B2B)
Enterprise (B2B)

Partner Program available for:

Managed Service Provider
Managed Service Provider

Contact Details:

Calea Unirii 21, Bloc 21 ABC

+ 40 - 0750684148

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