Our story started when Istvan Lam, only 12, received his first cryptography book as a gift from his family. It sparked his interest in security and led him to start his fight for digital privacy in his late teens. 10 years after he first heard of cryptography, he founded Tresorit with 2 other students and the head of a leading IT security institution.
They shared the belief that people have a right to their privacy, even when they share and collaborate online. Not pleased with how large companies exploit internet users' information they started to develop a solution that lets people decide who can access their data, without taking away from the ease of use which made cloud storage services popular. Another priority was to keep it as simple as possible, so that people don’t need to learn new ways of doing things to keep themselves secure.
Today, Tresorit is a 50 people company – where cryptographers, developers, designers and storytellers coexist in peace and harmony.
To demonstrate how much we believe in the capabilities of our secure system, we invited hackers and researchers from around the world to hack it for a prize. Professionals have been trying to get into our servers for 500 days, but nobody could ’win’ this $50,000 prize.
Partner Program Description:
Grow your business as a Tresorit Partner
Introduce your clients to Tresorit, that protects their data from hacker attacks, employee mistakes or government surveillance.
Better client relationships - Your clients will be grateful that you introduced them to Tresorit - a data security solution that doesn't disrupt their workflow.
Predictable recurring revenue - Add a steady revenue stream every month, grow it as your customers grow and purchse Tresorit at discounted prices.
Easy to deploy & maintain - It takes no more than 5 minutes to set up a new user. Users policies can be created on the fly and changed at any time.
Requirement to become a tresorit partner: Conclude and comply with the Tresorit partner contract.