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ASIA Tech Center is an ISO 9001-2015 certified company, and center of excellence in field of CAD/CAE training with 100% placement guarantee.

As Enorm Teknoloji, we are Adobe Turkey Gold Reseller, Wolfram Turkey's sole authorized distributor. We also sell brands such as HP, Dell, Lenovo, Acronis, Maxqda, Autodesk, Microsoft, Forcepoint, vRay, Citrix, Graphpad, Grammarly, Sketchup, CorelDraw, Rhino, Zwcad, Veeam, Vmware, Seagate, Logitech, WD, Apple.Especially for large enterprises, the correct selection and management of IT products are essential. It is also important to choose the newest and best products by following current technological developments. In addition to product sales, we support our customers in the correct product positioning.

AppliCAD ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? 3 ????

Tech360 Vi?t Nam là nhà cung c?p ph?n m?m b?n quy?n b?n quy?n ph?n m?m CAD/CAM/CAE Autodesk, SketchUp, PTC, Dassault System, Siemens... | Microsoft Windows, Office,SQL, Exchange chính hãng t?i Vi?t Nam | Gi?i pháp CNTT | PC, Lap top chính hãng | Giá th...

Sie suchen eine Branchensoftware mit Holzfokus? Kombinieren Sie die OSD-ERP- Software und CAD/CAM-Lösungen ganz nach Ihren Wünschen.

Website Design and Development Company Alpha BPO also provides professional services for Data Processing, eBook Conversion, Scanning, and much more.

We are a West Michigan-based SOLIDWORKS Reseller and Integrator.If you are looking for a partner to help you better understand and implement software solutions from Dassault Systems, SWYFT Solutions should be your first call.Whether you need fully-cloud CAD, mostly on-premise with a few high-end SIMULIA roles or a hybrid cloud/on-premise setup, the perfect solution is out there. With solutions that go from basic CAD to high-level, cloud-backed simulation and everything in between, you need a partner to help navigate the right fit for your team.SWYFT stands for Start With Your Future Today and we have one mission in mind, to help businesses and individuals become future-proof. The concept of future-proofing is the process of developing methods of minimizing the effects of shocks and stresses of future events. We believe that this can be achieved through the implementation of adapting systems.To implement an effective system that is continuously improving and adjusting i ...

Software for the door and window industry. Klaes - the window design software for producers and distributors. Made in Germany.

Paton Group is a value added reseller 100% focused on education technology in areas of design, prototyping, advanced manufacturing and fabrication serving institutions in California, Nevada & Hawaii. Our products include industry-leading manufacturers...

Sim Technologies is an authorized SOLIDWORKS reseller and engineering solution provider in Chennai, Coimbatore, and Kolhapur. We are also an authorized SOLIDWORKS Training and SOLIDWORKS Certification center in Tamilnadu. We support our customers with SOLIDWORKS Technical Training & SOLIDWORKS Webinars at various locations in Tamilnadu.Everything we do is focused on close collaboration and engagement with our consumers. SIMTEK delivers best-in-class design solutions that are easy to use, administer, and interface with other platforms, with over 20 years of expertise and 1000+ customers in high tech, medical, machine design, energy, and other industries. We are also proud to serve academic institutions as the Regional champion for colleges, universities, and schools.

Enginia biedt de maakindustrie snellere en betere innovatie en verkort doorlooptijden door de prestaties van engineers, productieteams én de onderneming te optimaliseren.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ITS

Als Profi im Bereich Solid Edge & PDM helfen wir bei der Entwicklung einer individuellen Industrie 4.0 Strategie & verbessern Produktentstehungsprozesse

Working with us will make it easier to innovate and grow

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Space Solution

?? «??? ????» (??????-????) - ?????????????? ??????? @ANSYS, @ESIgroup, @SiemensPLM Software, @Autodesk_cis, @HexagonMI

????? ???????? ?????????? ??????? ? ????????? ??????????, ???????????, ???????????, ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ? ??, IT-??????????? ? ????????.

Czech Republic

NX a SolidEdge se Synchronní technologií tvorí s Teamcenter kompletní CAx/PLM rešení pro strojírenský prumysl ve 2D i 3D modelování a tvorbu NC programu

China, Republic of (Taiwan)


Seit mehr als 27 Jahren unterstützt ACAM Systemautomation, als innovatives Unternehmen, seine Kunden vorwiegend in den Bereichen Produktentwicklung und Fertigung.

Avantek te ofrece el más efectivo software CAD-CAM-CAE y PLM para empresas de Siemens Digital Industries Software. ¡Descubre su potencial!

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Clio Soft

Prismacim Partner Oficial de SIEMENS especializado en consultoría e implementación de Solid Edge, Solid Edge CAM Pro, Teamcenter, Polarion y Femap.

Pixel Sistemas es distribuidor oficial de Siemens PLM software, Desktop Metal y Stratasys. Trabajamos con Nuestro lema: expertos en software e impresión 3D

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Jikyung Solutech

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of UFC

China, Republic of (Taiwan)

????20????? Siemens PLM Software ???????,????????,???????????,????????4.0?????????? Siemens ????,?????????????????????

ADA is the Product Lifecycle Management software solutions leading company in Romania, Siemens Industry Software Partner. The main addressed industries are: automotive, aircraft, industrial equipment and machinery, research and development, energy and ...

MES, DNC, BDE, MDE - webbasierte Lösungen zur Anbindung von Maschinen und die Verwaltung der Fertigungsdaten sowie für mehr Transparenz in der Fertigung

Autoryzowany przedstawiciel Siemens PLM. Sprzedaz, wsparcie, szkolenia, uslugi - NX CAD, NX, CAM, NX CAE, Solid Edge, Teamcenter, Femap.

A graphIT Kft. jelenlegi jogi formájában 1997-ben alakult hazai magánvállalat. Jogelodjét is figyelembe véve 1992 óta van jelen a gépészeti (CAD/CAM/PLM) piacon, és az elmúlt évtized felhasználói sikerei eredményeként ennek a piaci szegmensnek meghatár...

GoalTech Engineering Solutions, es una empresa dedicada a brindar las mejores soluciones de ingeniería, con el fin de ayudarle a desarrollar sus proyectos.

Cytrus AG ist Ihr strategischer Partner im Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) zur Umsetzung Ihrer Anforderungen hinsichtlich Produktkonstruktion, Produktion und Simulation im Zusammenhang mit CAx-, PDM- und ERP-Software.

Är ert företag redo för Industri 4.0? Vi tar din affärsmodell in i framtiden med virtuell produktutveckling Kom igång snabbt och smidigt med ditt PLM-system Vi hjälper dig genom hela processen Våra lösningar gör det enkelt för dig som kund. Vi hjälper ...

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????? ??/??, ????/????/??? ???/?? ? ???·?? ????? ?? ? ????

??? 1987? ????????? ??, 2004? ??? ???? ????, ????? ??? ????? ?? CAD/CAM ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?????. SIEMENS?? NX SOLUTION, VERO?? Machining Stragist, AUTODESK ?? ????, CAD/CAM/CAE Solution? ???? ???,

Committed to Mechanical Engineering domain, Aashai Technologies is focused on Simulation Software Development and Engineering Design Services. Aashai offers comprehensive solutions to its customers in Software Product Development / Engineering Workflow...

Imprimantes et traceurs grand format (17 à 64 pouces) dédiés aux professionnels ainsi que des scanners, plieuses, coupeuses et des logiciels.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ViHoth

United States

ITI - International TechneGroup | Home

Wir unterstützen Fertigungsunternehmen seit über 20 Jahren bei der Digitalisierung & Automatisierung ihrer Konstruktions- und Fertigungsprozesse

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of CandG SYSTEMS

Zobacz nasza oferte oprogramowania kosztorysowego i projektowego, a takze szeroka baze ksiazek naukowych i publikacji specjalistycznych w naszej ksiegarni internetowej

United Arab Emirates

An Engineering Solutions Company in UAE and Saudi Arabia providing technology solutions and services - CAD/BIM/PLM implementations to the construction and manufacturing sectors.

CAD Software for architecture, mechanical design and engineering. Free downloads and more, CADDIT Sydney Australia.

Számítógépes gyártás-elokészítés, automata szabászat, innovatív ruhaipari megoldások, CAD/CAD rendszerek, szabásminta készítés, szériázás, divattervezok

Allendale Machinery Systems provides null services in the Upper Saddle Rvr, NJ area. Call us today for our latest specials. Powered by Velocity

Mua b?n quy?n Autodesk AutoCAD chính hãng t? nhà phân ph?i ?y quy?n ? Cung c?p ph?n m?m Revit, Inventor, Collection ? AutoCAD LT, AEC, MFG

Das Solid System Team ist Lösungsanbieter für CAD, CAM, PDM, ERP und PLM Software. Seit mehr als dreißig Jahren auf dem Markt betreut es Ihre Kunden innovativ und erfahren.

United Arab Emirates

Exclusive Distributor of various complementary Technologies: Additive Manufacturing: Ultimaker, Colossus, Photocentric, Picaso , Uniz , Sinterit , Natural Machines Foodini , 3D Potter, 3Doodler Post Processing: Polysher Subtractive Manufacturing: Full ...

United Arab Emirates

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Responsive Websites Using BootStrap - demo page

Autodesk Gelismis Üretim Çözümleri Türkiye Saticisi OguSoft Teknoloji; PowerMill, Fusion 360, FeatureCAM, PowerShape, Netfabb, CAMplete ve AutoCAD LT yazilimlari; satis, egitim ve destek hizmetlerini yürütmektedir.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Biltim

Autodesk Gold Partneri olan AB CAD CAM SISTEMLERI, CAD CAM Yazilimlarinin satisi, teknik destegi ve egitimi konularinda faaliyet göstermektedir.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of NR Automation Systems

AutoCAD - Adobe (Reseller Thailand) ??????????????????????????????????????????????? 2D Drafting - 3D Design - Graphic Design ?????????? ????????????? - Autodesk Adobe Microsoft Partner.

Home Walder + Trüeb Engineering AG - Wir setzen uns seit Jahren dafür ein, dass Sie in Ihren Arbeitsprozessen effizient und konkurrenzfähig bleiben.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Bloomberg Solutions

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Aztech

V podjetju Basic d.o.o. že od leta 1990 v slovenska podjetja uvajamo tehnologije za racunalniško nacrtovanje (CAD), racunalniške simulacije in racunalniško podprto obdelavo izdelkov (CAM). Zastopamo vec tujih proizvajalcev programske opreme za stroj...

Arkance Systems (CAD Studio) - váš partner pre softvérové riešenia a služby. Digitalizácia, digitálna transformácia, priemysel 4.0.

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Trabalhamos com soluções industriais, como sistemas de CAD/CAM/CAE, Impressão 3D, Digitalização Tridimensional, Células Robóticas e outros meios tecnológicos avançados de uma forma integrada.

Delcam is one of the world's leading suppliers of advanced CADCAM software product development solutions for the manufacturing industry. Delcam creates cad cam software for all your design to manufacturing needs.

Hofag Engineering, furnizor de solu?ii CAD/CAM/ERP, este reseller autorizat pentru firmele AUTODESK, BEMET, VEROSOFTWARE ?i distribuie software specializat pentru proiectare mecanica, simulare, data management ?i programare CNC.

PCC Polska – Autoryzowany Partner Autodesk. Nasza oferta to produkty zwiazanie z dziedzina projektowania – 3ds Max, AutoCad czy Inventor. Idealne narzedzia do modelowania, tworzenia konstrukcji, animacji i renderingu.

Iniciamos labores el 27 de julio de 1992 y actualmente contamos con más de 18 años de experiencia en el mercado brindando servicios como consultores de informática especializados en las áreas de Sistemas de Información Geográfico, manejo de base de dat...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Engineering Systems

Licencias de software, Centro de entrenamiento y Certificación. Gold Partner Autodesk. Distribuidor Unity. Más de 30 años de experiencia.

3Dtech Group of Companies Solutions is one of the Malaysia leading providers of integrated information technology solutions & services, our focus is firmly on understanding our customer business using our expertise to implement appropriate solutions

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AD&M Global Sdn Bhd is Autodesk Gold Reseller Training Provider in Malaysia. AD&M global are Authorized AutoDesk Gold Partner, training center

CAD ja GIS tarkvara, oskusteave, projektid ja koolitused. Bentley Microstation, Compass, Imos, Alphacam, Ardis

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Blue Bell Engineering

Acuity Engineering is Autodesk’s Value-added Reseller (VAR) by providing Advanced Manufacturing Solutions to reach customers’ requirements.

We believe in being honest, hardworking and upfront at all times. Above all, we believe in taking care of people. Although TechnoFirm Software is one of the growing* Software Development & Trading firm, we are not sales or profit driven. We believe tha...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of MNC 5D

KCCIPL is an Authorized Training Center, Authorized Reseller, and Authorized Certification Center & Authorized Channel Partner of Autodesk Software.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Win-Win Infosys

3D-tulostimet ja 3D-tulostus, 3D-skannerit ja 3D-mallinnusohjelmat Tampereelta. Laaja valikoima FDM 3D-tulostimia. Tutustu verkkokaupassa!

IC-KPI provides #1 ERP & CRM software for the industry which enables businesses to fulfill their industry-specific needs. IC KPI

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of CAD360 Group

China, Republic of (Taiwan)

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Surface3D

Authorized distributor for Altium products in Malaysia.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Inversiones Express

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