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Elioplus is a leading provider of partner recruitment and management solutions that assist IT software companies to expand their partner network.
Encontre na lista abaixo um revendedor ou parceiro Qlik que está atualmente em nossa plataforma para ajudá-lo com serviços de implementação, treinamento ou consultoria. Você pode localizar os parceiros da Qlik com base em suas cidades e usar filtros adicionais, como setores com suporte.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Monic Solutions Services
4 Data opera con professionalità nella gestione informatica aziendale, specializzati, in aziende manufatturiere e di produzione in genere.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Altia
Sinte.sys - smeup è il partner IT adatto alle esigenze delle tua azienda. Offre supporto e competenza in ambito ACG, BI e documentale.
Gramener IT Services provides end to end IT consulting and application services, which includes, development, maintenance and support, with special focus on niche technologies, leveraging global delivery model.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Xoftware srl
AlmaPro è una software house specializzata nella progettazione di soluzioni informatiche personalizzate.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Fastloop
Vantis Consulting Group provides end-to-end business solutions and Training services throughout Hong Kong, Macau, China, Taiwan and other Asia Pacific Region.Vantis Consulting Group is driving the next generation of NetSuite Cloud ERP solution engagement to bring your organisation to the next level - backed by business cases that support your move to the digital future. You need more than just a solution. Our business consulting team provides expertise and experienced industry know-how tailored for your organisation, helping you make the right decision.
Software Vuoi capire come i nostri software gestionali possono migliorare l'efficacia ed efficienza della tua azienda? Cerchi un partner ...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Advice Italia
Business problems are hard. To solve them we start with you. Then we design your solution with exactly the right mix of technology. No more. No Less.
Tecnologie Informatiche è un'azienda specializzata nel fornire soluzioni e applicazioni nei settori gestionali dell'amministrazione, della distribuzione e della produzione. e per tutto ciò che concerne l' Information and Communication Technology. Preve...
Empresa de consultoria especializada em análise de dados (data analytics), ciência de dados (data science) e projetos de inteligência artificial (machine learning, big data, NLP) com foco na inteligência do negócio.
????????µ??e? ??se?? ??a ep??e???se?? µe apa?t?se??. ERP, CRM, ??s??d?s?a, BI Intelligence, Retail Systems
IT-Services durch heimische IT-Spezialisten. ?persönliche Betreuung ?kompetente Leistungen ?umfassender IT-Dienstleister ?Jetzt anfragen!
La nostra miglior pubblicità I nostri numeri 0 + Clienti 0 k + Postazioni gestite 0 k + Ticket 0 k + Device 0 k + Richieste di assistenza/anno 0 + Server gestiti 0 Sedi 0 + Siti Trasformazione Digitale Oltre 18 Anni di esperienza Page 1Created with Ske...
Bij Pantheon krijg je betrouwbare en slimme bedrijfssoftware om jouw organisatie te ondersteunen. En profiteer je van 24/7 beschikbaarheid door onze stabiele hostingomgeving. Stroomlijn alle vitale bedrijfsprocessen en ervaar efficiëntie en kostenbespa...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Tjene Corp
Level is a full-service, top digital marketing agency with a focus on return on investment marketing for B2B and high-value B2C clients.
¿Estás buscando SAP Business One o SAP Business ByDesign en México para tener mayor control sobre tu pequeña o mediana empresa? Con la aplicación SAP Business One optimizas los procesos de tu negocio, usando un software ERP diseñado para crecer contigo.
Contact our dedicated team today.
? En Advantic Consultores somos especialistas en soluciones de negocio y tecnologías de la información. Partner de SAP, Qlik, Mecalux, EKON.
Met onze (mobiele) Telefonie, ICT en Analytics oplossingen, kiest u voor een partner die gelooft in de meerwaarde van langdurige samenwerking. Zo zijn wij al meer dan 15 jaar Avaya Partner en ontwikkelen we Business Intelligence oplossingen.
Clase10 lleva más de 25 años de crecimiento, de éxito en las relaciones con los clientes dentro del sector de Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación.
IT solutions for your business. We implement: infrastructure solutions, software, hardware, information security ..
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of COMM-IT
Aldebra S.p.A. Offre soluzioni informatiche per la gestione aziendale. Partner SAP e SAP business one. Soluzioni verticali, CRM e ERP personalizzabili.
INTEGRATE ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, AT SPEED. Mitigate risk, reduce costs and increase revenue with integration services tailor-built for your business. Contact us About Us How would it feel if all your technology JUST WORKED? If data flowed from application...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ITLink Business Solutions
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Extract IT Services
Horsa Company designs and implements enterprise information systems with the best IT platforms. Follow us to find out all news.
As an AI & Data Analytics powerhouse, Polestar Solutions helps its customers bring out the most sophisticated insights from their data in a value-oriented manner. From analytics foundation to analytics innovation initiatives, we offer a comprehensive range of services that helps businesses succeed with data.
FGS is an Information Technology company, offering niche Solutions and Services in End User Computing.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of thinkdata
? Info Process p??sf??e? ????????µ??a pa??ta ERP, CRM, BI, µ?s??d?s?a? ?a? eShop, µe st??? t?? a??pt??? µ????? ?a? µe????? ep??e???se??.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of AppSoft Software and Services
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ERP Milios
St???? µa? ? pa???? ?p??es??? p???t?ta? st?? ep??e???s? se ??µata µ??a?????f?s?? ?a? µet?ßas?? t?? d?ad??as??? t?? se s??????e? ??se?? ERP.
? Connectline, ? No1 S??e???t?? t?? SoftOne e??a? ? p???? a???p?st? eta??e?a st?? ?????f?????, ??a ????? t??? ???d??? t?? a?????. ???ete pe??ss?te?a.
Soluciones y Consultoría Vertical TI
IT-Partner des Mittelstands. Integrierte Hard- und Softwarelösungen aus einer Hand.
En AppTec, nuestro trabajo es transformar datos en información clara y útil para la operación de tu negocio y la toma de decisiones. Somos lideres en Big Data Analytics.
Consulenza informatica, sviluppo siti web, eCommerce Magento, app mobile, consulenza SEO e SEM a Vicenza e Padova. Contattaci al 04451922130
No matter the business you are in, we provide a range of intelligent data solutions that reduce operational costs and optimise your business processes to redefine value. Do you have data, but reporting is a nightmare? Too many Excel spreadsheets or you spend too much time trying to generate reports? Talk to us, at no obligation about how we can help deliver smart business insights that allow full employee collaboration, cost savings, improved efficiencies, and generate organizational value.Technologies we use: Qlik Sense, QlikView and Qlik Data Integration: Replicate and Compose as well as other data visualisation tools like Power BI, Tableau
Acxiom Consulting Pvt. Ltd. is one of leading organization in the field of Business Process Consulting and Solution to mid-sized enterprises.
DL delivers performance-based and outcome-driven solutions that directly support the strategic intent of our clients, providing Return on their Investment (ROI) with every project.
TEL: 051 58 36 49 - MAIL: info@mapa.be - Welkom bij MAPA BV - al 25 jaar uw IT partner voor hardware, software, networking & traceability! Reken op ons als uw IT partner!
Lãberit se dedicada a la consultoría, desarrollo y mantenimiento de sistemas informáticos, que ofrece soluciones para entornos sanitarios.
Utilizamos nuestro conocimiento para transformar a las empresas gracias a la tecnología desde la confianza, transparencia y cercanía.
Best of Breed Technology and Leaders for Data Intensive Missions Blue Ivy Partners is a hunting value-added reseller that brings emerging technologies in security, big data, and DevSecOps to Federal leaders who must innovate to execute critical missions.
Sito istituzionale del Gruppo Consoft
A for Analytics is the leading global system Integrator for last several years in global Market, offering Business Intelligence, Data Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and ZOHO services to customers. A for Analytics helps customers in Advisory, Solution Delivery, 24/7 Technical Support and Fully Managed Services.A for Analytics offers End to End Data Analytics services Including Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Qlik sense, Qlik view, ZOHO Analytics, Looker, DOMO, Tibco Spotfire, Google Data studio, Quick sights and other BI tools in the Market. We have strong competencies in Microsoft Reporting solutions like SSRS, SSIS, SSAS.A for Analytics offers End to End Data Engineering services that comprises of Implementation, Development, 24/7 Support for Hadoop, Pig, Hive, Amazon Web service, Microsoft Azure A for Analytics offers End to End Artificial Intelligence services on Data gathering, Web scraping, Data Annotations (for Text, Image, Audio, Video and more), AI Strategy, Mo ...
Cosa possiamo fare per te?
BIPP Consulting est une société formée d'une équipe de consultants experts spécialisés dans le domaine du pilotage de la performance (BI, EPM, MDM...).
Somos BABEL, un equipo internacional de más de 1.500 profesionales altamente especializados en tecnologías de vanguardia cuya misión es acompañar a grandes clientes en sus retos y procesos de negocio digitales.
Hiberus forma parte del grupo Henneo, uno de los principales grupos empresariales del sector de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información (TIC) en España
Consulenza manageriale e supporto tecnologico
ATCS is a Technology Consulting firm providing services in the area of Enterprise IT, Digital Transformation, Data Analytics and Marketing Insights.
Friday Solutions is an Oracle Gold Partner and a services specialist. We apply our own experience and pragmatism as well as elements of Oracle's global best practice to deliver complex projects for our clients. As an Oracle Gold partner we focus on ...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Huidu Technology
Plecotech, QlikTech certified Partner, leading business Intelligence solutions provider
SmartERP is a unique organization in the Enterprise Business Applications space providing innovative, cost-effective and configurable solutions and services for common business problems.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of DigiNation
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Infrasoft
En Guzdan Services, somos una empresa integradora de TI mexicana, con presencia en EUA y LATAM, ofrecemos servicios, soluciones e infraestructura de tecnologías de la información, contamos con Ingeniería especializada para cada tipo de solución con cob...
onIT is a team of customer oriented technology professionals in Northwest Arkansas who specialize in Managed IT Services for business.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of DDC
Door het hanteerbaar maken van enorme hoeveelheden informatie, helpen wij organisaties om betere beslissingen te nemen!
Naar inzicht voor continuïteit. Krijg snel je belangrijkste bedrijfsinformatie inzichtelijk met Business Intelligence
TIG, de information provider voor het onderwijs. Van data naar betekenisvolle informatie middels dashboard- en analyseoplossingen, inzet van data science en een specifiek opleidingsaanbod.
Onze Business Intelligence- specialisten laten consultancy én software krachtig samenkomen in kraakheldere management dashboards, met behulp van QlikView of Qlik Sense.
INSIGHT LAB????????????????????????????????????? |#BigData #DeepLearning #AI #BI #RPA #Python #Tableau #Qlikview #Qliksense #Sisense #??? #???? #???? #????|
Drake Analytics hjälper företag och myndigheter att lösa komplexa dataproblem samt lägger upp smarta strategier och analyserar dataflöden.
? Global Mediator applies technology best practices to data and business processes to move you forward. We engineer the foundation of digital leadership.
Avec ses trois sociétés, deltasoft international, delta automotive et isatech africa, delta group s’impose comme la garantie professionnelle de l’expertise
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of PC Home
Desde el 2000, en HPCG nos dedicamos a la integración de soluciones en ambientes de Misión Crítica. Capacitados para resolver todo tipo de escenarios, nues
JCommerce jest liderem Outsourcingu IT. Oferujemy uslugi rozwoju i testowania oprogramowania, wdrozenia systemów Business Intelligence oraz EMM dla Apple.
Trentia, estrategia digital para tu negocio. Consultoría, Desarrollo, Formación y Outsourcing con el objetivo de mejorar tu Estrategia Digital.
Victa is a dedicated business intelligence company. With almost 15 years of experience, Victa has delivered innovative business intelligence solutions to more than 1000 companies of all sizes, across all industries and geographies. Our goal is to help organizations become data-driven by visualizing and managing data in a way that easily fosters insights and drives key business decisions. Our products are focused on Data Visual Analytics (Qlik® and Microsoft Power BI) , Data Management (TimeXtender, Azure Synapse, Snowflake) Data Storage (Azure SQL/DataLake), Data Connectivity (Pipeline Management), Data Cloud Services (Azure Infra-structure) and Data Science (Python, Tangent). Our services consists of Consultancy Services , Educational Services, Support Services (ITSM) and Development Services. We want to offer a one-stop-shop experience for companies with all their data challenges. We operate from 2 offices in the Netherlands (Hengelo and Amsterdam) with a gr ...
Somos tu mejor aliado en Analítica Avanzada, Big Data e Inteligencia de Negocios.
Créée en 1986 par Marianne Kalgout et François Bryssinck, Megabyte S.A. est une société spécialisée dans les solutions globales en informatique de gestion, en téléphonie et en télécommunications. Nous proposons aux entreprises et institutions des so...
Votre partenaire en logiciels comptables, ERP, installation de systèmes, réseaux et solutions Cloud.
We are a professional services company helping clients succeed in the data-driven world and translate data-driven challenges into technology
Die celver AG bietet Lösungen für Business Intelligence, Planung (CPM), Advanced Analytics und Smart Data Architecture.
Wir bieten ERP Business Software Lösungen.
Polestar enables enterprises in their digital transformation journey by offering Consulting & Implementation Services related to Data, Analytics & Cloud Infrastructure. We apply our brains and hearts to deliver the best-suited solutions to our customers across industries such as Retail & E-commerce, Consumer Goods, Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences, Real Estate & Senior Housing, Hi-tech, Media & Telecom as Manufacturing and Automotive clientele. Our in-house research and innovation lab has conceived multiple plug-n-play apps, toolkits and plugins to streamline implementation and faster time-to-market. We leverage leading technology stacks like Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Power BI, Anaplan, Qlik, Tableau, SAS, Cloudera, Redhat and many others - to match your business goals with optimum technology solutions for all your stakeholders. In remotely located yet hyper-connected, geographic presence is hardly any constraint. Yet for the details, we have a geographic presence i ...
Umanis SA is a France-based company engaged in the provision of information technology (IT) services, which are primarily consulting, engineering and outsourcing. The Company offers studies, IT audit services and conducts changes within the organizatio...
Véritable expert Data à Lyon, Bial-X propose des solutions innovantes qui permettent réussite et performance data chez ses clients. Un savoir-faire BI depuis plus de 10 ans.
Decision Inc. Australia, formerly ABM Systems, transforming businesses into Intelligent Enterprises by leveraging technology & information.
Enterprise Wide is a SAP Partner & professional services organisation, specialising in solution integration and business process optimisation. We provide a rnage of servcies in Australia & New Zealand in SAP Retail, SAP Hybris & SAP customer experience
De uitdaging zit hem in het komen tot een aanpak die passend is. Passend voor de aard van de opdracht, maar ook passend voor de mensen binnen de organisatie.
Recognize this? After publishing a changed Qlik app the changes from the previous version were lost. One of our developers used an older version which caused some changes to be lost. How can we prevent this from happening again and is there ...
Somos Expertos y Pioneros en Business Intelligence y Análisis de Datos desde el 2002 | Partner Experto de Qlik | Especialistas en Qlik Sense y Qlikview
MERCANZA es una empresa experta en la implantación de soluciones de Inteligencia de Negocio QlikView. Soluciones de Gestión, Análisis y Productividad.
Exponentia.ai is a transformative AI-Tech company helping enterprises in solving complex business problems, resulting in improved efficiency, reduced costs, and improved customer experience.
rond is dé partner voor uw Business Intelligence, enterprise apps, dashboards en connectoren met een focus op retail, wholesale en manufacturing.
ppmc analytics – die Spezialisten für Qlik-basierte Analyse- & Reporting-Applikationen. Wir haben die passende Lösung für Sie!
Desarrollo software a medida, Business Intelligence con Qlik y Gestión del Talento Empresarial: Outsourcing, RRHH y Formación.
Grow your indirect sales channel and connect with channel partners and IT vendors worldwide.
Browse programs by vendors and partner with Resellers, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and System Integrators (SIs).
Explore channel companies that sell your products or services and belong to your indirect sales force while acting independent.
Search for partnerships offered by vendors who promote their product with current applications that their businesses use.