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Elioplus is a leading provider of partner recruitment and management solutions that assist IT software companies to expand their partner network.
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NX a SolidEdge se Synchronní technologií tvorí s Teamcenter kompletní CAx/PLM rešení pro strojírenský prumysl ve 2D i 3D modelování a tvorbu NC programu
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Tech-Value
Seit mehr als 27 Jahren unterstützt ACAM Systemautomation, als innovatives Unternehmen, seine Kunden vorwiegend in den Bereichen Produktentwicklung und Fertigung.
Avantek te ofrece el más efectivo software CAD-CAM-CAE y PLM para empresas de Siemens Digital Industries Software. ¡Descubre su potencial!
Prismacim Partner Oficial de SIEMENS especializado en consultoría e implementación de Solid Edge, Solid Edge CAM Pro, Teamcenter, Polarion y Femap.
Pixel Sistemas es distribuidor oficial de Siemens PLM software, Desktop Metal y Stratasys. Trabajamos con Nuestro lema: expertos en software e impresión 3D
Retweeting @techsoup universe in Eng. | Augmenter l'impact des associations par la technologie - De impact van vzw's verhogen door inzet van technologie (Be-Lu)
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Jikyung Solutech
La marketplace des outils pour l'Ingénierie en Conception / Simulation / Essais
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of UFC
????20????? Siemens PLM Software ???????,????????,???????????,????????4.0?????????? Siemens ????,?????????????????????
ADA is the Product Lifecycle Management software solutions leading company in Romania, Siemens Industry Software Partner. The main addressed industries are: automotive, aircraft, industrial equipment and machinery, research and development, energy and ...
Sn Software vous aide a vous concentrer sur votre coeur de metier. Nous sommes votre facility manager dans l'IT. Vos sites web, vos logciels, votre reseau et meme vos cameras de surveillance.
Autoryzowany przedstawiciel Siemens PLM. Sprzedaz, wsparcie, szkolenia, uslugi - NX CAD, NX, CAM, NX CAE, Solid Edge, Teamcenter, Femap.
CAD-IT specialise in Service Lifecycle Management (SLM). Combining integrated technical documentation software, Augmented Reality, advanced diagnostics & troubleshooting and service portals with expert consultancy, training and implementation to transf...
Wolfe Systems is a cost effective IT Services Company, provides IT cloud storage and web design for business in the greater Perth area.
MISSION. Siamo specializzati nell’offrire soluzioni integrate, adattabili a ogni esigenza e sostenibili nel lungo periodo. Grazie a un solido network creato con i nostri partners, garantiamo un approccio unico e garantito nell’ICT, presenta...
Die Elinter AG hat Ihre Expertise in der jahrelangen aufbau des Know Hows um die Fragen der thermische n Wärmebeherschung in der Industrie und Gerätebau. Bietet dazu Software zur fluiden Simulation, thermsiche Dienstleistungen als auch Lösungen in Form...
EC TEST SYSTEMS to sklep oraz wypozyczalnia sprzetu pomiarowego z zakresu aktywnej termowizji, czujników pomiarowych itp. Swiadczymy takze uslugi pomiarowe.
A graphIT Kft. jelenlegi jogi formájában 1997-ben alakult hazai magánvállalat. Jogelodjét is figyelembe véve 1992 óta van jelen a gépészeti (CAD/CAM/PLM) piacon, és az elmúlt évtized felhasználói sikerei eredményeként ennek a piaci szegmensnek meghatár...
GoalTech Engineering Solutions, es una empresa dedicada a brindar las mejores soluciones de ingeniería, con el fin de ayudarle a desarrollar sus proyectos.
Logiciels CAO, Conception 2D et 3D, Simulation, Calcul de structure et Mécanique des fluides, Partage des données, Découvrez notre offre
Cytrus AG ist Ihr strategischer Partner im Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) zur Umsetzung Ihrer Anforderungen hinsichtlich Produktkonstruktion, Produktion und Simulation im Zusammenhang mit CAx-, PDM- und ERP-Software.
Är ert företag redo för Industri 4.0? Vi tar din affärsmodell in i framtiden med virtuell produktutveckling Kom igång snabbt och smidigt med ditt PLM-system Vi hjälper dig genom hela processen Våra lösningar gör det enkelt för dig som kund. Vi hjälper ...
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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of E-Wave Solution
??? 1987? ????????? ??, 2004? ??? ???? ????, ????? ??? ????? ?? CAD/CAM ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?????. SIEMENS?? NX SOLUTION, VERO?? Machining Stragist, AUTODESK ?? ????, CAD/CAM/CAE Solution? ???? ???,
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of AD Solution
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of TVG Lietuva
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Jaewoo Tech
Solo Network - Especialista em TI. Revenda Microsoft, HP, Lenovo, Adobe, Autodesk, Kaspersky, APC, VMware, Corel e outros
Grantek helps Life Sciences and Food & Beverage Manufacturers worldwide advance their operations with digital solutions.
Brock Solutions is an engineering solutions and professional services company specializing in the design, build and implementation of real-time solutions for broad based industrial / manufacturing and transportation/logistics organizations globally.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Configuratori
Committed to Mechanical Engineering domain, Aashai Technologies is focused on Simulation Software Development and Engineering Design Services. Aashai offers comprehensive solutions to its customers in Software Product Development / Engineering Workflow...
QuEST Global is a product engineering company in the Aero Engines, Aerospace & Defense, Hi-Tech & Industrial, Medical Devices, Oil & Gas, Power, and Transportation verticals.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of K2 Firm
Inventec Corporation is a Taiwan-based Original Design Manufacturer making notebook computers, servers and mobile devices.
Imprimantes et traceurs grand format (17 à 64 pouces) dédiés aux professionnels ainsi que des scanners, plieuses, coupeuses et des logiciels.
abcg bietet Knowledge Based Engineering Software, um digitale End-to-End Prozesse mit virtuellen 3D-Modellen in Siemens NX zu ermöglichen.
Olemme kokenut 3D-mallintamisen ja simulointiohjelmistojen myyjä, kouluttaja ja teknisen tuen järjestäjä. Creo, Windchill, OnShape ja Vuforia Chalk kauttamme.
Cascade Control AB — Optisk mätteknik ger helt nya möjligheter för kvalitetskontroll. ATOS ScanBox nyckelfärdiga lösningar för automatiserad inspektion visar hur kontrollmätning kommer att gå till i framtiden. Vi utför dessutom design, konstruktion, ti...
Impresoras 3D para piezas, moldes y prototipos.
Tecnosistemi è un system integrator, proponiamo soluzioni IT innovative per migliorare il business e l'efficienza di aziende, enti pubblici e scuole.
? CAFM-Software für Instandhaltung, Management von Immobilen & Netzwerken: Cloud, Apps, IoT, CAD & BIM | GEFMA zertifizierte Software iTWO fm | RIB IMS
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of AlphaSTAR
Aligned increases efficiencies in ASIC/FPGA processes with distributed teams, providing real time status data for project management.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ViHoth
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of snwel Engineering
Engineering Services and Solutions, mainly in the areas of CAD/CAM/CAE/IIoT & AR to firms in the field of Automotive, Aerospace, Heavy Engineering, etc
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of diprotec
AutoForm is recognized as the leading provider of software for product manufacturability, tool and material cost calculation, die face design and virtual process optimization. All of the Top 20 automotive OEMs and most of their suppliers have selected...
Arastu is another name of Aristotle which means “the best purpose”. Arastu Systems has been founded on the conception to put engineering minds towards its best purpose.
We are a microelectronic design and verification company, founded in 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey. We provide advanced design and verification services to our customers from specification to final GDSII for tapeout. We have more than a decade of ASIC/FPG...
ITI - International TechneGroup | Home
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Anaglyph
Wir unterstützen Fertigungsunternehmen seit über 20 Jahren bei der Digitalisierung & Automatisierung ihrer Konstruktions- und Fertigungsprozesse
BitSim NOW develops the electronics and software of tomorrow BitSim and NOW Electronics joins forces Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! The Christmas gift for this years goes to charity for children
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Bengcon UG
Home page of BETA CAE Systems - Provider of pioneering CAE software systems, services and processes
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of iEngineering Group
Smart Technologies (BD) Ltd (STBL) is one of the leading technology distributing companies in Bangladesh. Since the inception of the journey in 1998, STBL is driving to gather immense reputation in distribution of IT product & services through the nat...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of PT Kreasi Utama Mandiri
CADVertex specializes in Customization of all major CAD systems in use today. We also undertake building specialized CAD systems for our clients globally. CADVertex focuses on improving your usage of 3D CAD and other allied engineering workflows by...
CADTALK is a CAD #integration tool that eliminates the manual transfer of data from CAD #software into #ERP systems.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of CandG SYSTEMS
corsi di formazione professionali erogati da RenderCAD agenzia accreditata con la Regione dell'Umbria e con E.BI.GEN ente paritetico nazionale
Haritaevi is an engineering company that provides technological solutions for the aviation industry. Offering aviation and software development services!
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ESII
Technocad civil engineering software is feature rich, yet affordable. Technocad has civil engineering software solutions for digital terrain modelling, Road design, Sewer & Storm water reticulation design & analysis, pressurised water reticulation anal...
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Zobacz nasza oferte oprogramowania kosztorysowego i projektowego, a takze szeroka baze ksiazek naukowych i publikacji specjalistycznych w naszej ksiegarni internetowej
ViaNova er rådgivende ingeniører samferdsel. Vi er selvstendige, spesialiserte og samarbeidende firmaer lokalisert i Sandvika, Trondheim og Kristiansand.
An Engineering Solutions Company in UAE and Saudi Arabia providing technology solutions and services - CAD/BIM/PLM implementations to the construction and manufacturing sectors.
REDAS engineering società di consulenza mobilità e trasporti, offre supporto tecnico nel campo dell'analisi e della pianificazione dei sistemi di trasporto.
TASE a comme mission d’aider les entreprises à suivre et capitaliser sur la transformation digitale touchant l’ensemble du secteur de la construction
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Ohjelmistoja, joilla rakennetaan tulevaisuutta. Monipuolinen ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelmisto ja sen vankka osaaminen takaavat yrityksesi kilpailuedun.
It has been involved in more than 50,000 projects in 175 countries and has approximately 7,300 employees, including engineers, biologists, geologists, economists, surveyors, anthropologists, sociologists and architects.
Internet, Télévision, Téléphone fixe
Vi tilbyder løsninger inden for BIM, CAD, Autodesk. Fra rådgivning til software, kurser, installationer og support. Få en certificeret partner med dig hele vejen
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of SL-King
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of below software
software, seminars, support, consulting, publications
Prime Pacific specializes in the integration of advanced geospatial and ICT solutions, geospatial data fusion services, provision of real-time airborne surveillance and intelligence systems and pre-sales management & consultancy for high-end aerial sen...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Nordic Geocenter
Obory naší cinnosti: 1) Prodej, servis a stavba bezpilotních leteckých prostredku (dronu) na míru. 2) Prodej a servis merících prístroju pro geodézii a stavebnictví. 3) Prodej a podpora 3D multisenzorového tabletu Eyesmap.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Katagramma
Geosense provides #aerialsurveys, #mobilemapping surveys & #geospatial processing services across #SouthernAfrica.
Grupo Álava ofrece soluciones tecnológicas que aportan valor competitivo y mejora de procesos, introduciendo la tecnología en la industria,
RDO Integrated Controls is leader in the positioning systems industry and a total solutions provider for customers.
CompassData, Inc. specializies in collecting data for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications, photogrammetry and remotely sensed data.
CAD Software. Central Innovation sources, build and advises on world-class design process solutions to the manufacturing and construction industries.
mechanical engineering software that’s not over-engineered and over-priced.
CAD Software for architecture, mechanical design and engineering. Free downloads and more, CADDIT Sydney Australia.
Faster, more accurate 3D modeling. @ClearEdge_3D
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Autobuild Africa
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Grupo Saiko
Surveying Equipments Supplier Malaysia | GNSS GPS Navigation System Malaysia
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