OFIS SOFT is a first-rate Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution provider in the MENA region established in 1986.
OFIS SOFT is an Oracle Gold Partner, the producer and the owner of AL-MOTAKAMEL ERP.
OFIS SOFT can help you to implement the optimum business cycle in ( Supply Chain, Sales & Distribution Cycle, HR, Accounting, Production Control and Production Costing) according to your vertical and show how to overcome any challenges in the current process depending on our 37 years of experience and 1200+ clients in Arab countries in many verticals specially trading & manufacturing sectors.
Partner Program Description:
Partner Obligations:
1- Generate qualified sales leads.
Partner Revenue :
1- 50 R.O for every sales lead generated by partner (it means Demonstrations after we accept the case).
2- Addition 50 R.O for each qualified lead if generate 3 qualified leads per month (it means 3 Demonstrations after we accept the case). (Monthly based account).
3- 10 % of total revenue from sales contracts for software licenses and implementation fees generated by the partner if achieving 40,000 R.O per year.
4- 15 % of total revenue from sales contracts for software licenses and implementation fees generated by the partner if achieving more than 40,000 R.O per year.