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Elioplus is a leading provider of partner recruitment and management solutions that assist IT software companies to expand their partner network.
Workforce Management mit ATOSS Time Control seit 2001
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Meissen IT
ABACUS , ATOSS Zeitwirtschaft und Personaleinsatzplanung. Die InterBit AG bietet Ihnen schlüsselfertige Lösungen mit Termin-, Funktions- und Kostengarantie. Die InterBit AG arbeitet nach einem Total Quality Managementsystem und ist zertifi...
Wir finden die optimale Lösung für Ihre SAP-HCM-Herausforderung. Mit unseren Experten bringen wir Ihr Unternehmen nach vorne!
FZP-Beratung – Mehr als nur Software.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Gesco Software
SAP HCM für Human Resources: Consulting, Application Management und Payroll Service für Unternehmen. Standorte in Nürnberg und München.
BFIT - Beratung für IT - Zeiterfassung und BDE, Salzburg Sie planen die Anschaffung einer neuen Zeitwirtschaftslösung? Sie erwarten eine moderne, flexible, innovative, skalierbare Lösung für die Bereiche Personalzeiterfassung, Projektverfolgung, P...
comvaHRo, mit unseren Geschäftsbereichen, Consulting, Payroll & Software, begleiten wir Sie in die Zukunft. Lassen Sie sich jetzt beraten!
b.it³ hat über 20 Jahre Erfahrung bei Implementierung, Schulung und Support von Business Software + IT Lösungen.
Zeiterfassung leicht gemacht: Mit den Zeiterfassungslösungen von ACCENON® können Sie sich auf Ihre Mitarbeiter konzentrieren und nicht nur auf Prozesse.
HR Cloud Software für Entgeltabrechnungen, Zeitwirtschaftsoftware, Personalmanagement und Recruiting für innovative HR Abteilungen.
Willkommen auf der Homepage der SIS Gruppe: SIS Informationstechnologie GmbH, SIS Informatik GmbH, SIS Evosoft EDV GmbH
Herzlich Willkommen bei RZH – Ihrem starken Partner für Personalwirtschaft, Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnungen und Zeitwirtschaft!
Anbieterin von Zeit und Zutrittsmanagementlösungen für KMU, Verwaltungen und Grossunternehmen. UnsereDienstleistungen reichen von der Software-Entwicklung über die Beratung und Umsetzungvon Lösungen für Zeit- und Absenzmanagement, Zutrittskontrolle, Be...
#Business Consultation & Development | Company & #Startup Formation | Public Relations | HR | #Technology Services CRM | (+973) 77229945 | info@sydneyme.com
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of GeCOSoft mbH
Sie suchen eine Software für Zutrittssteuerung, Arbeitszeiterfassung, Kantinenabrechnung? Setzen Sie auf Systemlösungen der IBIX Informationssysteme GmbH!
HR-Personalsoftware aus Österreich ? Zeiterfassung, Zutrittskontrolle, Lohnverrechnung, Reisekostensoftware - Die optimale Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen.
Seit 1984 und 1000 fach bewährt - digital ZEIT ist Ihr Experte für Zeiterfassung. Kompetent, zuverlässig, professionell arbeiten wir für Sie.
Smarte Business-Software und webbasierte Lösungen mit Kompetenz und Mut zur Verantwortung von Coredat Business Solutions GmbH
Seit 30 Jahren zuverlässiger Partner fu¨r Personalsoftware. Modernste Software-Generation. Flexibel, benutzerfreundlich und lösungsorientiert. Jetzt mehr erfahren.
Personalsteuerung mit Weitblick – Intelligente Dienstplan-Software für ein modernes Personalmanagement in Kliniken und Pflegeeinrichtungen.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of fourtexx GmbH
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ALINA GmbH
tisoware bietet Lösungen für Zeiterfassung, Personaleinsatzplanung, Zutrittskontrolle, Betriebs- und Maschinendatenerfassung, Feinplanungsleitstand sowie Manufacturing Execution System (MES) - On Premises oder in der Cloud.
Business Software von Sage - modular, sicher & vielseitig | Beratung, Umsetzung & Support aus einer Hand ? Kontaktieren Sie uns
Professionelle Software für Workforce Management, Manufacturing Execution Systems und Security – jetzt entdecken und Prozesse mit GFOS vereinfachen.
HR-Outsourcing für Unternehmen seit über 30 Jahren: Entgeltabrechnung, Gehaltsabrechnung, Personalverwaltung, Lohnbüro, Your HR AppStore. Jetzt mehr erfahren!
Globera Bilisim Teknolojileri, yazilim gelistirme, isgücü yönetimi ve planlama ile üretim yönetimi ve planlamasi alaninda çözüm ve teknolojik danismanlik hizmetleri.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of LST Sp zoo
Personal, Personaleinsatz, Dienstplanung, Zeitwirtschaft, Zeiterfassung, Software, Dienstleistung
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of PROGRAMMIERFABRIK GmbH
SD Worx delivers people solutions across the entire employee lifecycle, from payroll and HR solutions to attracting and developing talent that makes businesses great.
SP_Data aus Herford steht für professionelle HRM Software und Servicekonzepte. HR Prozesse intelligent digital steuern – HR weiter gedacht!
Wir digitalisieren Ihre HR-Prozesse von Austrittsprozess bis Zielvereinbarung.
One-Stop-Shop für HR-Services und digitale Lösungen (Cloud- & Managed Services, Softwareentwicklung & Portallösungen, Beratung- & Customer-Services).Home – xdot GmbH
Fachberatung in München für Firmen im Bereich der Zeitarbeit und Arbeitnehmerüberlassung bei Gründung, Prüfungen, Revision Personalakten, Betriebsprüfungen u.v.m. Vertrauen Sie dem KnowHow eines ehemaligen Prüfers der Agentur für Arbeit.
Profitask GmbH - Mehr Profit. Weniger Aufwand.
Datenschutz made in Germany - für Ihre Daten!
Coffreo , leader de la digitalisation RH, accompagne les entreprises employant des salariés en contrats courts dans la digitalisation de leurs processus.
Die compleet HR Software bietet Ihnen eine ganzheitliche Workforce Plattform und spezifische Lösungen zur Optimierung Ihrer Prozesse.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of MULTITUDINE SpA
HR Administration leicht gemacht. HR-Software On Premise. Zeiterfassung. Projektzeiterfassung. Reisekostenabrechnung. Digitale Personalakte.
Als HR Beratungshaus unterstützen wir sie mit Projektmanagement und bei der Prozessoptimierung ihrer HR Prozesse. Bei uns erhalten Sie eine zeitnahe und kostengünstige Beratung. Wir bieten eine auf Ihr Unternehmen zugeschnittene Software-Lösung und un...
HR Digitalisierung, Transformation & HR Strategie: Mit der Erfahrung aus über 1000 Projekten, sind wir eine von Deutschlands Top HR Beratungen.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of NextGen HR
Sydney based Standard Candle HR provides human resources support, guidance & products by delivering measurable outcomes through improved people performance.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Infinity HR
Serving businesses across Canada with award winning Human Resource consulting services, professional recruitment, leadership development, workplace assessments and succession planning.
Welcome to PARKER HR SOLUTIONS Our company brings together Learning and Development, Talent Acquisition, and Performance Management solutions to diverse clients. As a company, we strive for exceptionally high standards in all our services, creating tai...
Kebrite Solutions is a Canadian software development company based in Vancouver, British Columbia whose management has been developing software specifically for manufacturers for approximately 15 years. Kebrite’s management is made up of professionals ...
Contact Us Kn/a HR partners with you to build HR management capacity, tools, and strategies to create a healthy work culture and strong business results.
HRM Matters partners with clients in developing and facilitating implementation of practical human resource management and people development solutions. Contact us Contact us Contact us Human Resource Management Organisational C...
Employsure is Australia's leading workplace relations specialists. If your business needs WHS or HR advice, call us today.
Empower your people. Power your enterprise. Your people are your greatest asset. Drive organizational goals to success through people empowerment, innovative software solutions, and human-centric tools. When you empower your people, you create HeRoes t...
A new generation of Payroll and Professional Employer services all tied into a cloud-based suite for the global marketplace! ??????
UKG Client & Partner Advocate
A successful business requires building effective relationships, grounded in engaged, motivated and accountable employees, supported by the Company’s culture.
Established in 1998, full-service HR consulting firm OMNI Human Resource Management has supported nearly 500 clients in the Kansas City metro and beyond.
Here are several case studies of which we conducted for Human Resources Planning for various organizations. Find out more.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of EL Blue Pty Limited
Empresa proveedora y desarrolladora de software empresarial con soluciones como SAP Business One , Gestion de Nomina y Gestion Humana.
HyBridge Solutions delivers Infor and UKG professional services, ensuring quality outcomes through innovation, increased efficiency, and stakeholder satisfaction.
Sogest vous propose les meilleurs éditeurs du marché dans leurs domaines pour gagner en sérénité. Sage, SAP Business One, E2Time, quarksUp...
Tu v?n, tri?n khai gi?i pháp Ph?n m?m ERP/MES n?n t?ng CLOUD cho doanh nghi?p. Rút ng?n du?c th?i gian, và chi phí tri?n khai. Mang l?i hi?u qu? cao.
H&CO is a CPA and advisory firm providing accounting, tax and advisory services to international subsidiaries, foreign investors and family offices.
HRIS services include Global HR Hosted Solutions, E-Recruiting, E-Learning, Employee Self Service (ESS), Manager Self Service (MSS), Training, and SAP upgrades/re-implementations, as well as traditional SAP HR implementation services such as payroll, b...
Softcore Solutions offers business solutions to small medium enterprises in India. We are the top SAP Business One Gold Partner With 15 years of experience in SAP Business One and offer world class implementation consultation services.
Osswal Infosystem is an SAP Business One implementation partner in Indore. We offer ERP solutions to small and mid-sized enterprises in India.
HCM ERP Software Solutions Coimbatore - HCM is a Integrating Human Capital Management (HCM) Software System with ERP specialized in HCM ERP Development in Coimbatore.
EIM Solutions is an SAP Gold Partner with 17 years of experience in global SAP and Information Technology consulting services for the mid-market, providing support and implementation of SAP cloud and platform applications.
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Macetechnologies
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Who We Are CODERS® is a Microsoft Gold Partner that has been providing business solutions and Microsoft products to the region and global market since 1990Our team is solemnly dedicated to provide businesses, local and foreign, with the Microsoft business management platform Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and a group of customizable enterprise resource planning (ERP) apps created specifically for each function and each domain, and is a result of the strategy of moving forward to create a brand and a team that is exclusively concerned with the business needs and the facilitation of companies operations and management of all sectors and sizes.
SAP Vendor The company has started an independent specialized professional services Firm that combines deep industry knowledge with SAP technical expertise
Founded in 1990, Wellent System Consultants Limited Official Website. One of the well-known computer chains with more than 20 retail outlets in Hong Kong. Providing customer-oriented advice with innovative technology services and products is our core m...
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of LanOne SAS
M2 Informatica Torino lavora all'individuazione e allo sviluppo di soluzioni tecnologiche che consentano a professionisti e aziende di ottenere il massimo vantaggio dall'utilizzo dell'informatica, ottimizzando processi, aumentando la competitività, mig...
Editeur et intégrateur de solutions de gestion
MTF Business Solutions SA è SAP Gold Partner in Ticino e sviluppa software gestionali basati su SAP Business One, Archiflow, Bau4X per PMI ticinesi.
Best-IT ????? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?????. ??? ???? ??? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?????????
We help you to Digitize your business to achieve online success. We help business to successfully build & launch their need into digital Platforms. The Infosoftel software development company. Helping to hospitality industry for guest […]
Gate of Digitalization
ORIONEDGE Consulting is an IT initiative of ERAM Group of Companies. With the growing depen-dence on technology, it is with great enthusiasm and the latest technologies in the industry that ERAM has established the firm.ORIONEDGE Consulting provides IT solutions to meet requirements from varied industries, focusing on increased productivity and reduced costs for customers. We take pride in being the fastest growing SAP partner in the Middle East and Asia. Apart from this, ORIONEDGE is now working towards providing global consultation and solutions across other fields of technology including Branding, Online marketing, Web design, Mobile Application development, E-Commerce and IT infrastructure development. With an in-house team of its own, ORIONEDGE provides reliable, efficient and cost-worthy solutions to complex IT scenarios.ORIONEDGE Consulting aims to add value through domain expertise, measurable IT governance with proven success in rendering world-class deliverables. Wit ...
Azienda di consulenza e servizi IT, corsi di formazione professionale. Fondata nel 1990. Partner Microsoft, HPE, Watchguard, Libraesva e molti altri.
Sie suchen einen hochprofessionellen IT-Dienstleiter für Personalwesen oder SAP Business One? Jetzt Beratungstermin anfragen!
MICRO VENTURE (M) SDN. BHD. (854371-A) Onsite Training ~ Creative Works ~ ICT Solutions 017-617 2778 / shukri.suleiman@yahoo.com
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of NewGen IT Solutions and Services
View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ZEYXIS LTD
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?d? µp??e?te ?a ß?e?te ???s?µe? p????f???e? s?et??? µe t?? eta???a µa?, ? t?? ?st???a µa?, ta...
? PLATINUM Business Software ?d?????e t? 1992 ?a? d?ast????p??e?ta? st?? t?µ?a t?? ????sµ???? ?a? st?? pa???? s?µß???e?t???? ?p??es??? (consulting), pa?????ta? e?e?d??e?µ??e? ?p??es?e? ?a? p?????ta, p?? s?et????ta? µe t?? eµp??????/????st????/??????µ??...
Ihr IT-Spezialist für Digitalisierung
At Affinite, we transform businesses through technology. Providing innovative technology solutions with robust data protection infrastructure, to evolve organisations for the increasingly digitalised world.
Digital One Solutions provides end-to-end support for customer to migrate into different leading cloud platforms with 7x24 support to ensure business is up and running
???a?????f?s? ?p??e???se?? - ERP / CRM | ?atas?e?? e-Shop & Website | Cloud & Web Hosting | ??????ta ?????f??????
W Exorigo Upos integrujemy systemy i dostarczamy uslugi IT wspierajace rozwój biznesu, zwlaszcza branzy retail. Od 30 lat realizujemy projekty IT, dostarczamy drukarki fiskalne wraz z usluga serwisu i tworzymy oprogramowanie. Zapewniamy klientom pelna ...
Effektive IT-Strategien für Ihr Unternehmen: ncc guttermann aus Münster unterstützt Sie mit professionellen IT-Konzepten. Jetzt vom Experten beraten lassen!
Axel Network is the leading networking solution provider with a strong customer base in the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat, India. The company is serving its clients with solutions such as Firewall/UTM, Wi-fi, Routers, Switches, Structured Cabling, Vi...
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