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Elioplus is a leading provider of partner recruitment and management solutions that assist IT software companies to expand their partner network.
Find in the list below the best Learning Management System solutions providers that are currently on our platform to help you with implementation, training or consulting services in Europe.
Alumne School es una página de formación on-line donde poder encontrar cursos en vídeo e interactivos de mano de expertos de todo el mundo. Formación on-line avanzada con certificado de realización.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of CT2
La D.C.E.L. - Digital Connect e-learning è un' azienda leader a livello nazionale che si occupa dei centri distribuiti sul territorio e che fornisce servizi di formazione a distanza. La rete mette a disposizione molteplici tipologie di piattaforme web...
International elearning specialists. Provide provide strategic and operational consulting about elearning. More than 17 years of experience.
Dal 1998 aiutiamo i nostri Clienti a trasformare le sfide in opportunità, grazie all'utilizzo tecnologie digitali anche in ambito HR e Retail.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of PENTEC
Software house di Milano. Offriamo alle aziende servizi web e soluzioni digitali: system integration, web content management, e-commerce, business application, UX, app mobile, open source, innovative platform, SEM, social media marketing, retargeting
eLearning Media es distribuidor en España de Blackboard, Kaltura, Moodlerooms y de las más premiadas soluciones a nivel mundial para configurar su eLearning
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Ballistic Cell
Innedu TU Consultora de Innovación Educativa. Especialistas en Educación con gran experiencia en Escuelas de Negocio, Colegios, Universidades, Centros de Formación, Fundaciones y Proyectos Educativos. Equipo apasionado con metodologías y valores únicos...
Web Development, User Experience and Design - Digital Agency based in Switzerland: Zurich, Bern, Fribourg, Lausanne and St. Gallen.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of 3ipunt
Somos una empresa de soluciones elearning con base en Madrid, los mejores contenidos elearning SCORM con Articulate Storyline y plataformas LMS Moodle
ISYC ofrece soluciones tecnológicas de consultoría y desarrollo, CRM, externalización de servicios (BPO), servicios de e-learning e integraciones con Moodle.
Somos Moodle Partners · Apasionados por el e-learning · Gestionamos de forma global todo el proceso de formación · Especialistas en Moodle
Our story Ever since 1995, the founding members of e-teach have been active in the field of distance learning, initially in a CTI applied R&D project in cooperation with partners from academia (HES-SO) and industry (Banque Cantonale Vaudoise - BCV, ...
Somos una empresa de servicios de e-learning que ayuda a las organizaciones a desarrollar sus proyectos de formación para conseguir los resultados deseados.
Elearning, RIA & Game Development Company. Information is everywhere, we make it reachable!
E-Learning Lösungen - erfolgreich Lernprojekte realisieren mit Articulate 360» 30 Tage testen ? Gratis Ratgeber ? Training ? Beratung ?
Eta??e?a µe p???????? eµpe???a ?a? e?e?d??e?µ??? p??s?p??? st?? ??e?t?????? e?pa?de?s? (e-learning), se efa?µ???? ?p?st?????µe?e? ap? ????t? t???f??a (mobile applications), ?a??? ?a? se efa?µ???? augmented reality.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Tictac Interactive
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Key2Know
E-learning.pl – dostawca multimedialnych dedykowanych szkolen e-learningowych, bibliotek szkolen i pigulek gotowych, platform e-learningowych do dystrybucji wiedzy i uslug wsparcia e-learningu.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Spacebyte
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Human Data AB
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Progel
We design and deliver custom eLearning solutions that enhance the performance of your organisation.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Prewise
Software development company
Enocta, Türkiye'nin e-ögrenme alanindaki ilk ve öncü sirketidir. Kurumlarin egitim ve gelisim faaliyetleri için ihtiyaç duyduklari teknoloji, e-egitim ve hizmeti tek çati altinda toplayarak sunar.
Skilltech Poland - jedyny przedstawiciel Skillsoft w Polsce. Rozwiazania edukacyjne on-line - szkolenia HR, IT, przywództwo, szkolenia certyfikacyjne.
The e-learning company - solu?ii e-learning, cursuri online
ISL Malta: software development, ERP Malta, elearning Malta, sales force automation, Sales & Distribution, Inventory Management & Accounting Software.
Talento eLearning Company: corsi e-learning a catalogo e ad hoc, LMS, produzione video, gamification. #elearning, #gamification, #produzionevideo
iSimply s.r.l. è una realtà nata per supportare le Aziende e la Pubblica Amministrazione nei processi di innovazione.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Metar
Cognita je vodeca e-learning kuca u regiji. Najbolja rješenja za organizaciju e-learninga i izvodenje nastave na daljinu.
ATC since its establishment invested in R&D and developed a customer centric culture. The key of our success is the ability to identify the customer needs and fulfill them with innovative solutions and services. We bring the innovation to the industrie...
Tarjoamme ratkaisuja digitaaliseen oppimiseen. Palveluihimme kuuluu räätälöidyt oppimisympäristöt, osaamisen ja koulutusten hallinta sekä koulutuspalveluita verkko-oppimiseen. Lisäksi saat meiltä asiantuntevaa apua verkkokoulutuksen toteutuksen ...
?????????? ? ???????????? ??????????? ??????????, ????????? ? ??????????? ?????????? ??? ?????????????????.
??????? ?????????? ? ??. ???????????? ???????, ????????? ?????????? ? ??????-???????????? ?? ?????? ? ?????????. ????????? ????????. ??????.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of SoftService
????? ?? ????????, ??????????? ??????, ???????????? ??????????? ???? ? ???????? CiBest! ????????? ????????????? ??????-??????????? ? ????????????? ??????
mosaicoelearning.it, il punto di riferimento per l'e-learning in Italia. Visita il sito e l'elearning blog. Daily elearning Tweets.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Simgroup
Med aksjonsmetodikk blir læring en opplevelse Folk lærer lite av det man blir fortalt. Derimot lærer vi mye av erfaring. Vår tilnærming er forankret i aksjonsmetodikk. Det betyr at i stedet for å snakke om det eller bli fortalt, får vi menneskene ti...
? WIDE Services d?ast????p??e?ta? st? ???? t?? ?p??es??? e-learning (t??e?pa?de?s?) ?a? e??a? ? p?st?p???µ??e? s??e???t?? t?? Moodle st?? ????da
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of eDaktik
LEO Learning is a specialist global learning technologies and learning transformation provider. Discover our our award-winning elearning solutions here.
Custom eLearning Development — interacive courses to engage your learners. Dynamic custom elearning development that meets your training goals.
NetSapiensis AB tillhandahåller en mängd olika tjänster inom elearning, där vi förser våra kunder med unika och mångsidiga lösningar.
SC eLearning & Software SRL ofera servicii de eLearning, este singurul Partener Moodle Certificat pentru Romania ?i Reseller Articulate.
konzultacní služby, projektové rízení, rízení projektu, IT, elektronické vzdelávání, e-learning, LMS Moodle, Moodle partner, vývoj, systémové integrace
New Landscapes in Digital Learning
??? ??????? ???????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ???? ??????? ???????? ????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????????? ? ???????? ??????? ??? ???? ??????? .
Vytváríme a spravujeme podnikové informacní systémy, které pomáhají rídit firemní procesy. Nabízíme také software pro správu a rízení lidských zdroju (HR systémy). Aplikace plusPortal je webová aplikace, která tyto informacní systémy propojuje. Podporu...
eFaktor er norsk og dansk Moodlepartner. Vi lærer deg å lage gode elæringskurs.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of MediaTouch
Ledande på lärande mot stora företag och organisationer. Skräddarsydd e-learning. Användarfokuserat LMS. Flexibelt författarverktyg.
Discendum Ltd. offers efficient online services for managing learning and competencies as well as produces consulting services for organisations of all sizes.
LearnChamp unterstützt Sie bei der Digitalisierung Ihrer Personalentwicklung ? Entdecken Sie das Angebot an Digital Learning Solutions!
Vediete firmu a chcete aby bola úspešná? Vzdelávajte svojich zamestnancov vdaka našim elearning kurzom a riešeniam.
A Veloxnet e-learning rendszerek bevezetésével, digitális interaktív tananyag készítésével, teljesítmény- és karriermenedzsment rendszerekkel foglalkozik.
Nosco ofera solutii e-learning pentru provocarile de azi si oportunitatile de maine. Echipa noastra de consultanti vine cu o experienta de peste 10 ani in diverse domenii de activitate precum:resurse umane, vanzari, marketing, strategie si comunica...
#HRConsulting #elearning #LMS #InformationTechnology #HumanResources #talentmanagement #sabacloud #cornestoneondemand #moodle #totara #Oracle #succesfactors
Uniq Interaction kombinerar verksamhetskunnnande med hög kompetens inom digital medieproduktion. Enkelt uttryckt innebär det att vi snabbt förstår ditt utbildningsbehov och omsätter det i engagerande e-learning. Vi har egna studios för inspelning av bå...
Empresa de serviços profissionais de referência no mercado das tecnologias na aprendizagem.
Minden, ami e-learning. Vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot! LMS és Totara beveztés, fejlesztés. Üzemeltetés, támogatás és ügyfélszolgálat. Egyedi e-learning tananyagok fejlesztése, és kulcsrakész készségfejleszto tananyagok.
E-Learning für Unternehmen ? Schulen Sie Mitarbeiter mit Hilfe von digitalen Lern-Management-Systemen & managen Sie Kompetenzen - kostenlose Beratung ?
Sie haben das SAP®-Projekt - wir haben die SAP®-Spezialisten. Hervorragende Referenzen. 10 Mal in Deutschland.
Grow your indirect sales channel and connect with channel partners and IT vendors worldwide.
Browse programs by vendors and partner with Resellers, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and System Integrators (SIs).
Explore channel companies that sell your products or services and belong to your indirect sales force while acting independent.
Search for partnerships offered by vendors who promote their product with current applications that their businesses use.