Find the best Hr Administration solutions companies in Europe

Find in the list below the best Hr Administration solutions providers that are currently on our platform to help you with implementation, training or consulting services in Europe.

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B&G EDV-Systeme wurde 1993 von den Informatikern Olaf Becker und Andreas Greiner gegründet und hat seinen Firmensitz im TechnoMarl. B&G EDV-Systeme hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen ein leistungsstarker und zuverlässi...

Retail Experts is een advies en implementatie bedrijf dat organisaties begeleidt in het proces van transformatie. De 'consumer on the move' van vandaag is rusteloos en steeds op zoek naar nieuwe bevrediging. Nieuwe concurrentie komt via alle mogeli...

Neocase™ Software is a leading provider of integrated HRIS and Finance service delivery solutions. Providing cost-effective and powerful solutions

United Kingdom

iTrain are Oracle & SAP specialists providing consulting & training services; full-scale ERP roll out to Java & SAP technical courses & elearning development.

ZOHO CRM Integration, API Integration, Zapier Integration with ZOHO CRM , Deluge Scripting, ZOHO Creator Custom Application development .

Fleet Simplicity offers it’s customers extensive experience and technical knowledge, so that it can provide the processes and products necessary to optimise staff and fleet efficiency in today’s competitive market. With the products, support and end...

Balance Payroll Ltd - Bespoke Payroll Bureau in Tring, Hertfordshire for small to medium sized businesses throughout the UK.

Ethic HR is a boutique human resources consulting firm for delivering tailor made recruitment, training and consultancy services. We differentiate from mass recruiters by trying to understand customer first by its business, core competencies and va...

Willkommen bei MEGA Software GmbH in Dortmund. Finanzbuchhaltung, Lohnbuchhaltung und Warenwirtschaft sind der Kern von MegaPlus®. Weitere flexible Module wie zum Beispiel Anlagenbuchhaltung, Controlling, Personalmanagement und weitere Module, aus dene...

Human Performance es una empresa de consultoría de las organizaciones en el área del Desarrollo del Talento.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Svennerstal and Partners

HR Consulting, Transition management, Executive search

Master Consulting es un Headhunter especializado en la Búsqueda Directa “Executive Search” de Directivos y Profesionales Clave.

HFMtalentindex biedt online assessment instrumenten en Talent Analytics tools die uw organisatie helpen meer rendement uit talent te halen. 085 401 50 50

We are a full service Organisation Effectiveness and Development Consultancy based in Glasgow with a global reach. Learn more about our services.

? Wir sind SAP Spezialisten für Automatisierte Dokumentenverarbeitung und hybride Architekturen den Bereichen Einkauf ? Finanzen ? Personal ? und IT ?

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of LEVEL9

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of ESN EnergieSystemeNord

Optimale Workforce Management Lösungen von ATOSS für alle Branchen & Unternehmen: vorhandene Personalressourcen effizienter einsetzen? Unternehmen langfristig produktiver & wettbewerbsfähiger machen? von modernster Technologie & höchster Funktionalität...

Changepoint Advisory - Unternehmensberatung für Organisationseffizienz. Wir heben Ihr Potential und bringen Ihr Unternehmen auf Höchstgeschwindigkeit! va ofera servicii de externalizare salarii si management hr la cele mai inalte standarde, cu costuri reduse. Program eficient de calcul al salariilor.

Blue Coach helps organizations predict performance, increase the productivity and the performance of leadership, decrease turnover and improve staff satisfaction and engagement.

awair: strumenti e metodi per espandere la consapevolezza, sviluppare il talento individuale e trasformare l’organizzazione.

Daviker supplies, installs, supports and develops software products and services to help our customers’ businesses grow. Daviker continually endeavours to produce business applications that increase productivity, efficiency and profitability.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Hagvangur

We Help You Achieve Your Project Goals

Vår passion är arbetspsykologi och vi använder det för att skapa effektivare organisationer. Här diskuterar vi hur psykologi och test kan förbättra arbetslivet.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of AandD Resources

Zapewniamy kompleksowe uslugi z zakresu rekrutacji i konsultingu HR

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of The Scala Group

Mit digitalem Testen immer einen Schritt voraus sein! Entdecken Sie die digitale Welt von SCHUHFRIED und profitieren Sie von unserem Know-How!

Doradztwo personalne istniejace od 1991 roku. Oceniamy kompetencje wg metod assessment i development center, ocena 360 stopni, prowadzimy selekcje na rózne stanowiska oraz realizujemy projekty typu talenty, sprzedaz i przywództwo. Dostarczamy równiez n...

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Sme prvou volbou pre klientov, ktorí chcú viac, než len tradicné riešenie. Pomôžeme vám rozpoznat a rozvíjat ludský potenciál v zmysle vašej vízie.

Amrop Is One Of The World's Largest Executive Search Firms & Leadership Recruitment Partnerships. Worldwide Leadership Services, Assessment & Board Services.

SharePoint business applications including SharePoint HR, LMS, QHSE and SharePoint CRM from PointSolutions.

Pearn Kandola is a business psychology consultancy offering services to HR professionals in assessment, development, diversity and well-being of employees.

a&dc are the leaders in assessment for selection & recruitment, plus development for management & leadership development. Get in touch to discover more.

Assessment Systems ürünleri, agirlikli olarak kurumlarin seçme ve yerlestirme sürecinde ise alma kararini güçlendirmek, pozisyona uygun adayi belirlemek ve is performansi yüksek adaylari tahmin etmek amaciyla tercih edilmekte; bunlarin yani sira egitim...

We are a global HR Company, who believe in #TheBestOfUs and the improvement through people. Our mission is to think and make HR differentlly, think deeper, beign creative and innovating in each work we deliver. We work with deep respect for our clie...

UTilia siamo specializzati in soluzioni per la lettura delle caratteristiche delle persone nei processi di selezione, training, sviluppo e coaching. Tel.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of The Performance Partnership

We deliver a wide variety of services that focus on developing leadership capabilities to achieve organisations' business objectives.

HRC, The HR Company, is a leading provider of Recruitment and HR Management Solutions in Azerbaijan.Operating since 1999 HRC has been built up on its core values of professionalism, efficiency and honesty.Our client portfolio has rapidly increased and ...

Want to make your talent management system more manageable? Upsteem's Saas talent management suite enhances your efforts to retain and develop your team.

United Kingdom

Talent management solutions with unrivalled support. Combining science with HR expertise. Trusted partner to the world's biggest employers.

Improve your recruitment process with our industry-leading psychometric tests, personality assessments and aptitude & ability tests. Effectively measure and develop talent. Saville Assessment are an Aptitude Test & Psychometric Assessment Provider trus...

Naša vizija je posameznikom zagotavljati spoštljivo, iskreno, enakopravno in eticno obravnavo.

United Kingdom

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Make your people great. We help you get the best from and for your people, transforming organisational performance

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At Tap’d Solutions we are passionate about enabling people to be the best they can and to be ready for the future of work.

For a better candidate-job matching. A seamless and automated integration throughout the entire recruitment process saves time and money.

Assess, compete & certify your #IT #skills with @_SkillValue!

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View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Brainspotting

Assess, compete & certify your #IT #skills with @_SkillValue!

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of DB Interconsult

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Leading HR Consultancy for small and medium sized business. HR advice, appraisals, disciplinary issues, recruitment, coaching, training, handbooks and policies.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of brain-tec

Notre société fournit des services à haute valeur ajoutée dans le domaine IT. Actifs essentiellement en Suisse, nous travaillons dans les domaines suivants : systèmes d’information, télécommunications, infrastructures, développement logiciel, sécurité ...

Jestesmy Partnerem roku 2017 w uslugach Dynamics 365 Microsoft. Zobacz nasze rozwiazania informatyczne i aplikacje wspierajace procesy biznesowe. Together do IT - to nasze motto i styl dzialania.

eVolpe Consulting Group zostalo zalozone w pazdzierniku 2009r. w Poznaniu. Glówna filozofia firmy eVolpe jest oparta na biznesowych rozwiazaniach typu Open Source, takich jak: SugarCRM, Alfresco, Openbravo ERP, Openbravo POS, Nuxeo DM itp.

Kea HR Solutions provides HR Consultancy and project based HR support. Based in South Yorkshire Tel: 0114 360 0626.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Verita HR

Hamilton HR Solutions is a customer focused and agile company supporting the whole spectrum of HR needs of businesses, from the smallest to the largest organisations. We can help if you are a new start-up needing to form a people plan, an established ...

Pomozemy Ci znalezc, wyszkolic i zmotywowac pracownika tak, aby praca stala sie dla niego przyjemnoscia, a dla Ciebie inwestycja, która bedzie owocowac latami.

Q4 advise businesses on employee engagement , employee engagement surveys and employer branding.

Epicor ERP Software specialists Epaccsys deliver flexible, scalable & robust ERP Software delivered with exceptional customer services. Top UK Reseller.

Vitari er et konsulent- og programvareselskap innen økonomi- og CRM-systemer for små og mellomstore bedrifter i Norge. Vårt mål er å gi våre kunder konkurransefortrinn gjennom effektive forretningsløsninger.

Perrywell are a well-established provider of IT services in Warwickshire providing SMEs with IT services in Birmingham, Worcestershire and beyond.

Based on Merseyside with 30 years experience, PM IT Systems Ltd offer customised solutions and support for business computing needs of SMEs in the Northwest.

United Kingdom

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We are a leading SAP company, specialising in SAP Software & SAP consulting. Discover our full range of services on our website at Absoft today.

United Kingdom

We are focused on delivering the right software solutions and services for you: @adv_public @adv_commercial @adv_3rdsector @adv_ticketing @adv_legal

Die Unternehmensgruppe beschäftigt 340 Mitarbeiter in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz und betreut mit einem globalen Partnernetzwerk mehr als 500 mittelständische, international agierende Produktions-, Handels- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen. ...

Origo er eitt öflugasta fyrirtæki landsins á sviði upplýsingatækni, er leiðandi í þróun þjónustu og lausna og hefur afgerandi áhrif á landslag upplýsingatækni

Greentree ERP Systems from award-winning Business Management Solution Specialists, Prerogative, Reseller of the Year, every year since 2008.

We accelerate digital transformation with web & mobile solutions built securely with Google Cloud. We have expertise in G Suite, GCP, Google Maps & Chrome.

"Die besten Talente gewinnen, leistungsorientiert steuern und gezielt weiterentwickeln - als Partner der beiden führenden Cloud-Softwarehersteller bieten wir Konzeption und Implementierung aus einer Hand." Mit unserer langjährigen Business Engineeri...

NGA HR provides HR and global payroll services, ensuring consistent and compliant payroll in 188+ countries. Visit our website to learn more about our services.

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Positive People Development

View the solutions, services and product portfolio of Planning for People

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