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Elioplus is a leading provider of partner recruitment and management solutions that assist IT software companies to expand their partner network.
Avaya is an IT vendor that develops and provides unified communications and contact center solutions and products.
Find in the list below an Avaya reseller or a channel partner that are currently on our platform. You can locate the Avaya partners based on their country and use additional filters like product category and industry.
Telekompaniet, Data, IT och företagastelefoni i molnet. Drift & support av er IT-miljö, inkl. licencer och arbetssätt. Företagsfiber, datanätverk, WiFi, office 365, mobilanvändare, driftsupport, hosting, molntjänster och printer för ett fungerande före...
Empresa de telecomunicaciones en Elche dedicada a la instalacion y reparacion de redes de telecomunicaciones
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Adico
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Servicios de Telecomunicaciones Infocom
En TELLiT somos expertos en diseño, implantación y mantenimiento de plataformas de contact center y comunicaciones para empresas.
Felix Telecom - integrator sisteme IT&C, servicii avansate de proiectare, instalare si mentenanta a comunicatiilor de voce si date
Empresa de ingeniería #telco #servicios
Simplify your IT and Boost your efficiency. At CPCecho we make IT simple and help customers be more efficient with great People and Partners.
Wideokonferencja Audiokonferencja Nagrywanie Streaming. StarLeaf (H.323, SIP, WebRTC), Avaya, Cisco, SONY, ClearOne, Revolabs, Microsoft Skype for Business.
Aplikacje na kolektory danych - system Symfonia, handel, sage, erp, finanse i ksiegowosc. Centrala telefoniczna Avaya IP Office - Wroclaw.
[dt_fancy_title title="See what we can do for you" title_align="left"…
Mama-Telecom is gespecialiseerd in het adviseren, verkopen, implementeren en onderhouden van traditionele, VoIP, private cloud, managed telefonie en hosted telefonie oplossingen behorende bij de 21ste eeuw.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of AllVoice Sp zoo
NexusTelecom dostarcza oraz serwisuje najnowsze systemy telefonii biznesowej VoIP, które umozliwiaja komunikacje w biurze, jak i w podrózy.
Vi spesialiserer oss på løsninger og tjenester innen cybersikkerhet, sikre datasentre, sikre nettverk og sikker integrert kommunikasjon.
Op zoek naar headsets voor jouw organisatie? SynFore zorgt dat je optimaal bereikbaar bent met de beste headsets van A-merken. Bekijk ons aanbod.
Home workplace - Headsets - Video conference or meeting - AV Telecom supplies what you need to make your telecommunication work optimally.
Dia Telecom is sterk onderscheidend door haar cloud-based visie voor multi-channel telecommunicatie. Wij zijn trots op het groeipad dat begon met relatief eenvoudige Interactive Voice Response systemen voor het bestellen van producten, het opvragen van...
Met onze (mobiele) Telefonie, ICT en Analytics oplossingen, kiest u voor een partner die gelooft in de meerwaarde van langdurige samenwerking. Zo zijn wij al meer dan 15 jaar Avaya Partner en ontwikkelen we Business Intelligence oplossingen.
Wij zijn gespecialiseerd in het bouwen van systemen met slimme routeringen voor spraak, email, chat en self-service. Een tevreden klant is een trouwe klant.
ZG Telecom Haarlem, uw leverancier van Telefonie, Callcenter, Contactcenter, VoIP, SIP, Hotel communicatie, Alarmering, Interface en totale communicatie oplossingen.
Wir sind ein expandierendes IT-Systemhaus mit langjähriger Erfahrung in allen Bereichen der EDV-Technik, insbesondere im Umfeld der EDV-Anforderungen von Kommunalverwaltungen. Zu unseren Leistungen gehören neben einem vielfältigen Hard- und Softwarean...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of hecom IT und TK Loesungen
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of CIGroupUSA
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Tridimas Sdn Bhd
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Dipo Telekommunikation
Tenovar is a leading solution provider company in the communication and technology sector focused on providing a holistic technological approach to businesses improving the way they handle their technology systems, communications, data, processes and c...
Nous déployons et maintenons des systèmes de communication unifiée, de téléphonie sur IP, de visioconférence et de centre de contacts à forte valeur ajoutée de marque AVAYA
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ASCOTT Srl
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Keynat Technology
Eurotel è specializzata nella gestione integrata di telefonia, dati e video in ambito civile, industriale e ferroviario, ed oggi è un System Integrator in grado di fornire soluzioni chiavi in mano nel settore delle Telecomunicazioni e dell'Impiantistic...
OBS Italia propone le migliori tecnologie nel campo delle infrastrutture telematiche, Unified Communication, Domotica ed energie rinnovabili.
aptLogiX LLC was born to stand out from other IT hardware, software and service re-sellers. We believe in offering dynamic solutions that help our clients.
Telefonia emiliana fornisce soluzioni complete in ambito di telefonia e telecomunicazioni, fornendo anche assistenza, installazione e formazione all’utilizzo di prodotti come: centralini telefonici a Bologna, reti a Bologna, videoconferenza a Bologna, ...
Telematica Torino: tutti i servizi per essere in contatto con il mondo! Trent'anni di esperienza in telefonia, telecomunicazioni, connettività e Reti lan
Siamo una relatà di nicchia nel mondo delle telecomunicazioni operativa dal 1995 e offriamo servizi di System integration nel settore ICT
Antelma è un System Integrator qualificato da partner Internazionali che da oltre 25 anni offre ad aziende di ogni dimensione Servizi di telecomunicazione e Soluzioni ICT all'avanguardia,
Benvenuto dal Team Prasi Il miglior partner per la tua trasformazione digitale Nel nostro lavoro fare bene è essenziale. Questo significa fornire prodotti, servizi e soluzioni studiati con attenzione e tagliati su misura per ogni progetto e sulle speci...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of the company
What is the Cloud Contact Center Solution? Our cloud contact center solution is hosted over the internet, easy to install and utilise, and involves minimum costs. It also reduces the need for hardware set-up and can serve the dynamic needs of multip...
Cremonaufficio è specializzato nella vendita e nell'assistenza qualificata di personal computer, software, notebook, stampanti, plotter, fotocopiatrici, impianti telefonici intercomunicanti, telefax e arredamenti per ufficio. - Brescia, Piacenza
Centralini telefonici Avaya, Installazione impianti Voip Avaya, Assistenza centralini telefonici Avaya, Installazione centralini telefonici Avaya, Assistenza impianti voip Avaya, Installazione sistemi call center, Assistenza sistemi call center
ZEUS TELEMATICA S.r.l. 27010 San Genesio ed Uniti (PV) Viale Industria, 47 - Presente da oltre vent'anni nel settore dell'informatica e del "Data Communication", ZEUS TELEMATICA segue costantemente l'evoluzione delle tecnologie e delle architetture gra...
LF IMPIANTI | Servizi di telecomunicazione aziendale: data centre, cablaggi, sicurezza, rete dati, helpdesk, display e molto altro.
Leolan è fornitore di impianti tecnologici di ultima generazione a Bovisio Masciago MB. Lo staff fornirà assistenza completa con competenza e professionalità.
Fornisce servizi di telecomunicazione, Telefonia, impianti telefonici, assistenza tecnica, recording system, Voicemail pro, Telecom, Telefoni, Wifi
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Piemme Telecom
soluzioni integrate e innovative di videoconferenza e unified communication
evcoms provides managed workforce optimisation services, strategic technical consultancy, and training courses for future-ready contact centres.
Amennyiben olyan rendszerintegrátort keres, amely a releváns piaci területek tapasztalt szakembergárdájával dolgozik, kulcsrakészen szállítja a legújabb technikai
Cégünk teljes köru megoldás portfóliókat kínál telekommunikáció, hálózat- és infrastruktúra, valamint vizuáltechnika területen.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of INNObyte Hungary
Geomant are a specialist customer experience systems integrator, we help business accelerate digital transformation in their contact centres
PCS - Ihr Systemhaus für UC. Wir sind Spezialisten im Bereich Unternehmenskommunikation (Telefonanlagen, Avaya, innovaphone, Netzwerk, UC, Video, Carrier Servives)
Know-how, strength and flexibility have been paramount for us since our foundation in 1991. The spectrum of our services is constantly growing.
Wir bieten Ihnen professionelle Lösungen und Produkte aus der ? Kommunikations- und ? Netzwerktechnik, wie auch der ? VOIP-Telefonie mittels innovativer ? Telefonanlagen.
Glasfaser: Telemark ist der größte Telekommunikationsanbieter für schnelles Internet in Südwestfalen.
CCT Solution GmbH Official Website
Xcobean is a champion in accelerating businesses to success, we have specialized in solid end-to-end delivery of tailor-made technology solutions bringing innovative, scalable, and competitive results.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Sandersfeld Sicherheitstechnik
Die ARKTIS IT solutions GmbH ist ein führendes Systemhaus in Berlin und Ihr Experte für State-of-the-Art Netzwerktechnik, Datenkommunikation, Technischer Gebäudeausrüstung, IT-solutions und Elektrotechnik.
Team & Customer Engagement Solutions
???ef????? ???t?a AVAYA ??a ep??e???se?? & epa??e?µat?e?,s?ed?asµ??e? ap???e?st??? ??a t?? d???? sa? a????e?.?e??????s?a ??a ???e t??ep????????a?? ??s?.
TELNETSERV, Ihr Partner für individuelle Kommunikationslösungen Die Anforderungen an moderne Telekommunikations-Systeme wachsen, TELNETSERV wächst mit! Eine perfekt funktionierende Kommunikation ist entscheidend für Ihren Erfolg. Wir verfügen m...
AVAYA Telefonanlagen und Service: Von Berlin bis München sind wir Ihr kompetenter Partner rund um die innovativen Kommunikationssysteme von AVAYA.
Tedesio ist ein modernes und intelligentes IT Spezialistenteam mit den Schwerpunkten IT Security, ITK Lösungen und IT Authority. Wir arbeiten deutschlandweit.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Weiconet GmbH
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Damovo delivers technology-enabled business efficiencies to enterprises around the world. Imprint: https://t.co/oqAeJw7B9S
Die eigens entwickelte Cloud-Lösung ist eine virtuelle Telefonanlage mit tiefgreifender Applikationsvielfalt. Telefonie-, Netzwerk- & Security-Lösungen vieler marktführenden Hersteller, sowie Beratung, Wartung & Installation aus einer Hand.
L'entreprise Milelec de St Jean de Vedas accompagne les PME/PMI, Santé & Public, Hôtellerie et Ehpad & Résidence Senior pour leur équipement en télécommunication, sécurité et solutions réseau
ACRT Villefranche sur saône : équipement et installation de vidéosurveillance, alarme, réseaux et téléphonie pour les professionnels et particuliers
Syspoint Inc. is a supplier of computers, laptops, printers, hardware, software and other information and communication technology products
Tims, spécialiste des systèmes d'information, vous accompagne dans votre transformation numérique. Notre expertise pour votre savoir faire.
Des solutions informatiques sur-mesure: Téléphonie sur IP, centre de contacts omnicanal, data et sécurité, cloud experience. Decouvrez nos solutions !
Opérateur et intégrateur IPNEOS est un expert dans les domaines des réseaux, de l'informatique, des communications et de la téléphonie IP. Télécommunication, téléphonie fixe, internet haut-débit VPN. %
Vi leverer intelligente og markedsledende kommunikationsløsninger.
Spolecnost DTS-Praha a.s. byla založena v roce 1996 s cílem pusobit na telekomunikacním trhu v oblasti obchodní, konzultacní i servisní.
Let us manage your IT so you can manage your Company | Innovative Technological Solutions | Intelligent Solutions is pleased to provide top notch solutions both developed by our engineers and from the world’s top companies.
Avaya Partner Cyprus,Avaya Authorised Partner Cyprus,MyPBX Cyprus,Grandstream Cyprus,IP Telephony Cyprus,Hotel Phones Cyprus,Hotel Telephone System Hotel,Video Conference Cyprus,Avaya Networking Cyprus,Wireless Systems Cyprus,Contact Center Cyprus
?????????? ?????? - ??????????? ?? ???????. IP PBX, IP ????????? ????????, ????????? ??????, ???????, ??????? ?????????? - Avaya, Polycom, Lenovo.
Proscom je u potpunosti domaca kompanija, sa sedištem u Beogradu. Bavi se integracijom, projektovanjem i realizacijom telefonskih i racunarskih sistema.
30 years empowering business: contact center solutions, unified communications, ecm solutions, eforms, digital signage
Gespecialiseerd telecom partner voor bedrijven en particulieren in heel België: telefonie, VoIP, cloud telefonie, radiocommunicatie en satelliet telefonie
Sailor Telecom & ICT is een regionaal toonaangevend bedrijf met kennis van zaken en een behoorlijke staat van dienst.
Koméo propose des solutions de communication innovantes : télécom et solution pour centre de contact en cloud privé français.
Bienvenue chez Inventive Telecom Partners (ITP), votre partenaire dans la conception, la configuration et l'intégration de vos réseaux Voix et Données.
Bereits über 22 Jahre ?? getreu dem Leitsatz Technik ist unsere Leidenschaft bringen wir von ESS Stauder in Percha die Bereiche IT/EDV, Telefon- und VoIP Anlagen sowie EDV Datennetzte und Elektrotechnik miteinander in Einklang
Wir bieten uneresen Kunden erstklassige Produkte und Service rund um Fragen der (Cloud)-Telefonie, Konferenzsysteme und Netzwerkstrukturen. Wir verfügen über umfassende Fachkenntnisse und möchten Sie dabei unterstützen Ihre Kommunikation fit für die di...
Supra Net Projekt je vodece poduzece u Hrvatskoj na podrucju video i audio konferencijskih sustava i rješenja. Stotine instaliranih sustava i zadovoljnih korisnika iz privatnog i javnog sektora razlicitih velicina i podrucja djelovanja. Izvrsna suradnj...
Business Communication ? Kommunikationslösungen ? Professional Audio-Video ? Medientechnik ? Präsentationssysteme ? Videokonferenzsysteme.
Ihr erfahrener IT-Partner: IT-Beratung, IT-Security, UCC, Cloud-Lösungen, Call Center, Telefonie Digitalisierung, IT-Outsourcing ¦ Schweiz und Österreich
OVE-ZERTIFIKAT für unser IP-Lichtrufsystem NurseCare SIPconnect hat das IP- Lichtrufsystem NurseCare, welches seit 3 Jahren sehr erfolgreich in vielen Gesundheitseinrichtungen in Österreich im Einsatz ist, vom unabhängigen österreichischen I...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of BBT IT Support Services
Beetel is a leading distribution and manufacturing company in India offering a wide range of innovative products in mobile handsets.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Arpan Infrasolution
Nexgen Australia delivers innovative services to meet your present & future Business Technology Supplier. Contact now for Business Communication Solutions & Telecommunications Solutions.
High Quality Business Telecommunications and Managed IT Services Corp Centre is an award- winning Business services provider. We offer anextensive range of Managed Telco products and IT Services. Contact Us High Quality Business Telecommunications and ...
C.T. Agency is an industry leading telecommunications provider. We provide an extensive variety of business communication solutions from phone systems to the leading multifunction printers.
Driving Customer Business Performance through Technology and Innovation
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