ThinkGard offers multiple recovery strategies where your clients backups are virtualized both locally and in the cloud. Our managed service approach includes the creation of your clients disaster recovery plan which is then tested annually. We become an extension of your your team and exist only to enhance the your system offerings that you already have in place. ThinkGard is a true partner with our number one goal to allow you and your client to pull the security blanket up closer at night knowing that we are monitoring and managing their backup solution.
Partner Program Description:
Do you ever worry about your clients not having adequate backups?
You just helped your client implement an on premise business solution that basically runs the company. Then you discover that they’re still carrying tapes or external drives offsite as their primary business continuity/backup and disaster recovery plan or they have no plan at all. Can the business survive without it for 24/48/72 hours? How much will it cost them?
ThinkGard manages your customer’s backups from beginning to end.
It’s one stop Business Continuity
As a trusted advisor, when you recommend a software product to your clients, do you ask your them how they are going protect that product? Are they aware of how long recovery could take? Do you know what product or vendor to recommend?
At ThinkGard, we don’t take over IT departments and we don’t offer your clients a piece of software to manage. From providing written DR plans, daily monitoring & annual testing, ThinkGard is a partner your can recommend to your customers without ever worrying if you did the right thing.