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ProTech IT Group is a carefully selected team of professional technologists with a track record of demonstrated excellence providing everything needed for the ongoing improvement and support of the systems that manage your information.

Nägele-Capaul - Nägele-Capaul ist seit 1981 in der Ostschweiz ein führendes Unternehmen. Für eine anspruchsvolle Kundschaft projektieren und installieren wir massgeschneiderte Kommunikationslösungen.

Especialistas en la venta, instalación, reparación y mantenimiento de todo tipo de material informático (ordenadores, monitores, impresoras, electrónica y resto de componentes)

Telnet diseña todo el sistema de comunicaciones teniendo en consideración las necesidades actuales i futuras, realiza la correcta instalación i puesta en servicio, proporciona la información i formación del usuario, implementa un sistema de gestión y c...

INTEGRADOR DE SOLUCIONES PROFESIONALES - #Comunicaciones - #OperadorIP - #Seguridad - #FoodDefense - #CarteleríaDigital - #SoporteTécnicoNacional 917482245

Project Manager International, Business Process performance and Analysis,workflow and Modeling,Business & IT Alignment, Process Improvement,BPM/BPA

b first es el Software de Gestión Logística de las grandes empresas. Un ERP que aporta trazabilidad, automatización y escalabilidad a sus operaciones logísticas

KONTEL - importer i dystrybutor systemów telekomunikacyjnych. Kompleksowe wsparcie projektów. Szkolenia certyfikacyjne. Wideokonferencje, audiokonferencje, sluchawki naglowne, IP-DECT, Unified Communication, serwery faksowe...

Firma Inter-Consult S.A. od 25 lat zajmuje sie dystrybucja sprzetu telekomunikacyjnego.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Strato Communications Inc

Innowacyjna firma informatyczna. Wdrozenia, dostawa infrastruktury i oprogramowania IBM, HCL, Harris, Lenovo, Innovaphone. Skontaktuj sie z nami i otrzymaj super oferte!

Systemy telekomunikacyjne Ascom, innovaphone i Panasonic

Canal Lenovo. Distribuidor Informático. Soluciones y Servicios TI. Productos Lenovo Thinkpad. Servidores, desktops, notebooks, laptop, conectividad, infraestructura, monitores, impresoras, accesorios. Cotización inmediata.

Da oltre 25 anni lavoriamo a fianco delle imprese per fornire risposte efficaci in ambito ICT e Impianti Elettrici e Speciali. Contattaci!

Accompagnare le aziende nel processo digitale basato sulla certezza di soluzioni articolate, flessibili e scalabili. TUTTO QUESTO E' GROOVE

Myweb offre servizi per le Telecomunicazioni e Connettività in Fibra Ottica, Adsl o Ponte Radio per le Aziende. Fornitura ed installazione impianti VoIP.


CloudTel offre il meglio per la tua comunicazione. Servizi integrati di comunicazione e sicurezza aziendale. La missione è far comunicare le aziende con semplicità ed efficacia La nostra tecnologia guarda alla Fourth Industrial Revolution. Soluzioni p...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of BF Telecomunicazioni

? IMTEL ?d?????e t?? Sept?µß??? t?? 2007, µe st??? t?? pa???? ?????? ep?p?d?? ?p??es??? ?a? ??se?? st?? t?µ?a t?? t??ep?????????? ?a? p????f???a??? s?st?µ?t??.

Polo Digitale accompagna le aziende nel percorso di digital transformation, guidando la loro crescita e aiutandole ad anticipare le sfide del futuro.

TRASFORMIAMO ESIGENZE IN SOLUZIONI. Siamo mossi dalla passione di poter semplificare il tuo presente e immaginare insieme il tuo futuro. Lo...

Zum Impressum: Alle Rechte des effexx Online-Auftritts (Server: www.effexx.com) bleiben vorbehalten. Die Inhalte der effexx Website sind ausschließlich für den persönlichen Bedarf zu nutzen. Das unautorisierte Kopieren, Weiterverwenden oder Verä...

Sigma Méditerranée, votre partenaire de proximité en informatique, cloud, télécom, cybersécurité, hyperconvergence et formation professionnelle bureautique.

R.PIERRE DIGITAL Solution Provider ad valore aggiunto. Videosorveglianza Voip Unified Communication Rigenerazione apparati Economia Circolare

UAE integrators for ELV, Audio Visual Systems, Low Current Systems, Security Systems, Intelligent traffic system, Smart City Integrations, Telecom Systems, Structured Cabling

Forniamo servizi e servizi IT ad aziende e studi da oltre 10 anni. Mettiamo a disposizione la nostra esperienza e il nostro know-how per aiutare il cliente nella crescita e nell'ottimizzazione del proprio business grazie alla tecnologia.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Haberst Infra

Wir leben Kommunikation, und ihre Anforderungen an die Kommunikation sind unser täglicher Antrieb. Als erfahrenster Swyx Partner in Österreich haben wir Maßstäbe beim Aufbau von UC Systemen gesetzt. Unsere Kompetenz liegt im Bereich Telefonie-Lösungen,...

MATTIG-SCHAUER ist ein verlässlicher Partner für Uhren & Uhrenanlagen, Kommunikation, Netzwerktechnik und Beschallung.

Ihr IT-Experte in Niederösterreich & Oberösterreich – Wir kümmern uns um Computer und Laptops, Netzwerke, Server- und Backup-Systeme und mehr.

Infonaligy Partners are cyber security experts headquartered in Dallas, Texas - offering cyber security and managed IT services to customers nationwide.

Nationwide technology services including Telecom Services, Hosted Voice Solutions, Data Center and Cloud Services, Network Architecture, Nationwide Deployment, and Global Network Managed Services

my Tweak Telekom GmbH, Voip-Anbieter, Unified Communications, IP Pbx, Telefonanlage, SIP Trunk, Voip System, Voip Carrier, neues Festnetz, Internettelefonie, virtuelles Festnetz, virtueller ISDN Anschluss

United Kingdom

Soniza Consultants are an independent telecoms consulting firm. Specialising in Customer Experience, Contact Centres, UC, Mobile and Networks.

Retelit è leader italiano nella costruzione di progetti tailor made, realizzati su piattaforme interamente gestite dal Gruppo, per la trasformazione digitale.

United Arab Emirates

Tailored Solutions TOPAZ offers advantages not found anywhere else in the industry: the broadest portfolio of solutions, a nationwide footprint, and deep technical resources. Unified Communication Voice & Video Solutions Messagin...

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Chevalier Group

Bell Solutions is continuously pursuing the challenge of providing comprehensive Information & Communication Technology (ICT) solutions to its customers/partners. Backed by the strength, resources and positioning of the Lanka Bell group, Bell Solutions...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of IOSYS Solutions

Le nostre sedi I collaboratori Le certificazioni I clienti Chi siamo Mead Informatica S.r.l. è un system integrator ICT nato nel 1994, caratterizzato da una crescita costante per fatturato e risorse;  passa da un organico di 5 risor...

The Complete IT Solutions. An ICT approved System integrator. Trusted by over 100+ satisfied users, Amigos became the best  service provider in one of the world’s largest MarketPlace. Read more Have a question? +974 7041 2266 Our Services We are here t...

For more than 25 years, PRONET gives customers what they require when they need it. It upholds the integrity by promising to deliver and to deliver that promise. It assures quality service by personally attending to the needs of each client.

Providing intelligent communications solutions specific to your business needs We are formed from the core passion and commitment of continued service and support for our Enterprise Customers and the rest of the ICT market. Get in touch About C3E C3E I...

Mandiri Solution Sdn Bhd (MSSB) is a 100% Bumiputra owned company focusing the niche technology sphere referred to generally as interaction Contact Centre and CRM (Customer relationship management). As a Business Partner of Avaya’s contact center so...

WHO WE ARE – Our Mission The Changing Eco System in the Business World The Rise of Remote WorkforceThe Fourth industrial Revolution, the Gig Economy and the Gen Z workforce will give birth to many challenges for today’s evolving workplace, creating ...

FOR ALL YOUR TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE NEEDS. Preferably the perfect technology partner for the world. Innovation driven solutions Dedication to customer-centricity Expertise in leading technological knowledge that drives today’s business i...

We are a leader in providing you with the installation, maintenance and repair services of building technologies such as heating, air conditioning, electricity and security systems

NTA ist Ihr erfahrenes Systemhaus für Sicherheitstechnik, Netzwerklösungen, Kommunikationslösungen, WLAN oder CAD – vom Brandschutz bis zum mobilen Arbeiten.

O’Connor’s Engineering Sdn Bhd (O’Connor’s) is primarily a premier system integrator within the country in the telecommunication sphere. We offer solutions to a multitude of industries to cater to their needs in Telecommunications, Testing & Measuremen...

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