Opportunities: Viewing 134 results out of 379787+ partnership opportunities on our platform! Learn more

Oldest private IT company in Slovenia, specializing in software development.

Solid World d.o.o. has been involved in industrial engineering since 1999. We are a certified representative for SolidCAM and SOLIDWORKS software. As a company with ownership ties, we work directly with the software manufacturer SolidCAM Ltd. We are part of the Solid World group, which manages a network of SOLIDWORKS software representatives in Slovenia (Solid World d.o.o.) and Italy (Solid World Srl).Our main focus is representing and selling SOLIDWORKS software for 3D design and SolidCAM software for CNC machine programming. The SolidCAM + SOLIDWORKS software package is a no-compromise solution that delivers outstanding results for all manufacturing companies. We place great emphasis on system implementation, training, and providing technical support. We are also representatives for advanced CAD/CAM software solutions, such as SWOOD, specifically for the woodworking industry.A NEW addition to our offering is the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform for product development in the cloud ...

Agiledrop: Trusted PHP and JavaScript developers offering remote teammates to scale web development capacities. Specializing in Drupal, Laravel, React, Angular, and Vue for tailored enterprise-grade web platforms.

Meta Smart Factory offers an innovative digital factory solution integrating Industry 4.0 concepts with advanced planning systems and real-time production management.

With more than 30 years of experience, Perftech remains a leader in integrated business IT solutions, providing in-house developed software/application products and system integrations of technical solutions in both domestic and foreign markets.Perftech's success in Slovenia is based on our ambitious approach to diversification, the core elements of which are professionalism, respect and maturity. Perftech grows in the long term through fundamental business improvements and development.Perftech.Largo - The Complete Business Management SolutionA business information system is a key support for any modern company. It gives you access to key business information at the right time, in the right place, and in a way that makes it easier for you to make decisions. With Perftech.Largo, you'll have the ability to use your data in the most efficient way and achieve more than you could ever imagine.Business Analytics - Perftech.MISWith Perftech.MIS, we aim to simplify data an ...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Bplanet doo

Softeh d.o.o. Podjetje SOFTEH d.o.o. je svetovalno in razvojno storitveno podjetje, ki pomaga organizacijam s pomocjo naprednih informacijskih rešitev izboljšati poslovanje, predvsem na podrocju prodaje, proizvodnje in optimizacije poslovnih procesov p...

Dobrodošli v prihodnost! Napredni sistemi za tehnicno varovanje in avtomatizacijo. POVPRAŠEVANJE Videonadzorni sistemi Axis Z uporabo naprednih kamer do dodane vrednosti videonadzornega sistema. Inteligentni varnostni sistem WiComm Hitra postavitev in ...

Svetovanje, nacrtovanje, izvajanje in servisno vzdrževanje tehnicne opreme objektov za varnost ljudi in premoženja. Siemensov partner za rešitve.

Varno preverjanje temperature zaposlenih in obiskovalcev ter ugotavljanje nošenja mask.

Servis racunalnikov, servis tiskanikov, servis prenosnikov, cišcenje racunalnikov Prodaja, servis racunalniške opreme Vzdrževanje strežniških sistemov

Smo vodilno slovensko podjetje na podrocju sistemskih integracij in poslovne programske opreme z bogato tradicijo od leta 1989!

Proactive automated IT solutions for business continuity. Uncompromising readiness for all kinds of downtime. Call us for more info. Ortoscale LLC.

Podjetje ki se profesionalno ukvarja s podrocjem tehnicnega varovanja

SoftNET d.o.o. je podjetje, ki poslovnim uporabnikom ponuja informacijske in telekomunikacijske rešitve. Z lastnim omrežjem omogoca storitve kot so VoIP, IP VPN MPLS,...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ZELINKA and sinovi

INOVIS d.o.o. je sodobno orientirano, visoko tehnološko podjetje, ki s poznavanjem širokega spektra informacijske tehnologije z znanjem in izkušnjami.

Taman Communications is a full-service marketing and digital agency that specializes in inbound and content marketing, publicity and marketing automation.

OttoFeller is a software company specializing in complicated front end stuff.

Kraft&Werk je agencija za Kreativni Inbound marketing, ki vam pomaga pritegniti obiskovalce, jih spremeniti v leade ter lojalne kupce. Povecamo vam prodajo.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ANGELIS

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Issimo Inbound Marketing agencija. Prva Hubsot certificarana agencija v Sloveniji. Strankam pomagamo generirati nove prodajne kontakte na mednarodnih trgih in jih z inbound marketing aktivnostmi potiskamo po marketinškem lijaku do trenutka, ko se sprož...

Najvecja izbira kvalitetnega pohištva, spalnic in druge opreme za dom ter moderne zabavne elektronike. Preverite bogato ponudbo!

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Spoznaj svet Apple izdelkov v spletni trgovini iSTYLE. Preveri našo ponudbo naprav Mac, iPhone, iPad in Apple Watch ter širok izbor raznolike dodatne opreme. Vse na enem mestu.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Hruska doo

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Apple prodaja, svetovanje, servis, nadgradnje in izobraževanja. Nudimo vse vrste uporabniške pomoci za uporabnike Apple naprav.

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Apple Premium Reseller trgovina. Najnovejši Apple izdelki na enem mestu. Študentski popust, nakup na obroke, leasing... iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, iMac, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of SL-King

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Poskrbimo, da vas o tehnoloških novostih prvi obvestimo. Pridruži se veliki modri skupnosti in spoznavaj, ter nakupuj novosti prvi.

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Na mimovrste=) Facebook strani ti predstavljamo zanimivosti, novosti in vroce ponudbe iz prodajnega programa. Povej nam svoje mnenje, deli izkušnje in predlagaj izboljšave. Zate smo tu.

V podjetju Basic d.o.o. že od leta 1990 v slovenska podjetja uvajamo tehnologije za racunalniško nacrtovanje (CAD), racunalniške simulacije in racunalniško podprto obdelavo izdelkov (CAM). Zastopamo vec tujih proizvajalcev programske opreme za stroj...

E-commerce solution based on Magento CE, Professionally made for Improve your Online Presence. Improve the Way You Do Business with Magento.

Nomiscom spletno oblikovanje vam nudi strateško izdelane spletne strani, ki vam prinašajo nove stranke ter podporo, ki vam omogoca brezskrbno poslovanje.

Forward smo vodilna slovenska agencija za digitalni marketing vaše namestitve ali destinacije. Oglej si naš širok nabor storitev.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of DIGIMEDIA

Madwise / digitalna agencija, fokusirana na spletne rezultate in prodajo / www.madwise.si

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of PNV

Naš cilj je ponuditi najboljše industrijske rešitve in spremljajoce storitve, prilagojene vašim potrebam, po najbolj ugodnimi pogoji.

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Sodobni jezikovni tecaji po celotni Sloveniji. - na kar 15 lokacijah. Izberi jezikovni tecaj in zacni kadarkoli, vsak mesec v letu.

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Zavod ŠOLT ponuja jezikovne, strokovne in športne tecaje po ugodnih cenah.

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Nista Language Centre

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Infosys

Brezplacna uporaba coworking prostora in smart:up programa. Za vas in z vami tvita ekipa ter clani RC IKT - Tehnološkega parka Kranj.

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Prva izbira za digitalno transformacijo vašega podjetja

Marand vodi podjetja do uspešne digitalne transformacije z inovativnimi poslovnimi in tehnološkimi rešitvami za boljše poslovanje in višje zadovoljstvo strank.

Podjetje Our Space Appliances d.o.o. deluje na podrocju infrastrukturnih rešitev za obvladovanje podatkov. Strankam pomagamo pri celovitem obvladovanju podatkov s fokusom na primarni hrambi podatkov, njihovi varnosti ter razpoložljivosti. Sledimo trend...

Racunalniška strojna oprema, Potrošni materiali, Oprema za trgovine, Programska oprema, Oprema za proizvodnjo, skladišca in restavracije

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Itelis

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of PROCESSI

We have rich experience developing big scale complex software solutions for software vendors (e.g. TIBCO, Microsoft, HP,...)

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of SMM

Elektrotehnika Jamnik zastopa, prodaja,montaža,šolanja,svetovanje: Gigaset, Gemalto Cinterion,UNIFY,YEASTAR,FANVIL,Alphatech,Telegartner,Grandstream...

SMARTIS helps different Slovenian and international companies with optimization and automation of their technical and business processes.

ITSM CENTER d.o.o., The heart of IT Service Management

We are a pure-play Salesforce.com Platinum Consulting Partner focused on delivering world class Salesforce-based solutions and outsourcing services. We're developing CRM and HRM cloud solutions which will help you gain new customers and exceed the expe...

Programska rešitev Manto Insight je enostaven racunalniški program, ki omogoca boljšo organizacijo dela podjetja na vec podrocjih: pri delu z dokumenti, strankami in projekti.

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Xenon forte

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Sapeo

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of A3S Delta

Spletne strani, trgovine in marketing: v tem se pocutimo kot doma. Ustvarjamo nepozabne spletne izkušnje, ki nad vaše mesto v digitalnem svetu dodajo klicaj. Ne maramo pa dolgcasa – kar lahko potrdi naša pestra zbirka že uspelih projektov. Kar poglejte...

Margento is an innovative global provider of powerful mobile transactions and payment solutions.

Podjetje Dejavniki Uspeha je posveceno doseganju ciljev vaše organizacije, oz. podjetja skozi povecano ucinkovitost in boljše poslovne rezultate na eni strani ter višjo stopnjo motiviranosti zaposlenih in njihovega poistovetenja s cilji organizacije, n...

Inden was established in 2016 with the purpose of advanced information solution development in the field of industry and energy.

SRC is an advanced European and a leading Slovenian company specializing in efficient business technologies. We help successful businesses and government offices improve the efficiency of operating activities significantly with a highly qualified t...

NIL is the leading provider of data center, network, cloud, and information security services. The company provides its customers with business value through consulting services, managed services, system integration, and learning services.

Tricikel, d.o.o. je partner skupine Software AG v Sloveniji. Smo vodilni ponudnik celovitih rešitev za obvladovanje poslovnih procesov, procesno rudarjenje, obvladovanje poslovno-informacijske arhitekture ter obvladovanje tveganj in zagotavljanje sklad...

We offer custom business intelligence solutions (BI), coding in many programming languages and development of fantastic mobile applications.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Digiverse

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E-izobraževanje Smart ARENA. Napredna platforma, ki vam omogoca enostavno kreiranje in organizacijo e-izobraževanja.

Sabex is a distributor of quality brands (beauty, care & health). We develop, implement and maintain brands on the local markets of Adriatic region.

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