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Bekdata Teknoloji A.S., 27 yili askin bir süredir çagdas egitim kavrami kapsaminda egitim kurumlarinin teknolojik ihtiyaçlarinin belirlenmesi, projelendirilmesi ve karsilanmasi için sektörünün devleri ile birlikte çözümler üretmekte, projeler yapmakta ...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of PROFIMEDIA

Ipsilan Networks met en place des plateformes informatiques dynamiques répondant aux impératifs métiers, dans le respect des procédures.

COMM2IG er IT-totalleverandør. Det er vores fornemste opgave, at få vores kunders hverdag til at fungere.

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VERSIM S.A. to dystrybutor zaawansowanych technologii IT Extreme Networks, Gigaset czy Mist. Oferujemy nowoczesne rozwiazania dla firm z zakresu bezpieczenstwa systemów i sieci komputerowych, a takze technologii VoIP i PBX. Jestesmy oficjalnym dystrybu...

Stanowimy zespól doswiadczonych specjalistów w zakresie uslug informatycznych. Specjalizujemy sie w projektowaniu i tworzeniu rozwiazan sieciowych, systemów multimedialnych oraz Data Center. Oferujemy rozbudowane systemy oraz mniejsze aplikacje.

Autoryzowany partner i dystrybutor rozwiazan: Cisco, VMware,, Webex, AirWatch, IBM, Dell,Forcepoint oraz wielu innych. Nasz zespól wykwalifikowanych specjalistów sprawnie wdrozy systemy zarzadzania urzadzeniami mobilnymi, komponenty sieciowe, b...

Oferujemy innowacyjne rozwiazania z obszarów sieci, infrastruktury i bezpieczenstwa IT, jak równiez w oparciu o blockchain i IoT. Dowiedz sie wiecej o ofercie Atende!

Forward thinking IT and telecom solutions for forward thinking businesses. Arrow provides Telecoms, IT & Energy solutions to UK businesses

Securcrea offre ai propri clienti Assistenza e Consulenza Informatica qualificata. Alcune nostre attività di punta: servizi mail, firewall e servizi man down

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Andreas Woost Systemberatung eK

Synaps system est spécialisée dans l’intégration technique d’infrastructure informatique aux PME / PMI Synaps system s’engage à : Vous conseiller ou vous assister dans la recherche des meilleures solutions informatiques, Vous aider dans l’...

Lagarde Groep is gespecialiseerd in telecommunicatie, ICT en Beveiliging. Waar kunnen wij u mee van dienst zijn? Onderzoek met ons uw mogelijkheden.

JR Linton, Apple accessories, Samsung AV, Server components, Cisco connectivity, Hp Printer Consumables, Ergotron furniture, Wi-Fi Printers, Symantec and Microsoft Office Software

ABOUT We are a team of IT Professionals and Developers who specialise in technologies ranging from Office 365 to Azure or Information Security. We deliver end-to-end solutions, as well as integration of solutions, administration and migration assis...

IT Services Bristol, Bath & more. Covering Support, Phone Systems & are Microsoft Gold Partners, contact our team today. ?? 0117 244 5550.

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We are proud to be one of London's most engaging and professional IT and Unified Communications companies. Whether you're looking for IT support, better collaboration tools, infrastructure solutions, cloud migrations or consultancy, we are moments away.

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Forever Group is a provider of Business Telecommunications and IT Services. Business Mobile, EE Business, O2 Business, Vodafone Business, Telephone Systems, VoiP Phone System, Cloud VoiP, Cisco VoIP, IT Support, Microsoft 365, Cisco Networking, Cisco Meraki, Cloud Backup, Cyber Security.

Coates IT supports small and medium businesses across East and Central Scotland - we offer IT support, managed backups, wifi and telephone systems. Working from home is our speciality.

Leading ethical business communication and IT – we’ve pioneered connectivity, security and customer service for businesses since 1986.

Haal uw VoIP producten, toestellen en headsets bij de #1 distributeur ATIS.

GWorks is a Greek IT company providing Integrated Solutions in Computing, Telephony and Security Systems

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Crossing Telecom

Orcom Bilgi ve Iletisim Teknolojileri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Cad. Yürekli Adam Sok. No:10 Kavacik-BEYKOZ ISTANBUL

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Dukasim

A Wik mantém uma abordagem baseada na comunicação e proximidade com os clientes. Focamos esforços no que realmente é importante para os projetos. Criamos e desenvolvemos sempre com o focus na facilidade de utilização. Somos uma equipa que respira...

Especialistas en telecomunicaciones, proyectos, instalaciones y mantenimientos.

Shn Teknoloji ve Mühendislik, Kurumsal Iletisim Çözümleri ve Zayif Akim Güvenlik Teknolojileri konusunda katma degerli çözümler sunmaktadir. Sertifikali uzman ekipleri ile Danismanlik, Projelendirme, Ürün Seçimi ve Teknik Destek süreçlerini yönetir.

Izertis is a technological consultancy that makes easier the digital transformation of organizations using technology, consulting services and outsourcing of solutions

Provectio déploie le Cloud Computing dans votre entreprise et assure le bon fonctionnement de votre parc informatique. Rennes | Nantes | Grand Ouest

Distributeur de matériel et de services informatiques Solutions informatiques clés en main et personnalisées Accompagnement #Transformationdigitale

Résolument orientée Conseil & Service, MaSolutionIT propose les meilleures solutions digitales pour votre entreprise | Soissons - Hauts de France

Proveedor de soluciones y servicios tecnológicos globales, estratégicos e innovadores. Te ayudamos a realizar tu transformación digital:

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Türkiye Bilgi Teknolojileri sektörünün yön belirleyen kuruluslarindan KoçSistem, “uçtan uca hizmet verme” anlayisi dogrultusunda, ihtiyaca göre gelistirdigi özel teknolojik çözümleriyle, müsterilerine beklentilerinin ötesinde hizmet vermeyi ilke edinmi...

Sekom, bilisim teknolojileri alanindaki son gelismelerin pazara sunulmasinda öncülük ederek farklilasmayi benimsemis, sistem bütünlestirici bir firmadir.

United Kingdom

As a leading global AV solutions integrator, AVMI help businesses to reshape their workspace environments with the latest communications & collaboration technology in order to drive employee productivity & customer engagement. With a focus on corporate...

Selution AG. Ihr ICT-Dienstleister für Workplace- und Managed Services, System Integration, Consulting, Project Management und Engineering.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of AVS Systeme

LEMANVISIO est votre partenaire idéal pour vos projets d'intégration audiovisuel, multimédias, vidéoconférence et domotique, en Suisse et à l'étranger.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ActVisual

El diseño y ejecución de las soluciones mas avanzadas para su proyecto de infraestructura de Comunicaciones y Servicios IT, aportando eficiencia y valor.

Creada en 1991, Alhambra-Eidos es una compañia con un compromiso constante con sus clientes para ofrecerles los mejores proyectos y servicios TI.

Computime Technology is home to a bunch of young and crazy yet extremely talented group of dedicated individuals, who when brought together work relentlessly to deliver the quality services you deserve. Backed by our long-standing partnership with s...

Communitech er din leverandør av tjenester og utstyr for videomøter. Selskapet har over 40 års erfaring fra videokommunikasjonsbransjen. Vårt mål er å gjøre det enkelt for deg å bestemme hvilke videotjeneste som passer best til deg og din bedrift, og h...

C'PRO, leader de solution impression, informatique et télécoms en région Rhône-Alpes. Découvrez des offres adaptées aux PME et grandes entreprises.

ETA2U este principalul integrator de sisteme si solutii IT complexe din vestul si centrul României, una dintre cele mai certificate companii din IT-ul românesc.

With minds that learned from the past and look at the future, ITCenter main focus is to create the best solutions to bring power to your communications.

Projektowanie i wyposazenie serwerowni, Systemy wideokonferencyjne, Teleinformatyka, Serwis sprzetu teleinformatycznego

Axium, jako integrator, dostawca i wdrozeniowiec rozwiazan ICT dla biznesu jest obecny na rynku teleinformatycznym juz od kilkunastu lat.

Elisa Oyj is a Finnish telecommunications company founded in 1882.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of zics

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Ventus Communications

Bravo leverer en «one stop shop» for alt bedrifter trenger til den digitale arbeidsplassen.

IDom Technologies SAS propose une gamme étendue de services et est présent à vos côtés de la conception du projet jusqu'au SAV.

Videoworks Group has more than 20 years of experience in the design, construction and installation of innovative audio / video systems, communications systems and networking, home automation and entertainment dedicated to the most exclusive clients.

Da Connexing Italia trovi più di 5.000 prodotti tra Telefoni fissi e cordless, Cuffie telefoniche professionali, Smartphone e Ricetrasmittenti, soluzioni di Video e Audio Conferenza, Informatica e Tracciabilità dei migliori brand e al miglior prezzo. C...

Meritec is a leading supplier of Audio Visual Systems, Video Conferencing Solutions & Products & related Technologies to Schools & Corporates in Ireland.

Il core business di Durante è storicamente nel settore delle telecomunicazioni e del networking, integrate oggi con le più recenti applicazioni di information technology. il risultato è un’offerta di soluzioni multimediali che semplificano e migliorano...

Siamo il System Integrator italiano specializzato nelle Soluzioni di Telecomunicazione: Cabling, Videosorveglianza, Security, Wireless, VoIP, Telefonia.

Looking for the right AV company for your AV System Installation? System Video is the leading Audiovisual Integrator in Europe.

Videokonferenz, Cloud-Lösungen, Collaboration und Digitalisierung: Professionelle Beratung, Verkauf, Installation und technischen Service aus einer Hand.

Die VIDCO Collaboration Solutions GmbH realisiert interaktive Gebäude- und Raumkonzepte, die höchste Ansprüche erfüllen. Mit innovativer, leicht bedienbarer Technik, die unauffällig integriert ist in hochwertigen Materialien.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Kensai

fbMEDIA, Systemhaus für Audiovisuelle Medientechnik. Spezialist für Planung und Realisierung von Präsentations-, Kommunikations- und Informationstechnik.

Solutii IT si servicii IT de calitate dedicate companiilor. Portofoliul nostru de servicii si solutii IT cuprinde, printre altele: infrastructura IT, Business Continuity, Videoconferinta, Virtualizare IT, Securitate.

Die zgoll: Konferenzraum GmbH plant und realisiert Konferenzräume mit Leidenschaft und dem Blick für das Wesentliche. Wir bündeln Erfahrung und Kompetenz der Bereiche Medientechnik, Design sowie Mobiliar und verhelfen unseren Kunden damit zu funktional... - Ihr kompetenter Systemhaus-Partner für professionelle Audio- und Videotechnik. Planung, Ausführung und Service aus einer Hand.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of CRI Retiro

IRELEM propose des solutions techniques innovantes dans les domaines de l’installation d’équipement audiovisuel, de la visioconférence et communication à distance. Notre métier : étudier, expertiser, installer, maintenir. Présent à Chalon-sur-Saône, Di...

DataVision Deutschland ist ihr bundesweiter Partner für innovative Konferenz- und Präsentationstechnik.

Gestalten Sie Ihre Kommunikation effizienter, spontaner und sprengen Sie räumliche Grenzen. Morgens am Meeting in den USA teilnehmen...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Streamnet

Solutions de visioconférence. CapVisio : le spécialiste en installation et maintenance de systèmes de visioconférence pour entreprises et collectivités. Découvrez les nombreux services d'assistance, de formation et d'accompagnement sur mesure dédiés au...

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of TTC MARCONI

Praecom tarjoaa laadukkaat ja helppokäyttöiset laitteet ja palvelut parempaan työelämään.

CS Computer Systems pruža integrirane informacijske usluge koje ukljucuju racunalna rješenja, komunikacijska rješenja, audio i video rješenja, sigurnosna rješenja i IT konzalting. Integriramo proizvode naših partnera kao što su Cisco, HP, Microsoft, Av...

Kompanija TeleGroup je jedan od vodecih Solution provajdera u oblasti informaciono – komunikacionih tehnologija (ICT) i energetike na tržištu zapadnog Balkana. Osnovana je 1992. godine u Velikoj Britaniji pod nazivom TeleGroup Limited, a danas u svom s...

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